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  1. Version v2.4.0


    Encryption / Decryption / Hashing / Signing Purpose Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) is Microsoft's long-term replacement for their CryptoAPI. Microsoft's CNG is designed to be extensible at many levels and cryptography agnostic in behavior. Although the Crypt.au3 UDF lib that is installed with AutoIt3 still works well, the advapi32.dll functions that it uses have been deprecated. In addition the Crypt.au3 UDF lib, as it is currently written, has a very limited ability to decrypt AES data that was not encrypted using Crypt.au3 functions. That is because Crypt.au3 functions do not allow you to specify an actual key or initialization vector (IV). It only lets you specify data to be used to derive a key and uses a static IV. This UDF was created to offer a replacement for the deprecated functions used by Crypt.au3. According to Microsoft, deprecated functions may be removed in future release. It was also created to allow more flexibility and functionality in encryption/decryption/hashing/signing and to expand the ability for users to implement cryptography in their scripts. Description This UDF implements some of Microsoft's Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) Win32 API functions. It implements functions to encrypt/decrypt text and files, generate hashes, derive keys using Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2), create and verify signatures, and has several cryptography-related helper functions. The UDF can implement any encryption/decryption algorithms and hashing algorithms that are supported by the installed cryptography providers on the PC in which it is running. Most, if not all, of the "magic number" values that you would commonly use to specify that desired algorithms, key bit lengths, and other magic number type values, are already defined as constants or enums in the UDF file. To flatten the learning curve, there is an example file that shows examples of all of the major functionality. This example file is not created to be an exhaustive set of how to implement each feature and parameter. It is designed to give you a template or guide to help you hit the ground running in terms of using the functions. I have tried to fully document the headers of all of the functions as well as the code within the functions themselves. As of v1.4.0, there is also a Help file that includes all of the functions, with examples. Current UDF Functions Algorithm-Specific Symmetric Encryption/Decryption Functions _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_EncryptData _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_DecryptData _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_EncryptFile _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_DecryptFile _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_EncryptData _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_DecryptData _CryptoNG_AES_GCM_EncryptData _CryptoNG_AES_GCM_DecryptData _CryptoNG_3DES_CBC_EncryptData _CryptoNG_3DES_CBC_DecryptData _CryptoNG_3DES_CBC_EncryptFile _CryptoNG_3DES_CBC_DecryptFile Generic Symmetric Encryption/Decryption Functions _CryptoNG_EncryptData _CryptoNG_DecryptData _CryptoNG_EncryptFile _CryptoNG_DecryptFile Hashing Functions _CryptoNG_HashData _CryptoNG_HashFile _CryptoNG_PBKDF2 Asymmetric (Public/Private Key) Cryptography Functions _CryptoNG_ECDSA_CreateKeyPair _CryptoNG_ECDSA_SignHash _CryptoNG_ECDSA_VerifySignature _CryptoNG_RSA_CreateKeyPair _CryptoNG_RSA_CreateKeyPairEx _CryptoNG_RSA_EncryptData _CryptoNG_RSA_DecryptData _CryptoNG_RSA_SignHash _CryptoNG_RSA_VerifySignature Misc / Helper Functions _CryptoNG_CryptBinaryToString _CryptoNG_CryptStringToBinary _CryptoNG_GenerateRandom _CryptoNG_EnumAlgorithms _CryptoNG_EnumRegisteredProviders _CryptoNG_EnumKeyStorageProviders _CryptoNG_LastErrorMessage _CryptoNG_Version Related Links Cryptography API: Next Generation - Main Page Cryptography API: Next Generation - Reference Cryptography API: Next Generation - Primitives Cryptography API: Next Generation - Cryptographic Algorithm Providers
  2. I found an interesting RC4 implementation on Github that was available in PHP and Javascript in a compatible way. So I ported it to AutoIt keeping it compatible with the PHP/Javascript versions. The problem with RC4 is that most of the implementations are only based on the original spec, and not compatible to it. Therefore if you are developing something that must communicate between different platforms (for example, encrypt at the AutoIt side and decrypt at the PHP side), you're usually out of luck. But what about Crypt.au3? It uses Windows implementation, which is also not standard and therefore isn't compatible with the PHP/JS versions as well (with "compatible" I mean: "giving the same string and encryption key, you'll get the same output"). What about huge data/files? I'd suggest not to use this version for huge amounts of data since it's entirely AU3 based and may be slow for that. So why would I use this version? Because you are developing something that uses PHP, Javascript and/or AutoIt and they must speak the same language (I mean: they must produce the same outputs and be able to decrypt strings encrypted on a different programming language). But it's giving me unreadable outputs. Yeah RC4 does it. It's up to you to use Base64 or hex encoding if you really need it. Then why don't I use base64 directly? Base64 isn't meant to protect data. It's meant to make binary data easy and safe to store by converting it to readable characters. That's why it doesn't include password protection. Here's the code: Func rc4($sKey, $sStr) Local $s[256], $j = 0, $x, $res, $y, $i Local $uBound For $i = 0 To 255 $s[$i] = $i Next For $i = 0 To 255 $j = Mod(($j + $s[$i] + Asc(StringMid($sKey, Mod($i, StringLen($sKey))+1, 1))), 256) $x = $s[$i] $s[$i] = $s[$j] $s[$j] = $x Next $i = 0 $j = 0 For $y = 0 To StringLen($sStr)-1 $i = Mod(($i + 1), 256) $j = Mod(($j + $s[$i]), 256) $x = $s[$i] $s[$i] = $s[$j] $s[$j] = $x $res &= Chr(BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($sStr, $y+1, 1)), ($s[Mod(($s[$i] + $s[$j]), 256)]))) Next Return $res EndFunc Note that since rc4 is dual-way, doing rc4("same key here", "encrypted string") will get back your decrypted string (there's no need to a separated decrypt function).
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