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  1. This morning I started to get some feedback my Chrome scripts (using chromedriver) were not working anymore. I have not determined that on computers with the problem the Chromedriver has the 20-8-2024 19:17 date (august 8, 7:17 PM ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sofar I have done the following things: deleted chromedriver.exe to automatically download a "new" one updated the chromedriver manually to the BETA version and DEV version updated Chrome to the newest via internal Chrome update to v128.0.6613.84 The version of Chrome and the chromdriver are the same version. https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/#stable I am glad not everyone seems to have the problem yet. If any one has an idea what might be to problem, please share๐Ÿ™‚ Meanwhile I keep looking for more information. Thanks.
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