Sometimes I just have no idea how to even start to get something to work.
Ok, so I have a main form, which I create with GUICreate. On this form there is a button, which pops up another window which has some radio buttons on it (for setting filters on the main form). I create this popup window using
$frmFilter = GUICreate("Filter", 444, 283,-1,-1,BitOR($WS_BORDER,$WS_POPUP)) This form also has on it (apart from the radio buttons) two buttons, "cancel" and "apply"
Now, I would like for the user to not be able to click outside this window and only be able to exit this form using the cancel and apply buttons. It should not preclude them clicking outside for other programmes, but prevent them clicking in the main form which is in the background.
Is there a simple way to do this? Or do I need to somehow build it into the main loop logic? Or perhaps track mouse movements?
I've looked at the Styles and Extended Styles, but none of them seems to do this in a way that is obvious to me, without trying each of them in turn with combinations.
I have searched for an answer in the forums, however, it is hard to know what to search for when I don't know what I am looking for.