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  1. Backstory: Our Microsoft Office Templates shared folder was changed from a DFS share to an Isilon share. example: Old Server: \\Domain.com\Office\Templates New Server: \\Templates.domain.com\Office\Templates The team making the changes overlooked that several hundred thousand documents, had been attached to the old template documents. So when you open a document which has been attached, it will take a couple of minutes to open, while it tries to locate the old server path. I've been asked to come in and fix it, so after several hours found that the data is being held in document.zip\word\_rels\settings.xml.rels, I now need to replace the old server path with the new server path. I didn't want to use dom as that would take too long and found a tool wtc https://github.com/NeosIT/wtc which works perfectly, takes about 8 minutes to scan a single directory with 4000 documents and fix them. The problem is the documents are all held on sharepoint and they want to retain the file timestamp, which is easy enough, but they also don't want to keep the "Modified By" apparently they don't like seeing all the documents appearing as "Modified by: Subz" Anyone know of way to retain the "Modified By" info,
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