from this posting of @Jos https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/162005-getting-windows-users-account-type/?do=findComment&comment=1176831
I can smoothly check, if a user is a *DIRECT* group member. Has anybody some code to check also, if a user is a *INDIRECT* member of a cascaded group construct? Maybe with @Melba23 's AD UDF?
The required rights are granted to group "Dept_B"
User John is member of group "Dept_A"
Group "Dept_A" is member of the group "Dept_B"
So in the AD / NTFS FS environment John finally has the rights of both groups
But when checking his "membership to group Dept_B" the result is "no member".
The approach I can think of would be, to check all Group Members of group "Dept_B" whether they are of type group, then check again if "John" is member of than " 2nd level group"
Func UserInGroup($InGroup,$ThisUser=@LogonDomain & "/" & @UserName)
Local $objUser = ObjGet("WinNT://" & $ThisUser )
For $oGroup in $objUser.Groups
If $oGroup.Name = $InGroup Then
Return 1
Return 0
Any suggestions appreciated, regards, Rudi.