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Found 3 results

  1. This baby can do almost any language! I found Gleany on this site and set it up on a fresh win10 install. all i would need to do to make it build an exe of the search files app we discovered is the .NET Target Framework download to build 100 % but the exe works and generates! You also need to add the path the the version of csc.exe that you want to run. MSBuild is part of .NET and can read your .csproj file. YOU can develop .NET OR C/C++ on this baby! Super lightweight (fit for crappy laptops), and you can use any dev compilers you wish, Ming, MS, etc, whatever. To use the build, you need to open the csproj file, else, to check your syntax it can compile individual files as well. The warning are because I do not have the .NET 4.6 Targeting Pack installed... LOL, and I could get rid of the Core warning, yes, I did not want to build a .NET Core.dll I wanted a live x64 exe! Told you MSBUILD could handle .CSPROJ, .VBPROJ, and all others Microsoft. Don't let Visual Code or Visual Studio slow you down, although, this works with Visual Code as well but there is only debugging in CORE.DLL projects ListFiles Example.zip
  2. Hello, how can I read the complete Version and Build-Numer for Windows 10? If I execute "winver.exe" in windows command-line I get the Build "10586.420". When I run "@OSBuild" in autoit I get "10586" and when I run "FileGetVersion(@SystemDir & "\WinVer.exe"" I get "10.0.10586.0". How can I get the rest of the number 420? Thanks for help!
  3. I'm having a problem creating a 64 bit exe using Aut2Exe. I'm running on a Windows 7 64 bit PC and OS. If I compile my test script using a right click on the test script I can successfully create a 32 bit or a 64 bit exe. I can easily check this by looking at the properties of the exe, compatibility settings where, for the 64 bit exe compatibility settings "below" Vista are not available whereas, for the 32 bit exe they are. If I compile using Aut2Exe (running it from a non-compiled au3 script) then, using the method above, both the 32 bit and 64 bit builds appear to actually be 32 bit exes. The file, MakeTest.au3 is attached. MakeTest.au3 If I try to do the same build using the command line input for Aut2Exe I can build the 32 bit version OK but the 64 bit build returns the error "Unable to read in AutoIt stub file. (AutoItSC.bin)". Surely it should be looking for AutItSC_x64.bin if I use the /x64 switch shouldn't it? If I try to run Aut2exe_x64 from the command line I get the "not recognised as an internal or external command" message. However, double clicking on Aut2exe_x64 and using the UI that's displayed I do get a 64 bit version built. I'm very confused - I really need to use a script to compile both 32 and 64 bit versions as the whole thing is part of an automatically built installation "application". Can anyone make sense of it for me or ami I just being stupid?
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