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  1. 12/29/2011: Uploaded a new SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer with the new SciTE v2.28 release. There are a couple of major changes: - Updated our version of SciTE from 2.27 to 2.28. - Made a workaround in AutoIt3Wrapper to allow au3check on UTF files. - Many changes toward portability in AutoIt3Wrapper. - Included SciTE Jump. - Changed the Abbrev setup. **** Important: When you currently have your own definitions in abbrev.properties you need to copy them back from abbrev.save.properties as the installer will override abbrev.properties! Enjoy, Jos Addition/Changes/Fixes in the current installer: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/29/2011 *** Merged the updates of SciTE v 2.28 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos) *** Updated the default color scheme to the new scheme matching the helpfile. Anybody that set their personal scheme will have to manually change it when they want with SciTEConfig. *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper_Gui/AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.0.7 (Jos) - Made it portable (independent of the registry). - Added AU3Check support for UTF encoded by copying the file to a ANSI file and running au3check against that. The filename is updated in the generated output to the original script filename. - added /x86 to the commandline options. *** Updated Tidy.exe v2.2.1.6 (Jos) - Added support for inline deactivation of Tidy through these directives: #Tidy_Off ;Stop the Tidy process below this line #Tidy_On ;Start the Tidy process below this line - Added the process to restore Bookmarks and Fold in the Tidied script by doing the following steps through the SciTE Director Interface: 1. savesession: to %temp%tidyscite.session 2. replace the original file with the tidied file 3. SciTE Revert command to force the reload of the file. 4. Read the saved bookmarks and Fold of the current File and add these back. Two limitation remarks about this feature: 1. When there are multiple instances of SciTE then the commands will be send to the first found SciTE director window which could mean the bookmarks get lost. 2. when lines are removed by tidy due to the /REM option, the bookmarks/Fold will be on the wrong line for those bookmarks located after the removed lines. *** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.29.5 (Jos) - Fixed bug with /StripOnly when the Last lines are a CommentBlock - Fixed bug with 2 double Quotes withing a doublequoted string *** Added SciTEJump (Ctrl+Alt+J) to the Installer. Thanks: guinness for finalising it, Ashalshaikh for starting the project and Melba23 for all input/updates. *** Updated abbrev.properties. (Jos) - Removed the au3abbrev information from abbrev.properties and replaced that with "import au3abbrev". - The installer will rename your current abbrev.properties to abbrev_save.properties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==> ScitillaHistory page containing all SciTE/Scintilla updates. ==> Visit the SciTE4AutoIt3 Download page for the latest versions ==> Check the online documentation for an overview of all extra's you get with this installer.
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