i have searched a lot about how to run external programs with the administrator privileges without the script running with administrator privileges using autoit
But all my attempts failed
Finally, today I found the VBS function doing this task
I immediately transferred it to our beloved language (autoit) and i decided to share it with you
i hope you like it
This is a simple example about how to use the function
runAsAdmin("cmd.exe", "/c @echo off & cls & echo test & pause", "c:\", @sw_show)
this is the function
func runAsAdmin($program, $parameters = "", $workingDir = @workingDir, $show = "")
local $oShell = OBJCreate("Shell.Application")
if isOBJ($oShell) then
local $result = $oShell.ShellExecute($program, $parameters, $workingDir, "runas", $show)
$result = false
return $result