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Found 4 results

  1. Hi everybody, new here. I'm messing around with AutoIT since a few days. I'm actually doing some experiment on my computer, and want to do a simple textbox on my desk, and when I type some things like "chrome" then click OK or input Enter, it launch chrome.exe Anyway, I'm storing a historic of my inputs in a txt file. And if I push my BackSpace button, I'd like to make my code delete the last character of the txt file instead of FileWrite ($historic, 'BACKSPACE') .. Is there a special character that can delete my last char in the txt file ? I remember doing domething like that in C but it was years ago and I was beginning... Thanks for your help !
  2. Hello, Ineed a function like the one below(VB.net), which convertsextended characters to standard(printable Characters/Punctuation): CType(ConvertPunct(i), Char) Example: While 1 For $i = 150 To 190 If $i = 162 Then ConsoleWrite("LControl") ElseIf $i = 163 Then ConsoleWrite("RControl") ElseIf $i = 188 Then ConsoleWrite(","); 188 should be 44(,) ElseIf $i = 189 Then ConsoleWrite("-"); -(Hyphen Key) = BD(Hex) = 189(Dec on Extended Character ANSII) = 45(Dec on ASCII) ElseIf $i = 190 Then ConsoleWrite("."); .(Period Key) = BE(Hex) = 190(Dec on Extended Character ANSII) =46(Dec on ASCII) ;[Continued ...] EndIf Next Sleep(1) WEnd
  3. Hi, i wanted to make inputbox password, need to get it's chars length in it, because the "password char" is too secure and i need the user to know if he is writing or not!! here's my effort Global $length, $Pw $Pw = InputBox("Security", "Type password to Encrypt/Decrypt file." & @CRLF & "Notice: password case sensitive" & @CRLF & "Pw length: " & $length, "", "ٌ", 220, 150) $length = StringLen($Pw) MsgBox(0, "", $length) i tried to put $length above $Pw but didn't work too. thanks
  4. Title says it all. I'm trying to communicate with a server, where the first two bytes are an u16 of the length of the packet. But I have no idea how to go to u16...in order to send it over TCP... Anyone know how? Thanks in advance.
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