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Hello mates. I would like to share simple but very important function required durning code many *au3 files. Such as function is used by a few scripts developers on forum but most of users waste a lot of time to make his functions/tool free from errors and bugs. How is working? This function do not check errors like Scite debugger. You can be able to make something like call exceptions in Python. Think about this and think when you ran some code, no error but also do nothing. 0 information and you have to jump into own or other script to find out reason. Function: Updated 2018-02-04, 08:47 (fixed AutoIt problem with dedection @ScriptName) ;============================================================================================================================================================== ; Function: Exception ([ $sInfo = "" [, $vReturnValue = Null [, $vExtended = @extended [, $iErrorNr = @error [, $iErrorLine = @ScriptLineNumber ]]]]]) ; ; Description: Call exceptions in different *au3 files located in this same Folder. ; ; Parameter(s): $sInfo - Information about exception in code, created by yourself. ; $vReturnValue - (Default=Null) Set value to return durning exception. ; $iErrorNr - (Default=@error) Set the error manually by adding a number. ; $vExtended - (Default=@extended) Set extended manually. ; $iErrorLine - Internal use do not change! ; ; Return Value(s): $vReturnValue, ; Additional: Output string in Scite Console about debug trace. ; ; Author (s): Who cares? ;============================================================================================================================================================== Func Exception($sInfo="", $vReturnValue = Null, $iErrorLine = @ScriptLineNumber, $iErrorNr = @error, $vExtended = @extended) Dim $aArray[0] Local $sScriptPath = @ScriptFullPath Local $sCurrentScriptLine = StringLower(FileReadLine($sScriptPath, $iErrorLine)) If Not StringInStr($sCurrentScriptLine, "exception") Then Local $aInclude = FileReadToArray($sScriptPath) For $sItem In $aInclude Local $sLowerLine = StringLower($sItem) If StringInStr($sLowerLine, "#include") Then Local $sIncludeName = StringTrimLeft($sItem, 8) Local $sConvertedName = "" Local $bAdd = False Local $aDelimeter = ["<", ">"] If StringInStr($sIncludeName , "'") Then $aDelimeter[0] = "'" $aDelimeter[1] = "'" ElseIf StringInStr($sIncludeName , '"') Then $aDelimeter[0] = '"' $aDelimeter[1] = '"' EndIf Local $aSplitInclude = StringSplit($sIncludeName, "") For $sSign In $aSplitInclude If $sSign = $aDelimeter[0] And Not $bAdd Then $bAdd = True ContinueLoop ElseIf $sSign = $aDelimeter[1] And $bAdd Then ReDim $aArray[UBound($aArray) + 1] $aArray[UBound($aArray) - 1] = $sConvertedName ExitLoop EndIf If $bAdd Then $sConvertedName &= $sSign Next EndIf Next EndIf If UBound($aArray) > 0 Then For $sName In $aArray Local $sPath = @ScriptDir & "\" & $sName If FileExists($sPath) Then $sCurrentScriptLine = StringLower(FileReadLine($sPath, $iErrorLine)) If StringInStr($sCurrentScriptLine, "exception") Then $sScriptPath = $sPath ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf Local $aFile = FileReadToArray($sScriptPath) Local $sFunctionName, $sLine Local $bFound = False For $i = 0 To $iErrorLine - 1 If $bFound Or $iErrorLine <= 0 Then ExitLoop $sLine = StringReplace($aFile[$iErrorLine - $i], @TAB, "") If StringInStr(StringLower($sLine), "func ") Then Local $aSortLine = StringSplit($sLine, '') $sLine = "" For $h = 1 To $aSortLine[0] - 1 Local $sLowerSort = StringLower($aSortLine[$h]) If $sLowerSort = "(" Then $bFound = True ExitLoop ElseIf $sLowerSort <> @TAB And $sLowerSort <> " " Then If $sLowerSort = "f" Or $sLowerSort = "u" Or $sLowerSort = "n" Or $sLowerSort = "c" Then $sLine &= $aSortLine[$h] Else If Not StringInStr($sLine, "func") Then $sLine = "" ExitLoop Else $sLine &= $aSortLine[$h] EndIf EndIf EndIf Next EndIf Next If StringLeft(StringLower($sLine), 4) <> "func" Then $sLine = "" EndIf $sFunctionName = StringTrimLeft($sLine, 4) If StringLen($sFunctionName) < 1 Then $sFunctionName = "not recognized" Else $sFunctionName &= " ( ... )" EndIf If StringLen($sInfo) < 1 Then $sInfo = "nothing about" EndIf $vRet = $vReturnValue If $vRet = Null Then $vRet = "Null" ElseIf IsArray($vRet) Then $vRet = "an Array with " & UBound($vRet) & " items" ElseIf IsBinary($vRet) Then $vRet = "binary " & $vRet ElseIf IsBool($vRet) Then $vRet = "bool " & $vRet ElseIf IsDllStruct($vRet) Then $vRet = "dll struct " & $vRet ElseIf IsFloat($vRet) Then $vRet = "float " & $vRet ElseIf IsHWnd($vRet) Then $vRet = "hwnd " & $vRet ElseIf IsInt($vRet) Then $vRet = "int " & $vRet ElseIf IsKeyword($vRet) Then $vRet = "keyword " & $vRet ElseIf IsNumber($vRet) Then $vRet = "number " & $vRet ElseIf IsObj($vRet) Then $vRet = "object " & $vRet ElseIf IsPtr($vRet) Then $vRet = "ptr " & $vRet ElseIf IsString($vRet) Then If $vReturnValue = "" or StringReplace($vRet, " ", "") = "" Then $vRet = 'empty string ""' Else $vRet = 'string "' & $vRet & '"' EndIf EndIf Local $sStruct $sStruct &= "! Exception = {" & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @TAB & '"date" = ' & @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & ", " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & ", " & @MSEC & "ms," & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @TAB & '"path" = ' & $sScriptPath & "," & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @TAB & '"line" = ' & $iErrorLine & "," & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @TAB & '"func" = ' & $sFunctionName & "," & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @TAB & '"retn" = ' & $vRet & "," & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @TAB & '"exten" = ' & $vExtended & "," & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @TAB & '"error" = ' & $iErrorNr & "," & @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @TAB & '"info" = ' & $sInfo $sStruct &= @CRLF $sStruct &= "!" & @CRLF $sStruct &= "! }" & @CRLF & @CRLF ConsoleWrite($sStruct) Return $vReturnValue EndFunc ;==> Exception How to use? - Example 1 Func Example() Local $sFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\") If $sFile = -1 Then Return Exception("Failed to open '', File not exist!") EndIf ; continue working EndFunc Example() Example 1 Output in Scite console: Example 2 Func Example2() Local $oHttp = ObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1.Fake") ; added .Fake to make object wrong. If Not IsObj($oHttp) Then Return Exception("Failed to create Object in variable $oHttp.", 2.2) EndIf ; continue working EndFunc Local $vRet = Example2() ConsoleWrite("$vRet = " & $vRet & @CRLF) Example 2 Output in Scite console:
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