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  1. I have some problem to make my ini-file work properly. Purpose is to install program at windows 7 - 10 but think it work at XP also. I have included a fragment of code, but all my errors are there. It should be run by user privilege. The test code point out what is not working: Code is create a directory in %appdata%, and create a ini-file if not there. (This write of file work!) When change the settings only one of the two parameters are changed. One value should be changed (don't work), and the other should be added (work!). Editing manually by notepad does not allow to save it. I want the code to be able to change everything in ini-file. 1. First of all, the ini-file is not writeable by user when look at file properties and also directory properties. Any way to change this? 2. Is %appdata% wrong directory? I want all user to have access to the settings but its enough if only by control of the program. It make me crazy its writeable sometimes, and sometimes not. Any ideas? /Dag AppData_INI-test.au3
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