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  1. https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/quick_start I took a look, and I did it so to speak , a first approximation _GoogleChart($aData [, $Title = "" [, $iHorAxisCol = 0 [, $sChartType = "AreaChart" [, $sTitleColor = "#333" [, $Width = 854 [, $Height = 480 [, $Execute = True]]]]]]]) GoogleCharts.au3 ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/210868-make-a-html-chart-with-google-charts/ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Title...........: GoogleCharts.au3 ; Description.....: Make a html chart with 'Google Charts' - ChartType: AreaChart; ColumnChart ; AutoIt Version..: Author: ioa747 ; Note ...........: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/quick_start ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #include <Array.au3> Example() ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func Example() Local $Array[][] = [ _ ["Month", "Bears", "Dolphins", "Whales"], _ ["jan", 8, 150, 80], _ ["feb", 54, 77, 54], _ ["mar", 93, 32, 10], _ ["apr", 116, 11, 76], _ ["may", 137, 6, 93], _ ["jun", 184, 1, 72]] ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Array) Local $sSTR = _GoogleChart($Array, "Wild life", 0, "ColumnChart") ConsoleWrite("********************************************************************************" & @CRLF & $sSTR & @CRLF) Sleep(3000) _GoogleChart($Array, "Wild life", 0, "AreaChart") EndFunc ;==>Example ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _GoogleChart(ByRef $aData, $Title = "", $iHorAxisCol = 0, $sChartType = "AreaChart", $sTitleColor = "#333", $Width = 854, $Height = 480, $Execute = True) Local $sChartFile = @ScriptDir & "\Chart.html" Local $sHTML = "" $sHTML &= "<html>" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " <head>" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " <script type=""text/javascript"" src=""https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js""></script>" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " <script type=""text/javascript"">" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);" & @CRLF $sHTML &= "" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " function drawChart() {" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([" & @CRLF Local $ByPass = "" For $R = 0 To UBound($aData) - 1 Local $sTxt = "" For $C = 0 To UBound($aData, 2) - 1 If $R = 0 Then ; in first row all is string $sTxt &= "'" & $aData[$R][$C] & "', " Else ; if Column = $iHorAxisCol is string If $C = $iHorAxisCol Then $sTxt &= "'" & $aData[$R][$C] & "', " Else $sTxt &= $aData[$R][$C] & ", " EndIf EndIf Next $sTxt = StringTrimRight($sTxt, 2) $sTxt = " [" & $sTxt & "]," & @CRLF $ByPass &= $sTxt Next $ByPass = StringTrimRight($ByPass, 3) ;ConsoleWrite("$ByPass:" & @CRLF & $ByPass & @CRLF) $sHTML &= $ByPass & @CRLF $sHTML &= " ]);" & @CRLF $sHTML &= "" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " var options = {" & @CRLF $ByPass = " title: '" & $Title & "'," $sHTML &= $ByPass & @CRLF $ByPass = " hAxis: {title: '" & $aData[0][$iHorAxisCol] & "', titleTextStyle: {color: '" & $sTitleColor & "'}}," $sHTML &= $ByPass & @CRLF $sHTML &= " vAxis: {minValue: 0}" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " };" & @CRLF $sHTML &= "" & @CRLF $ByPass = " var chart = new google.visualization." & $sChartType & "(document.getElementById('chart_div'));" $sHTML &= $ByPass & @CRLF $sHTML &= " chart.draw(data, options);" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " }" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " </script>" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " </head>" & @CRLF $sHTML &= " <body>" & @CRLF $ByPass = " <div id=""chart_div"" style=""width: " & $Width & "px; height: " & $Height & "px;""></div>" $sHTML &= $ByPass & @CRLF $sHTML &= " </body>" & @CRLF $sHTML &= "</html>" & @CRLF $sHTML &= "" & @CRLF Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sChartFile, 266) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf FileWrite($hFileOpen, $sHTML) FileClose($hFileOpen) If $Execute = True Then ShellExecute($sChartFile) Return $sHTML EndFunc ;==>_GoogleChart ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, every comment is appreciated! leave your comments and experiences here! Thank you very much
  2. Hi all, For my work, i need to produce automatically chart that i will include in my morning email. First I tried the graph function of powershell with Microsoft Chart Controls , very nice looking, with help of this script : https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Drawing-charts-with-6ab5de4e#content BUT is useless as i can't sort data in graph ( object array is ***** in powershell, order is random ) So trying back with autoit. After lot of forum research : RMChart : not working Another script not working, or working but only in autoit GUI ( or can't find the good topic ) Chart.udf : nice but not in GDI so can't produce image ImageMagick : possible but very hard to code the entire line can't use excel, because can't install it on the production server. In a perfect world i would produce this : But simplest will be fine too : Do you know an another solution, any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi everybody, i have a question about Excel, i have to create several charts one below the other dynamically. I have thought to use: $oRangeLast = .UsedRange.SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell) $iRowCount = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells($oRangeLast.Row, $oRangeLast.Column)).Rows.Count And then to use it in this way: $Graph_position = "=Test1!A"&$iRowCount+2&":K"&$iRowCount+24 But it doesn't work with charts. Does anyone have a suggestion?
  4. Would you Listen Last 100 Uk Top Charts singles like a JukeBox or Radio in random order and without advertising ? It's possible by getting charts List on charts website http://creativedisc.com/category/top-charts/uk-top-100-singles/ updated weekly and searching songs list on youtube. Changelog Script completly rewrited. All externals fils are includes. New youtube search engine improved for listen the good song ! Blacklist Management improved. Video can be visible. Now flashplayer sound is muted while Ads. User clicks on flashplayer progress bar are now detected for the detection of the end of the song. New Buttons. Changelog Adapted to new AutoIt Version and Youtube changes. Hope you like it ! Previous downloads : 500 source : TinyChartsJukebox v1.0.6.2.au3.html executable : TinyChartsJukebox.exe.html (Once the html file is downloaded, double click on it for start the download)
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