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Found 2 results

  1. Good morning guys, i hope that you're all well. guys, i have a problem and i hope that you can help me i've created an 3d array the array Contain a Categories info as folow $array[n][0][0] = Categorie name $array[n][0][1] = Categorie file path $array[n][0][2] = Categorie contents number $array[n][m][0] = link name $array[n][m][1] = link url $array[n][m][2] = link section name in my tool i want to add an option to delete a Category as you know the Categorie mean that must delete a region from the array when i tried to use _arrayDelete with the 2d array it work well but here i couldn't find any way to do that, can any one help me please? thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, i'm currently facing problems with understanding how arrays work, or atleast a few commands that alter arrays. My current situation is: 1. I'm taking the process list and putting it all in an array 2. I want to remove the boring common windows processes 3. Profit And i'm currently stuck on step 2, while i already found this thread it dosn't seem that i can make it do what i want. Current code: Local $PList = ProcessList() Local $RL[6] = ["smss.exe", "csrss.exe", "svchost.exe", "iexplore.exe", "chrome.exe", "conhost.exe"] Sleep(1) For $i=1 To Ubound($RL)-1 Sleep(1) While Not @Error $iIndex = _ArraySearch($PList, $RL[$i], 1, 0, 0, 1) _ArrayDelete($PList, $iIndex) WEnd Next It seems to remove all but smss.exe from the array list unless i have it two times in the array. Note: The sleep(1) is there to clear the error else the command wont fire for the rest of the array, any other way of doing it?
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