Should the ability to check if a drive is an SSD even work in Windows XP? (And yes, I know it's a can of worms to look into this on XP, trust me I am only doing what I am asked to do by someone else). E.g., If I do the following: #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Script Function: Checks if a drive letter is an SSD drive
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
$s_chkDrv = "E:"
$s_isDrive = DriveGetType($s_chkDrv, $DT_DRIVETYPE)
$s_isSSD = DriveGetType($s_chkDrv, $DT_SSDSTATUS)
$s_whatBus = DriveGetType($s_chkDrv, $DT_BUSTYPE)
ConsoleWrite("$s_isDrive=" & $s_isDrive & @CRLF & "$s_isSSD=" & $s_isSSD & @CRLF & "$s_whatBus=" & $s_whatBus & @CRLF) My results are as follows (and I know for certain the drive is an SSD): --> Press Ctrl+Alt+Break to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop $s_isDrive=Fixed $s_isSSD= $s_whatBus=SCSI +>12:44:17 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0 +>12:44:17 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. >Exit code: 0 Time: 0.4762