Hello Everyone,
What I am trying to accomplish is have an array with Values (printer names) and check that against the installed printers using _PrintMGR_PrinterExists.
If the printer exists on the system, delete any printer jobs and then delete the printer. I have
I'm not sure how to code the array check to the printers installed.
#include "PrintMgr.au3"
#include <Array.au3>
$LblPrnArr[2] = ["DYMO LabelWriter 330","DYMO LabelWriter 330-USB"]
For $i = 0 to UBound($LblPrnArr) -1
Local $sSearch = _Printmgr_PrinterExists($LblPrnArr[2])
If _Printmgr_PrinterExists($LblPrnArr[2]) = 1 Then ;If installed printer matches
MsgBox(0,"It's here","It's here!")
Else ; not installed
MsgBox(0,"Negative", "Your code didn't work")
Any help is appreciated.