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  1. I want to take a binary data from any source (string,number,files,etc..) and iterate over each X bits of it in a loop, say take bits 1-5, then 6-10, etc.. Then I want to convert these bits to their corresponding decimal value. but all the binary functions I found in autoit only work with full bytes, and do not let me get smaller sections of bits, like "BinaryMid()" that "Extracts a number of bytes from a binary variant" Can anyone tell me if this is possible to do and how? and also if there is a function to convert those bits to/from decimals? I'm not that familiar with dealing directly with binary, so any help or tips will be very appreciated Context: I'm trying to make a function to encode/decode any given binary data into/from a given array of characters. just like Base64 but using different bases then [a-z A-Z 0-9 +/= ]. My approach currently is to figure out how many bits of binary I can encode with each character, read those bits and convert them to a decimal number, then I will use that number as an index and take the character at that index from the character array and add it to the result string. I'm aware that there may be some padding needed.
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