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  1. question about _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx good morning welcome autoit team please i need your help i've searched a lot about how to use the _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx finally i found an example but i found some problem i hope you can help me firstly, i want to set the controls focussable with the keyboard input i already used the ws_tabStop but it did not work with me. secondly, i want to set some access keys linked with the window such as control+o enable the open button and control+f4 exit the app note: i need a local access keys and not a global hotkeys such as GUISetAccelerators finaly, before i will put the code here i must clarify a few things. 1. you will ask me why you don't use the GUICreate function here i'll tell you that it as dialog and It is a little heavy in motion with screen readers. the screen readers for blind has some function that work with dialogs and others work with full windows style 2. you will ask me why you didn't search the net for that? i will tell you that all examples that i found in the internet with pdfs and Picture books. i found some examples in microsoft but it with cpp. ok here is the code i hope you can help me to do what i want thank you in advance ; Small AutoIt Application that uses Windows API ; Written by Yuraj #NoTrayIcon #include <_RegisterClassEx.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) ; Window definitions Const $WinWidth = 370 Const $WinHeight = 350 Const $WinXPos = (@DesktopWidth / 2) - ($WinWidth / 2) Const $WinYPos = (@DesktopHeight / 2) - ($WinHeight / 2) Const $WinTitle = "Win32 Application - Text reader" Const $WinClass = "mainapp" Const $WinIcon = _WinAPI_LoadIcon(_WinAPI_GetModuleHandle("shell32.dll"), 13) ; Windows handles Global $hwnd, $edit1, $btn1, $btn2 ; Fonts Global $fnt1 ; Register class, Create the window Local $retVal = __WinAPI_RegisterClassEx($WinClass, "WindowCallback", $WinIcon, 0, _WinAPI_GetSysColor($COLOR_BTNFACE), BitOR($CS_DEFAULTSTYLE, $CS_DROPSHADOW)) ; If $retVal == 0 Then ; If registerclass fails MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error while registering window class!") Exit EndIf ; Create windows/controls $hwnd = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx($WS_EX_STATICEDGE, $WinClass, $WinTitle, BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPED,$WS_SYSMENU, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_GROUP, $WS_DLGFRAME), $WinXPos, $WinYPos, $WinWidth, $WinHeight, 0) $btn1 = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx(0, "button", "Open file ...", BitOR($WS_VISIBLE, $WS_CHILD, $WS_TABSTOP, $WS_CLIPCHILDREN), 25, 270, 100, 30,$hwnd) $btn2 = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx(0, "Button", "Exit", BitOR($WS_VISIBLE, $WS_CHILD, $WS_TABSTOP, $WS_CLIPCHILDREN), 235, 270, 100, 30, $hwnd) $edit1 = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx(0, "edit", "text", BitOR($WS_VISIBLE, $WS_CHILD, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $es_readOnly, $WS_TABSTOP), 5, 5, $WinWidth - 15, $WinHeight - 100, $hwnd) ; Set controls identifiers _WinAPI_SetWindowLong($btn1,$GWL_ID,150) _WinAPI_SetWindowLong($btn2,$GWL_ID,160) ; Set (controls) fonts $fnt1 = _CreateFont("MS Sans Serif", 15) _WinAPI_SetFont($btn1, $fnt1) _WinAPI_SetFont($btn2, $fnt1) _WinAPI_SetFont($edit1, $fnt1) ; Set focus to edit _WinAPI_SetFocus($edit1) ; Show window _WinAPI_ShowWindow($hwnd) _WinAPI_UpdateWindow($hwnd) ; Main loop that keep application opened While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd ;=================================================================; ; WINDOW CALLBACK ... ;=================================================================; Func WindowCallback($_hwnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $iNC, $iID Switch $iMsg ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Case $WM_CLOSE ; Show message on closing If MsgBox(48 + 4, $WinTitle, "Do you want really exit?", 0, $hwnd) <> 6 Then Return 0 ; Call destructor and then exit main thread FinalizeApp() Exit ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Case $WM_COMMAND $iNC = _WinAPI_HiWord($wParam) $iID = _WinAPI_LoWord($lParam) Switch $iNC Case $BN_CLICKED ; When is control clicked Switch _WinAPI_GetDlgCtrlID($iID) Case _WinAPI_GetDlgCtrlID($btn1) BtnOpenFileClick() Case _WinAPI_GetDlgCtrlID($btn2) BtnExitClick() EndSwitch EndSwitch ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EndSwitch Return _WinAPI_DefWindowProc($_hwnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) EndFunc ;==>WindowCallback Func FinalizeApp() _WinAPI_DeleteObject($fnt1) _WinAPI_DestroyWindow($hwnd) __WinAPI_UnregisterClass($WinClass) EndFunc ;==>FinalizeApp Func _CreateFont($fontName, $height = 16, $style = $FW_NORMAL, $italic = False, $underline = False, $strikeout = False) Local $hFont = _WinAPI_CreateFont($height, 0, 0, 0, $style, $italic, $underline, $strikeout, $DEFAULT_CHARSET, _ $OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, $CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, $DEFAULT_QUALITY, $DEFAULT_PITCH, $fontName) Return $hFont EndFunc ;==>_CreateFont ;=================================================================; ; WINDOW EVENTS ;=================================================================; Func BtnOpenFileClick() Local $ret = _WinAPI_GetOpenFileName("", "Text files (*.txt)|All files (*.*)", ".", "", "", 1, 0, 0, $hwnd) If ($ret[0] > 0) Then Local $path = $ret[1] & "\" & $ret[2] Local $file = _WinAPI_CreateFile($path, 2, 2) Local $buf = DllStructCreate("byte[" & _WinAPI_GetFileSizeEx($file) & "]") Local $i = 0 _WinAPI_ReadFile($file, DllStructGetPtr($buf), _WinAPI_GetFileSizeEx($file), $i) ; Close file handle _WinAPI_CloseHandle($file) _WinAPI_SetWindowText($edit1, BinaryToString(DllStructGetData($buf, 1))) EndIf EndFunc ;==>BtnOpenFileClick Func BtnExitClick() FinalizeApp() Exit EndFunc ;==>BtnExitClick _RegisterClassEx.au3
  2. screen curtain on autoit windows 8 + hello autoit forum please i've a question on windows 8 and more the micro soft added the Magnification options this future can help the blind by turn the screen black to To relax the eyes. i searched allot in autoit but i couldn't find any way to do it and after then i found an python addon can do that, it's an addon open source to screen reader NVDA i hope you can help me to convert it to an autoit script note i couldn't do that because I'm very fresh man in dealing with dll files inadition to am 0 on python please if any one can help me. this is the NVDA Python Addon it very small, i need just one future that turn the screen black thx in advance screenCurtain.rarr
  3. hello sirs, i've created a tool to the blind users, this tool helps the blind to listen to a audio effect when moving between the GUIs controls on they computers where this tool can get the class for the current focus control and play a sound from a folder i've added all the knowne classes, but i found some problems i hope any one can help me. this is the code that i created #include <WinAPISys.au3> Global $h_CurrentHWNDFocus = "", $h_CurrentControlHWNDFocus = "" AdlibRegister("WindowAudioFocus", 50) Func WindowAudioFocus() Local $h_NewHWNDFocus = WinGetHandle("[active]", "") Local $h_NewControlHWNDFocus = ControlGetFocus($h_NewHWNDFocus, "") If ($h_NewHWNDFocus = $h_CurrentHWNDFocus) And ($h_NewControlHWNDFocus = $h_CurrentControlHWNDFocus) Then Return 0 AdlibUnRegister("WindowAudioFocus") If Not ($h_NewHWNDFocus = $h_CurrentHWNDFocus) Then SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\WindowChanged.wav") Else Switch _WinAPI_GetClassName(ControlGetHandle($h_NewHWNDFocus, "", $h_NewControlHWNDFocus)) Case "Button", "Start", "TrayButton", "TrayShowDesktopButtonWClass", "sbutton", "CirrussButton", "ODbcButton", "ThunderRTCommandButton", "ThunderSSOption", "ThunderSSCommand", "ThunderCommandButton", "ThunderRT6CommandButton", "ThunderRT5CommandButton", "TButton", "TBitBtn", "TAdvGlowButton", "ButtonWndClass", "afx:0:376:baa946", "_AOL_Button" If _IsCheckBox(ControlGetHandle($h_NewHWNDFocus, "", $h_NewControlHWNDFocus)) Then SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\checkBox.wav") ElseIf _IsRadio(ControlGetHandle($h_NewHWNDFocus, "", $h_NewControlHWNDFocus)) Then SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\radio.wav") Else SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\button.wav") EndIf Case "ComboBox", "ComboBoxEx32", "MSOBALLOONREComboBox20W", "REComboBox20W", "ThunderComboBox", "ThunderDriveListBox", "ThunderRT6ComboBox", "TORComboEdit", "TCombobox", "TComboBoxEx", "TORComboBox", "TColorBox", "TNFComboBox", "Internet Explorer_TridentCmbobx", "ComboWndClass", "_AOL_ComboBox", "ThunderRT5ComboBox", "ComboLBox" SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\list.wav") Case "Edit", "SearchBox", "TChatRichEdit", "_WwN", "_WwO", "RichEdit20A", "RichEdit20WPT", "RICHEDIT60W", "OKttbx", "RichEditA", "ThunderTextBox", "ThunderRT6TextBox", "ThunderRT5TextBox", "TEdit", "TRichEdit", "TRichEditViewer", "TMemo", "TInplaceEditList", "TLabeledEdit", "TMaskEdit", "TDateTimePicker", "TRichEdit", "TCaptionMemo", "TAddictRichEdit", "TCaptionEdit", "RichTextWndClass", "TextWndClass", "PasswordWndClass", "TextAreaWndClass", "MSWorksDoc", "_AOL_Edit", "SysDateTimePick32" SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\edit.wav") Case "ListBox", "ComboLBox", "REListBox20W", "SUPERGRID", "OUTEXVLB", "WMSUIVLB", "SchdmapiVLB", "VLBClass", "ThunderDirListBox", "ThunderFileListBox", "ThunderListBox", "ThunderRT6ListBox", "ThunderRT5ListBox", "TListbox", "TValueListEditor", "TORCalendar", "TColorListBox", "TCheckListBox", "Internet Explorer_TridentLstBox", "ListBoxWndClass", "ListWndClass", "hh_kwd_vlist", "afx:8:376:0:946", "_AOL_ListBox", "_AOL_Tree", "" SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\List.wav") Case "SysListView32", "OpenListView", "wuDuiListView", "ListView20WndClass", "TcxGridSite", "TListView", "TSystemListView", "ListViewWndClass", "" SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\ListView.wav") Case "SysTreeView32", "SearchTreeList", "FeatureTree", "TreeView20WndClass", "TSystemTreeView", "TTreeView", "" SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\TreeView.wav") Case Else SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\focus_Audio\focus.wav") EndSwitch EndIf $h_CurrentHWNDFocus = $h_NewHWNDFocus $h_CurrentControlHWNDFocus = $h_NewControlHWNDFocus AdlibRegister("WindowAudioFocus", 50) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>WindowAudioFocus Func _IsCheckBox($ctrl_hwnd) $Style = _WinAPI_GetWindowLong($ctrl_hwnd, $GWL_STYLE) Return BitAND($Style, $BS_CHECKBOX) = $BS_CHECKBOX EndFunc ;==>_IsCheckBox Func _IsRadio($ctrl_hwnd) $Style = _WinAPI_GetWindowLong($ctrl_hwnd, $GWL_STYLE) Return BitAND($Style, $BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) = $BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON EndFunc ;==>_IsRadio what i need from you is : play a sound when a menu item focus, that sound named menu.wav play a sound named items.wav when the users move on list box items or list view or treeview items or a combobox items please if can any one help me i'll very happy thanks on advance
  4. Hello I designed this code To help the blind Where screen readers users can Identify the sefocus item with audio files In this code i define some elements Unfortunately, I did not know how to define the other elements I am waiting for your initiative to define the other elements Thank you in advance Global $CFocus = "" Func focus($window) Local $focusing = ControlGetFocus($window) Local $handle = ControlGetHandle($window, "", $focusing) If Not ($focusing = $CFocus) Then Switch StringTrimRight($focusing, 1) Case "button" If IsCheckBox($handle) Then play("checkBox") ElseIf IsRadio($handle) Then play("RadioButton") Else play("focus") EndIf $CFocus = $focusing Case "comboBox", "ListBox" play("list") $CFocus = $focusing Case "edit", "input" play("edit") $CFocus = $focusing Case Else play("focus") $CFocus = $focusing EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ;==>focus Func IsCheckBox($ctrl_hwnd) $Style = _WinAPI_GetWindowLong($ctrl_hwnd, $GWL_STYLE) Return BitAND($Style, $BS_CHECKBOX) = $BS_CHECKBOX EndFunc ;==>IsCheckBox Func IsRadio($ctrl_hwnd) $Style = _WinAPI_GetWindowLong($ctrl_hwnd, $GWL_STYLE) Return BitAND($Style, $BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON) = $BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON EndFunc ;==>IsRadio Func play($name, $wait = 0) Local Const $SND_RESOURCE = 0x00040004 Local Const $SND_ASYNC = 1 ; Play the file - the script will pause as it sounds If $wait = 0 Then DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySound", "str", $name, "hwnd", 0, "int", BitOR($SND_RESOURCE, $SND_ASYNC)) Else DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySound", "str", $name, "hwnd", 0, "int", $SND_RESOURCE) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>play
  5. hellow guys I am a blind young man I started a project to make an audio player with recorder I ended the player and i did not know how to recorder This player is Compatible with the blind and visually impaired and ordinary users Unfortunately I do not see so I could not merge images and icons So I hope you will be able to help me in this matter I will bring you the open source project and please help me to add images, icons and recorder, the project is requires easy access in order to be compatible with the screen readers, Please take this into account. the software is organized so the recorder is In a special menu that Contains stop and start and pause and save. The same is true for player Please help And greetings to all easy player.zip
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