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Found 4 results

  1. I was thinking but I don't have the experience, so you may have the experience. I was thinking to chop a DB with 100.000 ( 20 columns ) in 10.000 DB chunks ( 10 DBs ) and query concurrently all of them to speed up a search, then add the results. Is that a sound idea ? Or will I run in trouble down the road. Should a DB better be keep in one piece ? The DB is now in MySQL. I wanna do all this chopping and use SQLite. Thanks [solved]
  2. Good morning community! I am working on a script which read from a text file ( .txt ) and should import all the content in a SQLite3 DB, in order to execute some queries that should be difficult to execute on a text file. So, I was looking for something very very fast, because the file could be very large ( I don't know exaclty how much can became big, but I know a lot of rows, it's a log file ... ) I found the "Import method", but I don't know If I can implement it in a query ( @jchd, it's your turn! ) Do you know some methods that I can implement in my script to have a very very fast import of thousands and thousands rows in a SQLite3 DB? Thanks a lot Francesco
  3. Good morning I'd like to know if someone else here has already tried to use an AutoIt script which work on the same DB ( i.e. SQLite ) on different Computers. If yes, please answer here, because I'd like to develop it, and I don't know where to start ( i.e. , I don't know how the script would work if 2 or more users are writing/reading in the same moment... ) Thanks!
  4. Hi, all. I'm a newbie in Autoit. I want to connect PostrgreSQL to Autoit. After I research it in this forum, I cannot find the correct way to connect PostgreSQL. Can someone help me? I just know how to connect it with MySQL. Thank you.
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