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  1. As they're opinion-based to some degree; how are AutoIt's best practices decided and do suggestions get considered? Some suggestions : For...To...Step...Next -loop variable-naming like $iN ($i1, $i2, etc.) : conforms to recommended naming convention, identifies level (albeit inverted to ExitLoop and ContinueLoop's convention) and enables SciTE selection-highlighting (requires minimum of 3 characters). Minimize logic in global scope, separate data & settings from logic, use of vertical space, project organization (folder structure, resource- and include file management). Example (loop variable-naming, minimizing logic in global scope and separation of settings from logic) : #include <Array.au3> Global Enum $RANDOM_RETURNFLOAT, _ $RANDOM_RETURNINTEGER Global Enum $EXITCODE_NONE Global Const $g_sChar0 = '-' Global Const $g_sChar1 = '+' Global Const $g_iAmountX = 10 Global Const $g_iAmountY = $g_iAmountX Main() Func Main() Local $aArray[$g_iAmountY][$g_iAmountX] For $i1 = 0 To $g_iAmountY - 1 For $i2 = 0 To $g_iAmountX - 1 $aArray[$i1][$i2] = Random(0, 1, $RANDOM_RETURNINTEGER) ? $g_sChar1 : $g_sChar0 Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aArray) Exit $EXITCODE_NONE EndFunc Example (project organization) : + project_folder + bak [backup files] + bin [distributed binaries and dependencies] + inc [non-standard include files] + res [resource files (icons, file+install files, etc.)] + usr [configuration files, databases, etc.] - script.au3 - script.exe Example (use of vertical space) : Func _DigitalRoot($iNum) Local $sNum = '' Local $aNum While $iNum > 9 $sNum = String($iNum) $aNum = StringSplit($sNum, '') $iNum = 0 For $i1 = 1 To $aNum[0] $iNum += Int($aNum[$i1]) Next WEnd Return $iNum EndFunc
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