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Found 2 results

  1. How do I chain letters in a HotKeySet? This works: HotKeySet("+!d", "function")I tried this but does not work HotKeySet("abc", "function")Just reacts to the a, how to accomplish this?
  2. I wrote this power user tool a long while back and it originally had baked in commands and wasn't very extensible. I rewrote the tool and made use of the power and openeness of AutoIt. Some of you may find the concept and/or UI approach interesting (as well as useful) which is why I'm posting here. In all likely-hood, it could be rewritten entirely in AutoIt but that's not something I plan on doing. Good chance there are similar tools out there as well especially since I've sat on this for so long. In short, the tool provides a snazzy user interface (no two interfaces will look alike) which opens right over whatever your working on so you can quickly launch any number of chained AutoIt scripts. My all-time favorite being; normalize clipboard text. https://winclickpro.codeplex.com/ I haven't shared the tool or concept with anyone outside of publishing it so I'm curious to see what people think.
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