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Hi guys! A pretty simple UDF to convert HTML to PDF using wkHTMLtoPDF. It uses the C API of the tool (DLL), so no external process, no ActiveX or COM sh*t. See the example, and the documentation of wkHTMLtoPDF. Cheers
Hello I have two function to convert Latitude and longitude to UTM and vice versa Examples of use: $utm_X= 607187.665391066 $utm_y= 4740057.65037195 $long=0 $lat=0 $x=0 $y=0 $utmz=30; UTM zone $SUR=False $DATUM=0 UTMtoGeog($utm_X,$utm_y, $long, $lat, $utmz, $SUR, $DATUM ) ConsoleWrite(" Lat: 42.805572 " & $lat & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" Long: -1.689084 " & $long & @CRLF) $lat = 42.805572 $long= -1.689084 GeogToUTM($lat, $long, $x, $y , $utmz, $SUR, $DATUM) ConsoleWrite(" X: 607187.665391066 607187.6 " & $x & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" Y: 4740057.65037195 4740057.6 " & $y & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" Zone: 30 " & $utmz & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" SUR: False " & $SUR & @CRLF) The DATUM could be: //Datum Info here: ;~ 0 //WGS 84 ;~ 1 //NAD 83 ;~ 2 //GRS 80 ;~ 3 //WGS 72 ;~ 4 //Australian 1965 ;~ 5 //Krasovsky 1940 ;~ 6 //North American 1927 ;~ 7 //International 1924 ;~ 8 //Hayford 1909 ;~ 9 //Clarke 1880 ;~ 10 //Clarke 1866 ;~ 11 //Airy 1830 ;~ 12 //Bessel 1841 ;~ 13 //Everest 1830 I hope they'll be useful Func GeogToUTM($lat, $long, Byref $x, Byref $y , Byref $utmz, Byref $SUR, $DATUM=0) ;//Convert Latitude and Longitude to UTM ; With Latitud ($lat) and Longitud ($long) get UTM X ($x), UTM y ($y), UTM Zone ($utmz) and hemisphere ($SUR=False is North, $SUR=true is South) ; $DATUM by default is WGS 84 (0) ; Example of use: ; Local $lat, $long, $x, $y , $utmz, $SUR ; $lat = 42.805572 ; $long= -1.689084 ; GeogToUTM($lat, $long, $x, $y , $utmz, $SUR) ; ConsoleWrite("UTM X: " & $x & @CRLF) ; ConsoleWrite("UTM Y: " & $y & @CRLF) ; ConsoleWrite("UTM Zone: " & $utmz & @CRLF) ; ConsoleWrite("UTM hemisphere SUR: " & $SUR & @CRLF) ;~ //Datum Info here: Name, a, b, f, 1/f ;~ 0 //WGS 84 6,378,137.0 6356752.314 0.003352811 298.2572236 ;~ 1 //NAD 83 6,378,137.0 6356752.314 0.003352811 298.2572236 ;~ 2 //GRS 80 6,378,137.0 6,356,752.3 0.003352811 298.2572215 ;~ 3 //WGS 72 6,378,135.0 6,356,750.5 0.003352783 298.2597208 ;~ 4 //Australian 1965 6,378,160.0 6,356,774.7 0.003352895 298.2497323 ;~ 5 //Krasovsky 1940 6,378,245.0 6,356,863.0 0.003352333 298.2997381 ;~ 6 //North American 1927 6,378,206.4 6,356,583.8 0.003390075 294.9786982 ;~ 7 //International 1924 6,378,388.0 6,356,911.9 0.003367011 296.9993621 ;~ 8 //Hayford 1909 6,378,388.0 6,356,911.9 0.003367011 296.9993621 ;~ 9 //Clarke 1880 6,378,249.1 6,356,514.9 0.00340755 293.4660167 ;~ 10 //Clarke 1866 6,378,206.4 6,356,583.8 0.003390075 294.9786982 ;~ 11 //Airy 1830 6,377,563.4 6,356,256.9 0.003340853 299.3247788 ;~ 12 //Bessel 1841 6,377,397.2 6,356,079.0 0.003342774 299.1527052 ;~ 13 //Everest 1830 6,377,276.3 6,356,075.4 0.003324444 300.8021499 ; More information in: ; ; IMPORT from javascript version of: ;Declarations(); Local $M_PI= 3.14159265358979323846 Local $DatumEqRad [14] = [6378137.0,6378137.0,6378137.0,6378135.0,6378160.0,6378245.0,6378206.4, 6378388.0,6378388.0,6378249.1,6378206.4,6377563.4,6377397.2,6377276.3]; Local $DatumFlat[14] = [298.2572236, 298.2572236, 298.2572215, 298.2597208, 298.2497323, 298.2997381, 294.9786982, 296.9993621, 296.9993621, 293.4660167, 294.9786982, 299.3247788, 299.1527052, 300.8021499]; Local $Item = $DATUM Local $k0 = 0.9996;//scale on central meridian Local $a = $DatumEqRad[$Item];//equatorial radius, meters. Local $f = 1/$DatumFlat[$Item];//polar flattening. Local $b = $a*(1-$f);//polar axis. Local $e = Sqrt (1 - ($b*$b)/($a*$a));//eccentricity Local $drad = $M_PI/180;//Convert degrees to radians) Local $latd = 0;//latitude in degrees Local $phi = 0;//latitude (north +, south -), but uses phi in reference Local $e0 = $e/Sqrt(1 - $e*$e);//e prime in reference ;; Creo que no hace falta y da error $N = $a/Sqrt(1-Math.pow($e*sin($phi)),2); Local $T = (Tan($phi)^2); Local $C = ($e*(cos($phi)^2)); Local $lng = 0;//Longitude (e = +, w = -) - can't use long - reserved word Local $lng0 = 0;//longitude of central meridian Local $lngd = 0;//longitude in degrees Local $M = 0;//M requires calculation ;$x = 0;//x coordinate ;$y = 0;//y coordinate Local $k = 1;//local scale ;$utmz = 30;//utm zone Local $zcm = 0;//zone central meridian Local $DigraphLetrsE = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; Local $DigraphLetrsN = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUV"; ;document.getElementById("EqRadBox").value = a; ;document.getElementById("PolRadBox").value = b; ;document.getElementById("FlatBox").value = f; ;document.getElementById("RecipBox").value = 1/f; ;Consolewrite ("EqRadBox " & $a & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite ("PolRadBox " & $b & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite ("FlatBox " & $f & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite ("RecipBox " & (1/$f) & @CRLF) Local $OOZok = false; ;Fin de Declarations ;$k0 = 0.9996;//scale on central meridian ;$b = a*(1-f);//polar axis. ;//alert(a+" "+b); ;//alert(1-(b/a)*(b/a)); ;$e = Math.sqrt(1 - (b/a)*(b/a));//eccentricity ;//alert(e); ;//Input Geographic Coordinates ;//Decimal Degree Option Local $latd0 = $lat ;parseFloat(document.getElementById("DDLatBox0").value); Local $lngd0 = $long; parseFloat(document.getElementById("DDLonBox0").value); ;latd1 = Math.abs(parseFloat(document.getElementById("DLatBox0").value)); ;latd1 = latd1 + parseFloat(document.getElementById("MLatBox0").value)/60; ;latd1 = latd1 + parseFloat(document.getElementById("SLatBox0").value)/3600; ;if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("DLatBox0").value)<0){latd1=-latd1;} ;lngd1 = Math.abs(parseFloat(document.getElementById("DLonBox0").value)); ;lngd1 = lngd1 + parseFloat(document.getElementById("MLonBox0").value)/60; ;lngd1 = lngd1 + parseFloat(document.getElementById("SLonBox0").value)/3600; ;if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("DLonBox0").value)<0){lngd1=-lngd1;} $lngd=$lngd0; $latd=$latd0; ;if(isNaN(latd)){ ;latd = latd1; ;document.getElementById("DDLatBox0").value = Math.floor(1000000*latd)/1000000; ;lngd=lngd1; ;document.getElementById("DDLonBox0").value = Math.floor(1000000*lngd)/1000000; ;} ;if(isNaN(lngd)){lngd = latd1;} If (Not (IsNumber($latd)) )Or (Not (IsNumber($lngd)) ) Then ;if(isNaN(latd)|| isNaN(lngd)){ ;alert("Non-Numeric Input Value"); ConsoleWrite("Non-Numeric Input Value" & @CRLF) EndIf ;} ;if(latd <-90 || latd> 90){ If ($latd <-90 Or $latd> 90) then ;alert("Latitude must be between -90 and 90"); ConsoleWrite("Latitude must be between -90 and 90" & @CRLF) EndIf ;if(lngd <-180 || lngd > 180){ If ($lngd <-180 Or $lngd > 180) then ;alert("Latitude must be between -180 and 180"); ConsoleWrite("Longitud must be between -180 and 180") ;} EndIf $xd = $lngd; $yd = $latd; ;?????????????????????????? ES NECESARIO ????????????????????????? ;DDtoDMS(); ;//Read Input from DMS Boxes ;document.getElementById("DLatBox0").value = Math.floor(ydd); ;document.getElementById("MLatBox0").value = ym; ;document.getElementById("SLatBox0").value = Math.floor(1000*ys)/1000; ;document.getElementById("DLonBox0").value = Math.floor(xdd); ;document.getElementById("MLonBox0").value = xm; ;document.getElementById("SLonBox0").value = Math.floor(1000*xs)/1000; ;?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? $phi = $latd*$drad;//Convert latitude to radians $lng = $lngd*$drad;//Convert longitude to radians $utmz = 1 + floor(($lngd+180)/6);//calculate utm zone $latz = 0;//Latitude zone: A-B S of -80, C-W -80 to +72, X 72-84, Y,Z N of 84 ;if (latd > -80 && latd < 72){latz = Math.floor((latd + 80)/8)+2;} If ($latd > -80 And $latd < 72) Then $latz = floor(($latd + 80)/8)+2 EndIf ;if (latd > 72 && latd < 84){latz = 21;} If ($latd > 72 AND $latd < 84) Then $latz = 21 EndIf ;if (latd > 84){latz = 23;} If $latd > 84 Then $latz = 23 EndIf $zcm = 3 + 6*($utmz-1) - 180;//Central meridian of zone ;//alert(utmz + " " + zcm); ;//Calculate Intermediate Terms $e0 = $e/sqrt(1 - $e*$e);//Called e prime in reference $esq = (1 - ($b/$a)*($b/$a));//e squared for use in expansions $e0sq = $e*$e/(1-$e*$e);// e0 squared - always even powers ;//alert(esq+" "+e0sq) ;N = a/Math.sqrt(1-Math.pow(e*Math.sin(phi),2)); $N = $a/sqrt(1-(($e*sin($phi))^2)); ;//alert(1-Math.pow(e*Math.sin(phi),2)); ;//alert("N= "+N); $T = (tan($phi)^2); ;//alert("T= "+T); ;C = e0sq*Math.pow(Math.cos(phi),2); $C = $e0sq*(cos($phi)^2); ;//alert("C= "+C); $A1 = ($lngd-$zcm)*$drad*cos($phi); ;//alert("A= "+A); ;//Calculate M ;M = phi*(1 - esq*(1/4 + esq*(3/64 + 5*esq/256))); ;M = M - Math.sin(2*phi)*(esq*(3/8 + esq*(3/32 + 45*esq/1024))); ;M = M + Math.sin(4*phi)*(esq*esq*(15/256 + esq*45/1024)); ;M = M - Math.sin(6*phi)*(esq*esq*esq*(35/3072)); $M = $phi*(1 - $esq*(1/4 + $esq*(3/64 + 5*$esq/256))); ;Consolewrite("M1 " & $M & @CRLF) $M = $M -sin(2*$phi)*($esq*(3/8 + $esq*(3/32 + 45*$esq/1024))); ;Consolewrite("M2 " & $M & @CRLF) $M = $M + sin(4*$phi)*($esq*$esq*(15/256 + $esq*45/1024)); ;Consolewrite("M3 " & $M & @CRLF) $M = $M - sin(6*$phi)*($esq*$esq*$esq*(35/3072)); ;Consolewrite("M4 " & $M & @CRLF) $M = $M*$a;//Arc length along standard meridian ;//alert(a*(1 - esq*(1/4 + esq*(3/64 + 5*esq/256)))); ;//alert(a*(esq*(3/8 + esq*(3/32 + 45*esq/1024)))); ;//alert(a*(esq*esq*(15/256 + esq*45/1024))); ;//alert(a*esq*esq*esq*(35/3072)); ;//alert(M); ;Consolewrite("M " & $M & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite("$a " & $a & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite("$A1 " & $A1 & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite("$esq " & $esq & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite("$phi" & $phi & @CRLF) $M0 = 0;//M0 is M for some origin latitude other than zero. Not needed for standard UTM ;//alert("M ="+M); ;//Calculate UTM Values $x = $k0*$N*$A1*(1 + $A1*$A1*((1-$T+$C)/6 + $A1*$A1*(5 - 18*$T + $T*$T + 72*$C -58*$e0sq)/120));//Easting relative to CM $x=$x+500000;//Easting standard ;y = k0*(M - M0 + N*Math.tan(phi)*(A*A*(1/2 + A*A*((5 - T + 9*C + 4*C*C)/24 + A*A*(61 - 58*T + T*T + 600*C - 330*e0sq)/720))));//Northing from equator $y = $k0*($M - $M0 + $N*tan($phi)*($A1*$A1*(1/2 + $A1*$A1*((5 - $T + 9*$C + 4*$C*$C)/24 + $A1*$A1*(61 - 58*$T + $T*$T + 600*$C - 330*$e0sq)/720))));//Northing from equator $yg = $y + 10000000;//yg = y global, from S. Pole ;if (y < 0){y = 10000000+y;} If $y <0 Then $y= 10000000+$y EndIf ;//Output into UTM Boxes ;document.getElementById("UTMzBox1").value = utmz; Esto es la zona ;document.getElementById("UTMeBox1").value = Math.round(10*(x))/10; Esto es X ;document.getElementById("UTMnBox1").value = Math.round(10*y)/10; Esto es Y ;if (phi<0){document.getElementById("SHemBox").checked=true;} ESto es si es norte o SUR $x =round(10*$x)/10 $y =round(10*$y)/10 $utmz = $utmz If $phi<0 then $SUR=True Else $SUR=False EndIf ;//document.getElementById("UTMzBox1").value = utmz; ;//document.getElementById("UTMeBox1").value = Math.round(10*(500000+x))/10; ;document.getElementById("UTMLonZoneBox2").value = utmz; ;document.getElementById("UTMLatZoneBox2").value = DigraphLetrsE[latz]; ;document.getElementById("UTMeBox2").value = Math.round(10*(x-100000*Math.floor(x/100000)))/10; ;document.getElementById("UTMnBox2").value = Math.round(10*(y-100000*Math.floor(y/100000)))/10; ;//Generate Digraph ;MakeDigraph(); ;document.getElementById("UTMDgBox2").value = Digraph; Endfunc;//close Geog to UTM Func UTMtoGeog($x,$y, Byref $longitud, Byref $latitud, $utmz=30, $SUR=FALSE, $DATUM=0) ;$SUR hemisphere ($SUR=False is North, $SUR=true is South) ;$utmz = UTM Zone ($utmz) ; $DATUM ;~ //Datum Info here: Name, a, b, f, 1/f ;~ 0 //WGS 84 6,378,137.0 6356752.314 0.003352811 298.2572236 ;~ 1 //NAD 83 6,378,137.0 6356752.314 0.003352811 298.2572236 ;~ 2 //GRS 80 6,378,137.0 6,356,752.3 0.003352811 298.2572215 ;~ 3 //WGS 72 6,378,135.0 6,356,750.5 0.003352783 298.2597208 ;~ 4 //Australian 1965 6,378,160.0 6,356,774.7 0.003352895 298.2497323 ;~ 5 //Krasovsky 1940 6,378,245.0 6,356,863.0 0.003352333 298.2997381 ;~ 6 //North American 1927 6,378,206.4 6,356,583.8 0.003390075 294.9786982 ;~ 7 //International 1924 6,378,388.0 6,356,911.9 0.003367011 296.9993621 ;~ 8 //Hayford 1909 6,378,388.0 6,356,911.9 0.003367011 296.9993621 ;~ 9 //Clarke 1880 6,378,249.1 6,356,514.9 0.00340755 293.4660167 ;~ 10 //Clarke 1866 6,378,206.4 6,356,583.8 0.003390075 294.9786982 ;~ 11 //Airy 1830 6,377,563.4 6,356,256.9 0.003340853 299.3247788 ;~ 12 //Bessel 1841 6,377,397.2 6,356,079.0 0.003342774 299.1527052 ;~ 13 //Everest 1830 6,377,276.3 6,356,075.4 0.003324444 300.8021499 ;//Convert UTM Coordinates to Geographic ; More information in: ; ; IMPORT from javascript version of: ;Declarations(); ;Symbols as used in USGS PP 1395: Map Projections - A Working Manual Local $M_PI= 3.14159265358979323846 Local $DatumEqRad [14] = [6378137.0,6378137.0,6378137.0,6378135.0,6378160.0,6378245.0,6378206.4, 6378388.0,6378388.0,6378249.1,6378206.4,6377563.4,6377397.2,6377276.3]; Local $DatumFlat[14] = [298.2572236, 298.2572236, 298.2572215, 298.2597208, 298.2497323, 298.2997381, 294.9786982, 296.9993621, 296.9993621, 293.4660167, 294.9786982, 299.3247788, 299.1527052, 300.8021499]; Local $Item = $DATUM Local $k0 = 0.9996;//scale on central meridian Local $a = $DatumEqRad[$Item];//equatorial radius, meters. Local $f = 1/$DatumFlat[$Item];//polar flattening. Local $b = $a*(1-$f);//polar axis. Local $e = Sqrt (1 - ($b*$b)/($a*$a));//eccentricity Local $drad = $M_PI/180;//Convert degrees to radians) Local $latd = 0;//latitude in degrees Local $phi = 0;//latitude (north +, south -), but uses phi in reference Local $e0 = $e/Sqrt(1 - $e*$e);//e prime in reference ;; Creo que no hace falta y da error $N = $a/Sqrt(1-Math.pow($e*sin($phi)),2); Local $T = (Tan($phi)^2); Local $C = ($e*(cos($phi)^2)); Local $lng = 0;//Longitude (e = +, w = -) - can't use long - reserved word Local $lng0 = 0;//longitude of central meridian Local $lngd = 0;//longitude in degrees Local $M = 0;//M requires calculation ;$x = 0;//x coordinate ;$y = 0;//y coordinate Local $k = 1;//local scale ;$utmz = 30;//utm zone Local $zcm = 0;//zone central meridian Local $DigraphLetrsE = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; Local $DigraphLetrsN = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUV"; ;document.getElementById("EqRadBox").value = a; ;document.getElementById("PolRadBox").value = b; ;document.getElementById("FlatBox").value = f; ;document.getElementById("RecipBox").value = 1/f; ;Consolewrite ("EqRadBox " & $a & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite ("PolRadBox " & $b & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite ("FlatBox " & $f & @CRLF) ;Consolewrite ("RecipBox " & (1/$f) & @CRLF) Local $OOZok = false; ;Fin de Declarations ;; $k0 = 0.9996;//scale on central meridian ;; $b = $a*(1-$f);//polar axis. ;; $e = Sqrt(1 - ($b/$a)*($b/$a));//eccentricity ;; $e0 = $e/Sqrt(1 - $e*$e);//Called e prime in reference Local $esq = (1 - ($b/$a)*($b/$a));//e squared for use in expansions Local $e0sq = $e*$e/(1-$e*$e);// e0 squared - always even powers ;x = parseFloat(document.getElementById("UTMeBox1").value); ;ConsoleWrite("$x " & $x & @CRLF) if ($x<160000 OR $x>840000) Then ConsoleWrite("Outside permissible range of easting values" & @CRLF & "Results may be unreliable" & @CRLF & "Use with caution" & @CRLF);} EndIf ;y = parseFloat(document.getElementById("UTMnBox1").value); ;//alert(y) if ($y<0)Then ConsoleWrite("Negative values not allowed" & @CRLF & "Results may be unreliable" & @CRLF & "Use with caution" & @CRLF) EndIf ;} if ($y>10000000)then ConsoleWrite("Northing may not exceed 10,000,000" & @CRLF & "Results may be unreliable" & @CRLF & "Use with caution"& @CRLF);} EndIf ;utmz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("UTMzBox1").value); $zcm = 3 + 6*($utmz-1) - 180;//Central meridian of zone Local $e1 = (1 - Sqrt(1 - $e*$e))/(1 + Sqrt(1 - $e*$e));//Called e1 in USGS PP 1395 also Local $M0 = 0;//In case origin other than zero lat - not needed for standard UTM $M = $M0 + $y/$k0;//Arc length along standard meridian. if $SUR=true then $M=$M0+($y-10000000)/$k;} EndIf Local $mu = $M/($a*(1 - $esq*(1/4 + $esq*(3/64 + 5*$esq/256)))); Local $phi1 = $mu + $e1*(3/2 - 27*$e1*$e1/32)*sin(2*$mu) + $e1*$e1*(21/16 -55*$e1*$e1/32)*sin(4*$mu);//Footprint Latitude $phi1 = $phi1 + $e1*$e1*$e1*(sin(6*$mu)*151/96 + ($e1*sin(8*$mu)*1097)/512); Local $C1 = $e0sq*(cos($phi1)^2); Local $T1 = tan($phi1)^2; Local $N1 = $a/sqrt(1-((($e*sin($phi1))^2))); Local $R1 = ($N1*(1-$e*$e))/(1-((($e*sin($phi1))^2)));R1 = N1*(1-e*e)/(1-Math.pow(e*Math.sin(phi1),2)); Local $D = ($x-500000)/($N1*$k0); $phi = ($D*$D)*(1/2 - $D*$D*(5 + 3*$T1 + 10*$C1 - 4*$C1*$C1 - 9*$e0sq)/24); $phi = $phi + (($D^6)*(61 + 90*$T1 + 298*$C1 + 45*$T1*$T1 -252*$e0sq - 3*$C1*$C1))/720; $phi = $phi1 - (($N1*tan($phi1))/$R1)*$phi; ;//Output Latitude ;document.getElementById("DDLatBox0").value = Math.floor(1000000*phi/drad)/1000000; $latitud= floor(1000000*$phi/$drad)/1000000; Consolewrite( "latitud: " & $latitud & @CRLF) ;//Longitude $lng = $D*(1 + $D*$D*((-1 -2*$T1 -$C1)/6 + $D*$D*(5 - 2*$C1 + 28*$T1 - 3*$C1*$C1 +8*$e0sq + 24*$T1*$T1)/120))/cos($phi1); $lngd = $zcm+$lng/$drad; ;//Output Longitude ;document.getElementById("DDLonBox0").value = Math.floor(1000000*lngd)/1000000; $longitud=floor(1000000*$lngd)/1000000; Consolewrite( "Longitud: " & $longitud & @CRLF) ;//Parse DMS ;~ xd = lngd; ;~ yd = phi/drad; ;~ DDtoDMS(); Para pasar a Grados minutos y segundos. ;~ document.getElementById("DLatBox0").value = Math.floor(ydd); ;~ document.getElementById("MLatBox0").value = ym; ;~ document.getElementById("SLatBox0").value = Math.floor(1000*ys)/1000; ;~ document.getElementById("DLonBox0").value = Math.floor(xdd); ;~ document.getElementById("MLonBox0").value = xm; ;~ document.getElementById("SLonBox0").value = Math.floor(1000*xs)/1000; ;~ document.getElementById("UTMLonZoneBox2").value = utmz; ;~ document.getElementById("UTMLatZoneBox2").value = DigraphLetrsE[latz]; ;~ document.getElementById("UTMeBox2").value = Math.round(10*(x-100000*Math.floor(x/100000)))/10; ;~ document.getElementById("UTMnBox2").value = Math.round(10*(y-100000*Math.floor(y/100000)))/10; ;~ MakeDigraph(); ;~ document.getElementById("UTMDgBox2").value = Digraph; EndFunc; End UTM to Geog
This program can be used to convert text to leetspeak or leetspeak to text. There are 4 difficulties. If there are more then one possibilitys, they are listet in () seperated by /. If you like it, please leave me a comment, also if you have any suggestions to make it better or if you found bugs.
Hi All, Is there any UDF available for converting RAW image format to PNG format? Thanks BlackEvil
Okay so quite a while back I thought I saw a AutoIt script that converted a MSSQL database to a MySQL database. I can’t seem to find it on the forums anywhere. Does anyone know if one exists? And if there is not an Autoit solution where I can find a good free converter. Thanks.