When I run my script without compiling it, it works just fine.
When I compile the script and run it this part of the script doesn't run properly. Here's my terrible explanation of what's supposed to happen but doesn't once its compiled.
I have part of the script call the Function _Update well once it calls _Update it runs ShellExecute("C:\Test\test\run\Email.au3") immediately and doesn't wait 5 minutes.
$iMinutes = 5
$hTimer = TimerInit()
Func _Update()
AdlibRegister(_Update, 2000)
If TimerDiff($hTimer) > ($iMinutes * 60000) And ProcessExists($recheck) Then
;ConsoleWrite("5 minutes have passed!" & @CRLF)
$hTimer = TimerInit()
ElseIf Not ProcessExists($recheck) Then
Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to fix this?