Greetings people of the AutoIt community!
I think I have discovered some possible wrong verbiage in the HelpFile.
I'm trying to make my software detect the _IsPressed("KEY") for the RIGHT MENU button on the keyboard.
You all have a RIGHT MENU button on your keyboard (maybe you haven't noticed it), it's they key between the Right ALT key and the Right CTRL Key.
However!!!!!!! In the helpfile it says the RIGHT MENU key is "A5", that is not true for me. A5 is actually the Right ALT key.
So my question is, what is the _IsPressed HexKey for the RIGHT MENU button?
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll")
While 1
If _IsPressed("A5", $hDLL) Then
msgbox(0,"Test", "Pressed!")
If you try to run the above code, the msgbox will only appear if you press the Right ALT key, even though the helpfil says that A5 is the Right Menu Key hex.
Thank you,