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  1. I stumbled upon this: https://example-code.com/autoit/whatsapp_first_login.asp And, unless I am much mistaken it has @mLipok's finger prints all over it I am struggling with WhatsApp. First there seems to have been WhatsApp for Business, which basically does little other than display "Business Account" for the profile. Now, however there is the WhatsApp Business Platform, confusingly also referred to as WhatsApp Business... 🙄 See the WhatsApp ecosystem table on this page: https://www.wati.io/blog/how-to-get-whatsapp-business-api/ The Chilkat link above, links to the WhatsApp Business Platform. However, I am having a really hard time getting into this Business Platform. I have seen two comments, one that it is still in Beta and secondly that it is only accessible through a small number of Business Service Providers (BSP)? If it is indeed you who wrote this code, would you please be so kind as to confirm that it does word? And please point me in the right direction? I have set up a new number for development, but now I do not know what steps to take next. Why Chilkat? Why not #include "WinHttp.au3" ? WinHTTP on AutoIt Please help? Skysnake
  2. This is modest beginning for UDF Chilkat component: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/downloads_ActiveX.asp Some of AcitveX object bundled into this component (dll file) are Free (you can verify it here), some other are commercial. You can downolad this UDF here: ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: Chilkat.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A collection of Function for use with Chilkat component ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; URL ...........: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/refdoc/activex.asp ; URL ...........: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/downloads_ActiveX.asp ; Date ..........: 2017/02/01 ; Version .......: 0.1.1 BETA - Work in progress ; ================================================================================ #cs 2017/02/01 . First official version - mLipok #ce http://www.chilkatforum.com/questions/1306/is-the-chilkat-upload-component-freeware Examples: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=Y #Tidy_Parameters=/sort_funcs /reel #include <Array.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include "Chilkat.au3" _Example() Func _Example() _ErrorLog_ChilkatWrapper(ConsoleWrite) _Chilkat_StartUp(@ScriptDir & '\ChilkatAx-9.5.0-win32.dll') _Chilkat_DllVersion($CHILKATOBJ_VERSION_950) Local $oGLOBAL = _Chilkat_GLOBAL_ObjCreate() If @error Then MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, 'GLOBAL Declartion', '@error = ' & @error & @CRLF & '@extended = ' & @extended) _Chilkat_GLOBAL_UnlockBundle($oGLOBAL, "Anything for 30-day trial") If @error Then MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, 'UnlockBundle', '@error = ' & @error & @CRLF & '@extended = ' & @extended) ; Just comment / uncomment one of this followin Examples functions: ;~ _Example_12_JsonObject_PrettyPrint() ;~ _Example_13_JsonObject_IterateMembers() ;~ _Example_14_JsonObject_CreateDocument() ;~ _Example_15_CSV_ColumnNames() ;~ _Example_16_CSV_ToArray() _Example_17_CSV_ToArray('(?i).*?Pierwszy.*?Urz.*?Skarb.*?', '(?i).*Katowice.*?') EndFunc ;==>_Example Func _Example_12_JsonObject_PrettyPrint() _Log_ChilkatExample('_Example_12_JsonObject_PrettyPrint') ; https://www.example-code.com/vbscript/json_pretty_print.asp Local $oJSON = _Chilkat_JSON_ObjCreate() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) Local $sJSON_String = "{""name"": ""donut"",""image"":{""fname"": ""donut.jpg"",""w"": 200,""h"": 200},""thumbnail"":{""fname"": ""donutThumb.jpg"",""w"": 32,""h"": 32}}" Local $iSuccess = $oJSON.Load($sJSON_String) If ($iSuccess <> 1) Then ConsoleWrite($oJSON.LastErrorText & @CRLF) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) EndIf ; To pretty-print, set the EmitCompact property equal to 0 $oJSON.EmitCompact = 0 ; If bare-LF line endings are desired, turn off EmitCrLf ; Otherwise CRLF line endings are emitted. $oJSON.EmitCrLf = 0 ; Emit the formatted JSON: ConsoleWrite($oJSON.Emit() & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>_Example_12_JsonObject_PrettyPrint Func _Example_13_JsonObject_IterateMembers() _Log_ChilkatExample('_Example_13_JsonObject_IterateMembers') ; https://www.example-code.com/vbscript/json_iterate_members.asp Local $oJSON = _Chilkat_JSON_ObjCreate() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) Local $sJSON_String = "{ ""id"": 1, ""name"": ""A green door"", ""tags"": [""home"", ""green""], ""price"": 125 }" Local $iSuccess = $oJSON.Load($sJSON_String) If ($iSuccess <> 1) Then ConsoleWrite($oJSON.LastErrorText & @CRLF) Return SetError($CHILKAT_ERR_LOAD, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) EndIf Local $sName = '', $sValue = '' Local $iNumMembers = $oJSON.Size, $iValue = 0 For $iMember_idx = 0 To $iNumMembers - 1 $sName = $oJSON.NameAt($iMember_idx) $sValue = $oJSON.StringAt($iMember_idx) ConsoleWrite($sName & ": " & $sValue & @CRLF) $iValue = $oJSON.IntAt($iMember_idx) ConsoleWrite($sName & " as integer: " & $iValue & @CRLF) Next EndFunc ;==>_Example_13_JsonObject_IterateMembers Func _Example_14_JsonObject_CreateDocument() _Log_ChilkatExample('_Example_14_JsonObject_CreateDocument') ; https://www.example-code.com/vbscript/create_json.asp Local $oJSON = _Chilkat_JSON_ObjCreate() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) Local $iSuccess $iSuccess = $oJSON.AddStringAt(-1, "Title", "Pan's Labyrinth") ConsoleWrite("- $iSuccess=" & $iSuccess & @CRLF) $iSuccess = $oJSON.AddStringAt(-1, "Director", "Guillermo del Toro") ConsoleWrite("- $iSuccess=" & $iSuccess & @CRLF) $iSuccess = $oJSON.AddStringAt(-1, "Original_Title", "El laberinto del fauno") ConsoleWrite("- $iSuccess=" & $iSuccess & @CRLF) $iSuccess = $oJSON.AddIntAt(-1, "Year_Released", 2006) ConsoleWrite("- $iSuccess=" & $iSuccess & @CRLF) $oJSON.EmitCompact = 0 ConsoleWrite($oJSON.Emit() & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>_Example_14_JsonObject_CreateDocument Func _Example_15_CSV_ColumnNames() _Log_ChilkatExample('_Example_15_CSV_ColumnNames') ; https://www.example-code.com/vbscript/csv_columnNames.asp Local $sURL = 'http://www.chilkatsoft.com/testData/sample.csv' InetGet($sURL, @ScriptDir & '\sample.csv') Local $oCSV = _Chilkat_CSV_ObjCreate() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) ; Prior to loading the CSV file, indicate that the 1st row ; should be treated as column names: $oCSV.HasColumnNames = 1 ; Load the $oCSV records from the file: Local $iSuccess = $oCSV.LoadFile(@ScriptDir & "\sample.csv") If ($iSuccess <> 1) Then ConsoleWrite($oCSV.LastErrorText & @CRLF) Return SetError($CHILKAT_ERR_LOADFILE, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) EndIf Local $iIndex = 0 Local $sColName = '' ; Display the column names: For $iCol_idx = 0 To $oCSV.NumColumns - 1 $sColName = $oCSV.GetColumnName($iCol_idx) ConsoleWrite($iCol_idx & ": " & $sColName & @CRLF) ; The following line demonstrates to to get the column ; index given a column name: $iIndex = $oCSV.GetIndex($sColName) ConsoleWrite($sColName & " is at column index " & $iIndex & @CRLF) Next EndFunc ;==>_Example_15_CSV_ColumnNames Func _Example_16_CSV_ToArray() _Log_ChilkatExample('_Example_16_CSV_ToArray') Local $sURL = 'http://www.chilkatsoft.com/testData/sample.csv' InetGet($sURL, @ScriptDir & '\sample.csv') Local $oCSV = _Chilkat_CSV_ObjCreate() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) ; Prior to loading the CSV file, indicate that the 1st row ; should be treated as column names: $oCSV.HasColumnNames = 1 ; Load the $oCSV records from the file: Local $iSuccess = $oCSV.LoadFile(@ScriptDir & "\sample.csv") If ($iSuccess <> 1) Then ConsoleWrite($oCSV.LastErrorText & @CRLF) Return SetError($CHILKAT_ERR_LOADFILE, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) EndIf Local $iNumColumns = $oCSV.NumColumns Local $iNumRows = $oCSV.NumRows Local $aResult[$iNumRows + 1][$iNumColumns] ; First get the column names For $iCol_idx = 0 To $iNumColumns - 1 $aResult[0][$iCol_idx] = $oCSV.GetColumnName($iCol_idx) Next For $iRow_idx = 0 To $iNumRows - 1 For $iCol_idx = 0 To $iNumColumns - 1 $aResult[$iRow_idx + 1][$iCol_idx] = $oCSV.GetCell($iRow_idx, $iCol_idx) Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aResult, '$aResult') EndFunc ;==>_Example_16_CSV_ToArray Func _Example_17_CSV_ToArray($sName_RegExpPattern, $sCity_RegExpPattern) _Log_ChilkatExample('_Example_16_CSV_ToArray') ; https://www.example-code.com/vbscript/csv_columnNames.asp Local $sURL = 'https://epuap.gov.pl/wps/wcm/connect/61e062b9-d981-4526-9f63-c2569263775a/RESP_2016-10-07.csv?MOD=AJPERES' InetGet($sURL, @ScriptDir & '\ePUAP.csv') ConsoleWrite("- Download completed" & @CRLF) Local $oCSV = _Chilkat_CSV_ObjCreate() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) ; Prior to loading the CSV file, indicate that the 1st row ; should be treated as column names: $oCSV.HasColumnNames = 1 ; Load the $oCSV records from the file: Local $sCSVContent = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\ePUAP.csv") ConsoleWrite("- Load File completed" & @CRLF) Local $iSuccess = $oCSV.LoadFromString($sCSVContent) If ($iSuccess <> 1) Then ConsoleWrite($oCSV.LastErrorText & @CRLF) Return SetError($CHILKAT_ERR_LOADFILE, @extended, $CHILKAT_RET_FAILURE) EndIf ConsoleWrite("- LoadFromString completed" & @CRLF) Local $iNumColumns = $oCSV.NumColumns Local $iNumRows = $oCSV.NumRows Local $aResult[$iNumRows + 1][$iNumColumns] ; First get the column names For $iCol_idx = 0 To $iNumColumns - 1 $aResult[0][$iCol_idx] = $oCSV.GetColumnName($iCol_idx) Next Local $iResult_RowCount = 1 ; First is ColumnName For $iRow_idx = 0 To $iNumRows - 1 If _ StringRegExp($oCSV.GetCell($iRow_idx, 0), $sName_RegExpPattern, $STR_REGEXPMATCH) _ And _ StringRegExp($oCSV.GetCell($iRow_idx, 4), $sCity_RegExpPattern, $STR_REGEXPMATCH) _ Then For $iCol_idx = 0 To $iNumColumns - 1 $aResult[$iResult_RowCount][$iCol_idx] = $oCSV.GetCell($iRow_idx, $iCol_idx) Next $iResult_RowCount += 1 EndIf Next ; strip array size to Number of founds rows ReDim $aResult[$iResult_RowCount][$iNumColumns] ConsoleWrite("- Parsing completed" & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay($aResult, '$aResult') EndFunc ;==>_Example_17_CSV_ToArray Func _Log_ChilkatExample($sData) ConsoleWrite('>+ ' & $sData & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>_Log_ChilkatExample REMARK: This UDF is a continuation of this thread:
  3. Version 0.1.3


    ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: Chilkat.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A collection of Function for use with Chilkat component ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; URL ...........: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/refdoc/activex.asp ; URL ...........: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/downloads_ActiveX.asp ; Date ..........: 2017/02/01 ; Version .......: 0.1.1 BETA - Work in progress ; ================================================================================ This is an UDF modest beginning for Chilkat component: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/downloads_ActiveX.asp Some of AcitveX object bundled int this component (dll file) are Free, some other are commercial. Support topic:
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