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Found 1 result

  1. Greetings! Func caretPlay () activateWindow () WinActivate ($workSpace) Local $myCaret = WinGetCaretPos () _ArrayDisplay ($myCaret) EndFunc Func activateWindow () $workSpace = WinGetHandle ("Login - Google Chrome") WinActivate ($workSpace) $dimensions = WinGetClientSize ($workSpace) $midPoint = $dimensions[1]/2 EndFunc Those are two little functions in a larger app I am building. When I run the "caretPlay" function it returns the same values of 0,0 regardless of where I position the caret. I did read on the function reference page for WinGetCaretPos that applications with Multiple Document Interfaces (MDIs) may not return accurate values. I tried all three options for the CaretCoordMode option with no change in results. Either I am doing something wrong or Google Chrome isn't meant to work with this function. Any advice as to which it is? Thanks!
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