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Found 4 results

  1. Hi AutoIt programmers, excuse me for bothering you with multiple topics. In AutoIt we can use Number() function to convert Hex string to number but it's output is different of C# output & and i wanna make it's output like AutoIt code. For e.g I use this in AutoIt: Local $dBinary = Binary("Hello") ; Create binary data from a string. Local $dExtract = Number(BinaryMid($dBinary, 1, 5)) ConsoleWrite($dExtract & @CRLF) And i use this for C#: using System; using System.Text; //NameSpace Is Use of Project Name namespace TEST { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { //declaring a variable and assigning hex value string dd = ToHex("Hello", Encoding.ASCII); decimal d = Int64.Parse(dd, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); Console.WriteLine("Result: " + d); //hit ENTER to exit Console.ReadLine(); } public static string ToHex(string sInput, Encoding oEncoding, bool b0x_Prefix = false) { byte[] a_binaryOutput = oEncoding.GetBytes(sInput); string sOutput = BitConverter.ToString(a_binaryOutput).Replace("-", ""); if (b0x_Prefix == false) { return sOutput; } else { return "0x" + sOutput; } } } } I say once again that excuse me for creating new topic, in fact i'm making a library for GAuthOTP from a topic in AutoIt.
  2. Hello everyone. I need to convert any string to 3-digit decimal. It is possible to convert through online tools. Is there any way to do this in AutoIt. For Example ; 8cdb3 = DECIMAL 056 099 100 098 051 Is it possible the conversion above by AutoIt? Thanks.
  3. This code is a subset of an AutoIt tool I wrote for the classic DOS word-processor XyWrite. The tool allows 7-bit Ascii encoding of XyWrite Programming Language programs, with "readability aids" that mimic the way this code looks natively on the DOS screen. This is a special 7-bit encoding that we've used for many years in the XyWrite community to discuss XPL code on the XyWrite Mailing List. But that's neither here nor there. The present subset consists of three utilities, which I offer here for what they're worth. The first, DVIEW.AU3, takes a binary file and displays it in the default Windows text editor, displaying only Ascii chars 32-127, the other chars being represented by ".". The command-line usage is: DVIEW.AU3 <file_in><Enter> The second, DREAD.AU3 (that's "Dee-Read", not "dread" ), provides a similar display, except that characters outside the Ascii 32-127 range are represented by "{nnn}", where "nnn" is the 3-digit decimal Ascii number. (The initial "D" in these utilities' names stands for "decimal".) The output from DREAD.AU3 can be edited to make simple patches to binary files. The output file is named DREAD.TXT. The usage is: DREAD.AU3 <file_in><Enter> The third utility, DWRITE.AU3, takes DREAD output and writes it back to disk as a binary file. So, once you edit the output from DREAD, you write it to disk with: DWRITE.AU3 <file_in><Enter> The default file_in is DREAD.TXT -- i.e., the output of DREAD.AU3. The output file is named DWRITE.BIN, which can be renamed as desired. You'll see that each of these scripts processes the input file character by character. If there's a faster way of doing this, for example by manipulating bit patterns, I'd be pleased to hear about it. Here are the three scripts. Enjoy. ; DVIEW.AU3 -- AutoIt v3 [CarlD rev.9/27/15] ; Display a decimal view of a binary file ; ; Usage: ; DREAD.AU3 file_in ProgressOn(@ScriptName,"Working") Global $iLnLen = 0; Line length meter Local $sTmp = ""; Temp string var Local $sInFile = @ScriptDir & "\DVIEW.IN" If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $sInFile = $CmdLine[1] If Not FileExists($sInFile) Then ProgressOff() MsgBox(16, @Scriptname, $sInFile & " does not exist!", 3) Exit EndIf Local $sTmpFile = @ScriptDir & "\DVIEW.TMP" Local $sOutFile = @ScriptDir & "\DVIEW.TXT" If FileExists($sTmpFile) Then FileDelete($sTmpFile) If FileExists($sOutFile) Then FileDelete($sOutFile) Local $hWrIn = FileOpen($sInFile, 16); Handle for source file Local $sToEncode = FileRead($hWrIn); Binary (hex) string to encode FileClose($hWrIn) Global $sEncoded = ""; Encoded output (string) Local $aEncoded = HexToDec($sToEncode); Binary (hex) to decimal array Local $iAsc = ""; Decimal Ascii number of current char ; Loop through each byte of input string For $i = 1 To UBound($aEncoded) - 1 $iAsc = StringFormat("%03u", $aEncoded[$i]) $sTmp = "" If $iAsc > 31 And $iAsc < 128 Then $sTmp = Chr($aEncoded[$i]) Else $sTmp = "." EndIf $sTmp = AddCrLf($sTmp) If $iLnLen = 0 And $sTmp = "." Then $sTmp = "{046}" If $iLnLen = 0 And $sTmp = ">" Then $sTmp = "{062}" $sEncoded &= $sTmp Next ; Trim double CrLf to one; change trailing space to "{032}" If StringRight($sEncoded, 2) = @CRLF Then _ $sEncoded = StringTrimRight($sEncoded, 2) If StringRight($sEncoded, 1) = " " Then _ $sEncoded = StringTrimRight($sEncoded, 1) & "{032}" ; Add header and footer Local $sHeader = "DVIEW v1.0" & @CRLF $sEncoded = $sHeader & "b-gin [" & $sInFile & "]" & @CRLF & _ $sEncoded & @CRLF & "-nd DVIEW" & @CRLF ; Write output file Local $hWrOut = FileOpen($sTmpFile, 2) FileWrite($sTmpFile, $sEncoded) FileClose($hWrOut) FileMove($sTmpFile, $sOutFile, 1) ProgressSet(100, "Done") Sleep(2000) ProgressOff() ShellExecute($sOutFile) ; --------- Function DeFinitions --------- Func HexToDec($sHexIn); Convert hex string to decimal array $aHexChars = StringSplit($sHexIn, "") Local $aHexIn[UBound($aHexChars) / 2] Local $j = 0 For $i = 1 To UBound($aHexChars) Step 2 If $i + 1 <= UBound($aHexChars) Then $aHexIn[$j] = $aHexChars[$i] & $aHexChars[$i + 1] $j += 1 Else ExitLoop EndIf Next Local $aDecOut[UBound($aHexIn)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aHexIn) - 1 $aDecOut[$i] = Dec($aHexIn[$i]) Next Return $aDecOut EndFunc ;==>HexToDec Func AddCrLf($sIn); Add line breaks to output $iLnLen += StringLen($sIn) If $iLnLen > 74 Then $sIn &= @CRLF $iLnLen = 0 EndIf Return $sIn EndFunc ;==>AddCrLf ; DREAD.AU3 -- AutoIt v3 [CarlD rev.9/27/15] ; Display a decimal view of a binary file ; ; Usage: ; DREAD.AU3 file_in ProgressOn(@ScriptName,"Working") Global $iLnLen = 0; Line length meter Local $sTmp = ""; Temp string var Local $sInFile = @ScriptDir & "\DREAD.IN" If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $sInFile = $CmdLine[1] If Not FileExists($sInFile) Then ProgressOff() MsgBox(16, @Scriptname, $sInFile & " does not exist!", 3) Exit EndIf Local $sTmpFile = @ScriptDir & "\DREAD.TMP" Local $sOutFile = @ScriptDir & "\DREAD.TXT" If FileExists($sTmpFile) Then FileDelete($sTmpFile) If FileExists($sOutFile) Then FileDelete($sOutFile) Local $hWrIn = FileOpen($sInFile, 16); Handle for source file Local $sToEncode = FileRead($hWrIn); Binary (hex) string to encode FileClose($hWrIn) Global $sEncoded = ""; Encoded output (string) Local $aEncoded = HexToDec($sToEncode); Binary (hex) to decimal array Local $iAsc = ""; Decimal Ascii number of current char ; Loop through each byte of input string For $i = 1 To UBound($aEncoded) - 1 $iAsc = StringFormat("%03u", $aEncoded[$i]) $sTmp = "" If $iAsc > 31 And $iAsc < 128 Then $sTmp = Chr($aEncoded[$i]) Else $sTmp = "{" & $iAsc & "}" EndIf $sTmp = AddCrLf($sTmp) If $iLnLen = 0 And $sTmp = "." Then $sTmp = "{046}" If $iLnLen = 0 And $sTmp = ">" Then $sTmp = "{062}" $sEncoded &= $sTmp Next ; Trim double CrLf to one; change trailing space to "{032}" If StringRight($sEncoded, 2) = @CRLF Then _ $sEncoded = StringTrimRight($sEncoded, 2) If StringRight($sEncoded, 1) = " " Then _ $sEncoded = StringTrimRight($sEncoded, 1) & "{032}" ; Add header and footer Local $sHeader = "DeeREAD v1.0" & @CRLF $sEncoded = $sHeader & "b-gin [" & $sInFile & "]" & @CRLF & _ $sEncoded & @CRLF & "-nd DeeREAD" & @CRLF ; Write output file Local $hWrOut = FileOpen($sTmpFile, 2) FileWrite($sTmpFile, $sEncoded) FileClose($hWrOut) FileMove($sTmpFile, $sOutFile, 1) ProgressSet(100, "Done") Sleep(2000) ProgressOff() ShellExecute($sOutFile) ; --------- Function DeFinitions --------- Func HexToDec($sHexIn); Convert hex string to decimal array $aHexChars = StringSplit($sHexIn, "") Local $aHexIn[UBound($aHexChars) / 2] Local $j = 0 For $i = 1 To UBound($aHexChars) Step 2 If $i + 1 <= UBound($aHexChars) Then $aHexIn[$j] = $aHexChars[$i] & $aHexChars[$i + 1] $j += 1 Else ExitLoop EndIf Next Local $aDecOut[UBound($aHexIn)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aHexIn) - 1 $aDecOut[$i] = Dec($aHexIn[$i]) Next Return $aDecOut EndFunc ;==>HexToDec Func AddCrLf($sIn); Add line breaks to output $iLnLen += StringLen($sIn) If $iLnLen > 74 Then If $sIn = " " Then $sIn = "{032}" $sIn &= @CRLF $iLnLen = 0 EndIf Return $sIn EndFunc ;==>AddCrLf ; DWRITE.AU3 -- AutoIt v3 [CarlD rev.9/27/15] ; Write DVIEW encoding as binary file ; ; Usage: ; DWRITE.AU3 file_in ; Output is sent to @ScriptDir & "DWRITE.BIN" ProgressOn(@ScriptName,"Working") Local $sInFile = @ScriptDir & "\DREAD.TXT" If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $sInFile = $CmdLine[1] If Not FileExists($sInFile) Then ProgressOff() MsgBox(16, @Scriptname, $sInFile & " does not exist!", 3) Exit EndIf Local $sTmpFile = @ScriptDir & "\DWRITE.TMP" Local $sOutFile = @ScriptDir & "\DWRITE.BIN" Local $hWrIn = FileOpen($sInFile); Handle for source file Local $sMaster = FileRead($hWrIn); Master string to decode FileClose($hWrIn) Local $sToDecode = "" Local $aTmp = "" ; Remove header|footer If StringLeft($sMaster, 9) = "DeeREAD v" Then _ $sMaster = StringTrimLeft($sMaster, StringInStr($sMaster, "]")) If StringRight($sMaster, 13) = "-nd DeeREAD" & @CRLF Then _ $sMaster = StringTrimRight($sMaster, 13) Local $sFinished = "" Local $iChunkSz = 512 Local $iAdd = 0 ; - - - - - - Main Loop - - - - - - While $sMaster If StringLen($sMaster) > $iChunkSz Then $sToDecode = StringLeft($sMaster, $iChunkSz) $sMaster = StringTrimLeft($sMaster, $iChunkSz) If StringRight($sToDecode, 2) <> @CRLF Then $iAdd = 1 + StringInStr($sMaster, @CRLF) $sToDecode &= StringLeft($sMaster, $iAdd) $sMaster = StringTrimLeft($sMaster, $iAdd) EndIf Else $sToDecode = $sMaster $sMaster = "" EndIf ; Strip CrLfs $sToDecode = StringReplace($sToDecode, @CRLF, "") ; "{nnn}" ==> 1-byte Ascii char; Local $aTmp = StringSplit($sToDecode, "{") Local $iAsc = -1 For $i = 1 To UBound($aTmp) - 1 $iAsc = StringLeft($aTmp[$i], 3) If StringInStr($aTmp[$i], "}") = 4 And _ StringIsDigit($iAsc) Then If $iAsc > -1 And $iAsc < 256 Then $sToDecode = StringReplace($sToDecode, "{" & _ StringLeft($aTmp[$i], 4), Chr($iAsc)) EndIf EndIf Next $sFinished &= $sToDecode $sToDecode = "" WEnd ; - - - - - End Main Loop - - - - - ; Write output file Local $hWrOut = FileOpen($sTmpFile, 2) FileWrite($sTmpFile, $sFinished) FileClose($hWrOut) FileMove($sTmpFile, $sOutFile, 1) ProgressOff() MsgBox(0, @ScriptName, "Output in " & $sOutFile, 5) ; Done
  4. Hello everybody! I'm having trouble with rounding. The program I'm using rounds decimals down. Autoit's round function rounds them up. Example: round(174.126, 2) = 174.13 I need that round to be 174.12. Here's the actually script: #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:Program FilesAutoinstallForm1.kxf $Form1 = GUICreate("AutoCalc", 227, 200, 15, 15, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculate", 8, 144, 99, 25) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 120, 144, 91, 25) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 72, 136, 4, 4) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Input", 8, 8, 209, 129) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Rate", 16, 32, 27, 17) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of Nights", 16, 64, 86, 17) $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("0.00", 112, 24, 89, 21, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_RIGHT)) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total", 16, 96, 45, 28) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 112, 56, 89, 21, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_RIGHT)) ;$Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0.00", 136, 96, 39, 28) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit case $Button1 ;$val = round((((((GUICtrlRead($input1) * .1545) + GUICtrlRead($input1)) + 1.5 + .13) * GUICtrlRead($input2))), 2) $val = (((((GUICtrlRead($input1) * .1545) + GUICtrlRead($input1)) + 1.5 + .13) * GUICtrlRead($input2))) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($val, 136, 96, 39, 28) case $Button2 Exit EndSwitch WEnd
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