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Found 5 results

  1. at this link https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/37905/mixed-base-conversion there is an interesting "challenge", how would you solve it with AutoIt?
  2. I have been known in the past to do these kind of challenges and thought it was that time once again that I present the AutoIt community with a new challenge. I suggest you first go and read the link below as to what is the purpose of the challenge, as I would only repeat what was already said. Anyway, once you've read the challenge, try and fill in the missing code to solve Josephus problem. Good luck. Local $aArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] Josephus($aArray, 3) ; Returns [3,6,2,7,5,1,4] Josephus($aArray, 1) ; Returns [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] Func Josephus($aArray, $iCount) ; Code here ; Returns an array EndFunc Source: http://www.codewars.com/kata/josephus-permutation
  3. Hello, I have a simple task today, I am sure that I made a similar post a long time ago... I want trim (delete or remove or wipe) the contents of a file (text or binary) WITHOUT storing the contents of the file anywhere in the script. Here is a text file for the purpose of experimenting: (contents of text.txt) 1234567890The task is simple, remove "456" from the contents of text.txt WITHOUT storing the contents anywhere! I wanted to post some code but it seems impossible to provide any relevant code this time... Good luck with the challenge! TD
  4. Hi everyone, Perhaps, if you have a spare moment, you might like to take a look at >Wiki Examples Challenge Part 2 in the Developer Chat section, and do AutoIt and the contestants a favor, by examining the six Examples and casting a vote for one of them. That would be really appreciated. P.S. Jos, ETC, Melba23 - I hope you don't mind me posting this here and in General Help as well?
  5. Last time I had a >Paper, Rock, Scissors - Challenge and now I think it's time for a new one. Challenge: Create a lottery game with the least amount of lines in AutoIt. The user should be prompted to enter a string of 7 lottery numbers from 1 to 49 and have either a comma (,) or single space as the delimiter e.g. 1,5,10,37,15,43,2. It should be checked against 7 random numbers to see if they all match. If all 7 match then they win, otherwise they lose. The numbers should be valid and contain zero duplicates in both the user's choice and computer generated sequence. Good luck. Note: I am not playing this time around as some people said it was unfair that I took part last time. Oh and serious contenders need only apply please. PS. I created this in C# using 4 lines of code when the idea was presented to me by a mate...so yeah...good luck! -_0 NO /AutoItExecuteScript workarounds.
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