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  2. I love chiptune music, but BASS only support XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MTM, UMX and MO3 file format for MOD music. 1 | Nintendo NES and SNES Sound File Players May be you already have some files with extension nsf, nsfe, spc or rsn (unzip rsn files for get spc collection files inside) but you can't play them in a AutoIt script ? So I searched around a bit, and found 2 DLL ( nsf_player.dll and spc_player.dll ) for play Nintendo NES and SNES Sound Files. Interest of those DLL is that they can play from file path or binary data, avoiding temp files. Dll and audio files are embedded in scripts for permit you to test them right away. Some info/download links are in front of each script. 2 | ModPlug Player Another dll found : npmod32.dll who support mod, s3m, xm, med, it, s3z, mdz, itz, xmz and wav files. Interest : it can play some rares chiptune formats, you can also pause, set volume and set position. Inconvenient : do not load from binary datas. Dll and audio files are embedded in script and i have added a gui for permit you to try right away ! Warning : Do not work on Win8. 3 | ZXTune Player 2 (basszxtune.dll v2.4.5) UPDATE of 23 DEC 2016 Using BASSZXTUNE chiptune support for BASS ( Support as0, asc, ay, ftc, gtr, psc, psg, psm, pt1, pt2, pt3, sqt, st1, s, st3, stc, stp, ts, txt, vtx, ym, chi, dmm, dst, m, sqd, str, sid, cop, tf0, tfc, tfd, tfe, $b, $m, ahx, ayc, bin, cc3, d, dsq, esv, fdi, gam, gamplus, gbs, gym, hes, hrm, hrp, lzs, msp, mtc, nsf, nsfe, p, pcd, sap, scl, spc, szx, td0, tlz, tlzp, trd, trs, vgm ) Interest : it can play lot of rares chiptune formats, while benefiting from all bass functions. Inconvenient : dll size.(5860ko) Dll and audio files are embedded in script. 4 | TitchySID Player Files and dll are loaded in memory. Interest : dll size (8ko), you can Play/Stop/Pause/Resume and choose which subsong to play. Inconvenient : only SID audio files supported ( PSID & RSID) Dll and audio files are embedded in script. Tested under Win7 and Win8. Edit : added a Sid header viewer : SidHeaderViewer.au3 5 | MiniFmod Player Interest : dll size (20ko) Inconvenient : only xm audio files supported. 6 | Npnez Player Using npnez.dll (88ko) for play Gameboy Sound System audio files and some others ( kss, hes, nsf, ay, gbr, gbs, gb, nsd, sgc ) Interest : Can be loaded in memory, subsong can be set and volume can be adjusted ( perfect for create a fade when exiting ) Inconvenient : for an unknow reason, only 20% of my hes collection is playable... 7 | µFMOD Player Interest : dll size (10ko), can be loaded in memory, support Play/Stop/Pause/Resume actions and volume can be adjusted ( perfect for create a fade when exiting ) Inconvenient : only xm audio files supported. 8 | MagicV2m Player Interest : dll size (20ko), Play/Stop/IsPlay/SetAutoRepeat/Progress Inconvenient : only v2m audio files supported, V2mPlayStream is not reliable, so prefer V2mPlayFile instead. 9 | OSMEngine Player OSMEngine.dll (80 ko)(Oldskool Musics Engine) permit to play snd, sndh, fc, fc4, fc14 and some rare jam audio files from Amiga/Atari ST(E) Interest : audio can be loaded in memory, and Pause/Resume/SetVolume/GetInfos are available Inconvenient : none at the moment. 10 | Ayfly Player Ayfly.dll (268 ko) is a AY-891x emulator and player who support the following tracker formats : aqt, asc, ay, fxm, gtr, psc, psg, pt1, pt2, pt3, sqt, stc, stp, vtx, ym and zxs (ZX Spectrum Emulator Snapshot) files. Interest : SetVolume/GetInfos are available Inconvenient : a function named "ay_initsongindirect" for load module in memory exists, but due to the poor documentation provided i do not succeed to get it to work... 11 | GMGME Player GMGME.dll is a emulated music DLL that allows you to play ay, gbs, gym, hes, kss, nsf/nsfe, sap, spc and vgm files. Interest : Can play ATARI SAP files (only type B and C) , Set Volume and Set Tempo are available Inconvenient : Dll Size (and his imports) , and audio files can not be loaded in memory. 12 | SC68 Player sc68replay.dll (166 ko) is a Freebasic DLL compiled from "sc68replay" src that allows you to play SC68 (Atari ST and Amiga audio formats) files. Interest : Can play from file and memory Inconvenient : Unfortunatelly for an unknown reason not all sc68 files are supported. 13 | Extended Module Player LibXmp.dll (272 ko) can "read" xm, mod, it, s3m, med, 669 but also some rares formats abk, amd, amf, dbm, digi, dtm, emod, far, flx, fnk, gdm, hsc, imf, j2b, liq, m15, mdl, mfp, mgt, mtm, mtn, okt, psm, ptm, rad, rtm, sfx, smp, stim, stm, stx, ult, umx, wow, ym3812 Despite its name, it's not a "player" but a library that renders module files to RAW PCM data. So the interest in this script was to find a way to convert those raw datas into a "playable" sound. With Waveform Audio Interface i create a pseudo Wav header who permit to play datas as a Wav file. Interest : Can play from file and memory Inconvenient : Time to render datas (depends of file size) 14 | LibModPlug Player LibModPlug.dll (102 ko) can "read" xm, it, mod, s3m, med, 669 and also amf, ams, dbm, dmf, dsm, far, j2b, mdl, mt2, mtm, okt, psm, ptm, stm, ult, umx. As LibXmp.dll, it's a library that renders module files to RAW PCM data. For this one, i create a real binary wave header for be able to play it easily from memory with winmm.dll PlaySoundW function. Interests : Can play from file and memory, and have some nice sound effects : Surround, MegaBass and Reverb (used in script example) It can also replace modplug player(2) for Win 8+ users Inconvenient : Time to render datas (depends of file size) 15 | AdPlug Player AdPlug.dll ( 69ko ) is an AdLib sound player library who is able to play the following files type : A2M, ADL, AMD, BAM, CFF, CMF, D00, DFM, DMO, DRO, DTM, HSC, HSP, IMF, KSM, LAA, LDS, M, MAD, MID, MKJ, MSC, MTK, RAD, RAW, RIX, ROL, S3M, SA2, SAT, SCI, SNG, XAD, XMS, XSM For this one, time to render datas is to long, so i needed to find an other way for play modules. Using Bass.dll and particulary the "BASS_StreamPutData" function i succeeded to play module in loop while rendering it. Both DLL are loaded in memory, and 16 different module types are available in the script. No includes/files needed. Just run it. Warning : for a unique file extension (example .sng), it's sometimes possible to have several filetypes from different trackers ! AdPlug.dll Imports : msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 ( VC Redist Installer ) Interests : Can read some obscure rare formats. Inconvenient : Can not read from memory 16 | LibMikmod Player LibMikmod.dll (85ko) will currently play the following common and not so common formats : 669, AMF, DSM, FAR, GDM, IMF, IT, MED, MOD, MTM, S3M, STM, STX, ULT, UNI, XM Interests : Can load from memory Inconvenient : only for full-screen applications, because if the application has not the focus sound is muted Downloads are available in the download section Dedicated to chiptune Lovers ! Music Links : asma.atari.org woolyss.com chipmusic.org demozoo.org modarchive.org modules.pl keygenmusic.net zxtunes.com mazemod.org amigaremix.com pouet.net plopbox.eu Modland
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