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  1. it recomended to use the builten function _DateDiff hello autoit team i made a simple function to help me get the difference between to date i liked to share it with you the paramatrs of this function is firstdate and lastedate the two params is as the following year/month/day hours:minuts:seconds here is the function #include <date.au3> func _dateBetween($s_firstDate, $s_lastDate = default) if not (StringRegExp($s_firstDate, "((\d{4})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\s(\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2}))", 0) = 1) then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) if $s_lastDate = default then $s_lastDate = @year & "/" & @mon & "/" & @mday & " " & @hour & ":" & @min & ":" & @sec if not (StringRegExp($s_lastDate, "((\d{4})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\s(\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2}))", 0) = 1) then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) local $a_FirstSplitDate = StringSplit(StringRegExpReplace($s_firstDate, "((.*)\s(.*))", "$2"), "/", 2) local $a_FirstSplitTime = StringSplit(StringRegExpReplace($s_firstDate, "((.*)\s(.*))", "$3"), ":", 2) local $a_lastSplitDate = StringSplit(StringRegExpReplace($s_lastDate, "((.*)\s(.*))", "$2"), "/", 2) local $a_LastSplitTime = StringSplit(StringRegExpReplace($s_lastDate, "((.*)\s(.*))", "$3"), ":", 2) local $i_firstDateValue = _DateToDayValue($a_FirstSplitDate[0], $a_FirstSplitDate[1], $a_FirstSplitDate[2]) local $i_LastDateValue = _DateToDayValue($a_LastSplitDate[0], $a_LastSplitDate[1], $a_LastSplitDate[2]) if $i_firstDateValue > $i_LastDateValue then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) local $i_totalDays = $i_LastDateValue-$i_firstDateValue if not ($i_totalDays = 0) then if $a_FirstSplitTime[0] <= $a_lastSplitTime[0] then $i_totalDays += 1 $a_lastSplitTime[0] -= $a_FirstSplitTime[0] elseIf $a_FirstSplitTime[0] > $a_lastSplitTime[0] then if $i_totalDays > 0 then $i_totalDays -= 1 $a_FirstSplitTime[0] -= $a_lastSplitTime[0] endIf endIf endIf local $i_totalYears = 0 if $i_totalDays >= 365 then While $i_totalDays >= 365 $i_totalYears += 1 $i_totalDays -= 365 Wend endIf local $i_TotalMonths = 0 if $i_totalDays >= 30 then While $i_totalDays >= 30 $i_totalMonths += 1 $i_totalDays -= 30 Wend endIf local $i_totalWeeks = 0 if $i_totalDays >= 7 then While $i_totalDays >= 7 $i_totalWeeks += 1 $i_totalDays -= 7 Wend endIf $i_totalSeconds = ((($a_FirstSplitTime[0]*60)*60)+($a_FirstSplitTime[1]*60)+($a_FirstSplitTime[2]))-((($a_lastSplitTime[0]*60)*60)+($a_lastSplitTime[1]*60)+($a_LastSplitTime[2])) local $minus = "" if $i_totalSeconds < 0 then $minus = "-" $i_totalSeconds = StringReplace($i_totalSeconds, "-", "") endIf local $i_totalHours = 0 if $i_totalSeconds >= 3600 then While $i_totalSeconds >= 3600 $i_totalHours += 1 $i_totalSeconds -= 3600 Wend endIf local $i_totalminuts = 0 if $i_totalSeconds >= 60 then While $i_totalSeconds >= 60 $i_totalminuts += 1 $i_totalSeconds -= 60 Wend endIf local $a_arrayReturn[7] $a_arrayReturn[0] = $i_totalYears $a_arrayReturn[1] = $i_totalMonths $a_arrayReturn[2] = $i_totalWeeks $a_arrayReturn[3] = $i_totalDays $a_arrayReturn[4] = $minus & $i_totalHours $a_arrayReturn[5] = $minus & $i_totalminuts $a_arrayReturn[6] = $minus & $i_totalSeconds return $a_arrayReturn endFunc here is an example $a_calc = _dateBetween("2015/02/12 23:00:05", "2030/02/12 23:25:50") msgBox(64, "result", StringFormat("the difference is : %i years and %i months and %i weeks and %i days and %i hours and %i minuts and %i seconds", $a_calc[0], $a_calc[1], $a_calc[2], $a_calc[3], $a_calc[4], $a_calc[5], $a_calc[6])) am waiting for your comments with my greetings
  2. Hello There! I've encountered a small issue i just cant seem to program my way out of... What im doing is: ;or rather, what im trying to do is Pixelsearch for a color, within a part of my screen, If color is present, i will rightclick it, for a menu to appear, in which i want to Leftclick an option. Simplicity itself. The issue is that because this menu appears in different parts of my screen, its complicated to select the option i want to click. There is no special color to it, and i cannot define the area in which to click, because the menu appears different places. The only thing that is in common for the menu is that the Leftclick needs to be (lets say) 30pixels below the rightclick . What can be done, but seemingly not by me, is to get the coordinates of the rightclick, and use them as the "starting point" from where the coordinates for the leftclick will be. (Not sure if that makes sence, but maybe the code below will help you understand) You guys like example codes, so therefore i will give it my best shot, and hope it proves usefull $pos = Pixelsearch(200, 400, 200, 400, 0xFFFFFF) ;This color is what i need to rightclick to bring up the menu If not @Error then ;If the color is present (Mouseclick("Right", $pos[0], $pos[1], 1, 1) ;Rightclick it, to bring up menu ;Here comes the part i cannot get to work $x = MousegetPos(X) ;To get the Coordinate "X", so we can calculated with it for the position of the leftclick $y = MousegetPos(Y) ; To get the Coordinate "Y", so that can be calculated with for the position of the leftclick MouseClick("Left", $x[0], $y-30[1], 1, 1) ;This was supposed to give me a leftclick that is 30pixels below the rightclick. (The MouseGetPos(X), may seem as a waste of space in this example, but in my script i will need both. Im only using one in the example, mainly so that i wont confuse myself, but also to make it easier to digest for you guys) I have not been able to find any topic that covers this, but my apologies if such a topic already exist in the forums. Maybe while im at it, can i ask, what good does the [0] and [1] do, when using a "$variable" as coordinate? Thanks in advance - DiveHigh
  3. Hello, I'm weak at mathematic, how to calculate blue point position? I only know red points positions, and arc degree: Can anybody write an example, function? Thanks!
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