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  1. Not trying to re-invent the wheel here, but I found some examples that did A-L-O-T that I didn't think was necessary (like forcing owner-drawn), the sparse number of the web examples were failing miserably too. It looked like @argumentum was taking the path I was on, his is much more feature rich ( 😅 ) ... Anyway, I was going to add a font option using this subclass method (Thanks to @LarsJ for his subclass method, saved me some time) but I am out of time and if I don't post this now, I will probably forget to post it later (Yep, age is getting there). @LarsJ - GUIRegisterMsg20 - @argumentum ComboBox Set DROPDOWNLIST Colors/size UDF (Lots-O-Stuff) Here's my short and sweet (I don't think I ever code anything short.. or sweet) Edit 2024-04-10: Added the font change functions, pay attention to the fact that there are 3 different hwnds, the control hwnd, the edit hwnd as well as the listbox hwnd for the combo box. There are 4 functions, one changes all 3, the others change each of the other hwnds. Edit-2 2024-04-10: So I was going to use the forum members meticulous eyes to find issues, but I seemed to find a few that I didn't notice before myself. - Wrong array bounds in font au3 was fixed - Multi color (LB and Edit different colors) fixed (mistakenly used 1 brush ... oops) for color au3 - Missing edit color logic fixed for color au3 GUIComboBox.2024.04.10-002.zip
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