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Found 7 results

  1. The example: The UDFish: The back story: I put together "Win 11 - My own border color" and looking at the logs I've found that I had a handle leak. The leak got fixed but I wanted ( out of OCD ? ) to have the script report on it's status. Ok, easy enough, I'll IPC the request. But I don't wanna have it in the main loop, constantly asking "are we there yet ?, are we there yet ?, ..." . I could not find a copy'n'paste UDF, that did that I wanted to have, so I had to code it 🥲 Now you can copy'n'paste it How does it work: When WM_COPYDATA gets a message, it puts the data in a global array that gets accessed by any user function triggered by AdlibRegister() after X mSec. You can set the AdlibRegister() time with WMCDIPC_AdlibTime(). Without a parameter it will return the current value. Can set the user function with WMCDIPC_AdlibFunc()**. Without a parameter it will return the current value. The UDF has notes that will hint it's use. Hope you find it useful. Edit: This is v2.0 ( yey ! ) ** there now is a WMCDIPC_AdlibRegister(func,time) that can do that too. This version allows running all Au3Stripper arguments, so that's good. Added WMCDIPC_PrintCallback() to handle the one line of debug in the UDF. Also added a return in case the script is already busy running in Adlib, therefore unable to process the IPC request right there and then. The int return is "0xFADE" and the string has how many mSec it's been busy. Giving the user a chance to know it "FADEd away" and formulate a resend or what not. Since is a new version, added WMCDIPC_Version(), just in case of a future one. But all in all, I think that this UDF is complete and needs no other functionality for the scenario it would be used at. Edit: This is v2.1 ( wow ! ) Added in the loop. Why ?. Well, the project that I wrote this for is GUIOnEventMode=1. Having the "are we there yet ?" is much slower given that a long Sleep() is common in that option. But the example I posted is GUIOnEventMode=0. It does use GUIGetMsg() to handle messages and CPU usage so, why not have the trigger right there. So that's what I added in this version. And obviously responds much faster than scheduling an Adlib. Edit: ..and this is v2.1.1 ( child proofing ? ) I was thinking that it would be nice to tell, the new to this UDF, that a set of choices would not work ( not as extreme as in MsgBox_Extn() but, something ). Also to run ControlViewer just in case of an "oops". where you can select a script, press DEL, and process close it, if something went wrong. ( and I use it a lot ) So there: for all those that should be sleeping at 3 AM but want to code and screw up, because the brain is sleeping regardless of will.
  2. Function Reference _AdlibEnhance.au3 Adlib function with support for parameters, pause and resume using Call Back! Sintax: _Adlib_Register( "Function" [, "Params" [, Time [, RepeatCount ]]] ) _Adlib_Pause( "Function" ) _Adlib_Resume( "Function" ) _Adlib_SetTimer( "Function" [, Time ] ) _Adlib_UnRegister( "Function" ) Supports: ; You can call functions with parameters and native functions also! Downloads: Version: 0.10 _AdlibEnhance_(RedirectLink).html Note: Usage example is included! Sample: Fixes: Regards, João Carlos.
  3. Apparently you can't use a function with variables for AdlibRegister Like you declare it with a variable even an optional one and it throws an error if you try and call it Thats ok though I figured out a hack using eval to get a better result Registered_Funct(250);Register Sleep(10000) Registered_Funct(-1);UnRegister Func Registered_Funct($iTime = -1) Local $i_Time = Eval("iTime") If $i_Time > 0 Then AdlibRegister("Registered_Funct", $i_Time) ElseIf $i_Time < 0 Then AdlibUnRegister("Registered_Funct") Else ConsoleWrite("Do Stuff") EndIf EndFunc Surely it has an impact on efficiency though...
  4. Is there any difference in timers and AdlibRegister ? in : performance usage reliability or any kind of difference I want use few timers at once so it will make difference. I have problem with timers and I saw AdlibRegister behaves similar like: wont stop crashing slowing program so much maybe is there any trick to make it better?
  5. Hey everyone, I've been messing around with some new things and adlibs look extremely useful/interesting, however, I can't seem to get it to work.. Here's what I have HotKeySet("{F1}", "_Exit") $qCount = 1 Global $_Timer AdlibRegister($_Timer, 1000) AdlibUnRegister($_Timer) While 1 SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav", 1) $qCount += 1 ToolTip('"Tada" has been played ' & $qCount & " times",200,200) WEnd Func _Timer() Local Static $iCount += 1 ConsoleWrite($iCount) If $iCount = 20 Then ConsoleWrite("iCount is at " & $iCount) EndFunc Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc Basically I want it to call the _Timer function but it doesn't seem to work :/ any ideas?
  6. I'm writing a small prog that will run in the background and sound an alarm if a certain Gmail message arrives in an otherwise unused account. My inclination is to use a simple While/WEnd loop with a 5 minute Sleep between checking for messages, but I've seen examples here of somewhat similar background tasks that employ AdlibRegister so I'm curious which method is the most reliable and least impactful on the CPU. Below are two simple scripts that begin to do what I want and represent how I think this could be handled. While/WEnd with Sleep #include <CheckMail.au3> Global $aReturn Global $iEmails While 1 $aReturn = CheckMail("username", "password") $iEmails = @extended If $iEmails > 0 ExitLoop Sleep(300000) ; check for new messages every 5 minutes WEnd ;work with contents of $aReturn array that contains the new message(s) found While/WEnd with Sleep and AdlibRegister #include <CheckMail.au3> Global $aReturn Global $iEmails = 0 AdlibRegister('_CallCheckMail',300000) ; check for new messages every 5 minutes While 1 Sleep(500000) ; I had to put something here. Does higher the value = less CPU demand? If $iEmails > 0 ExitLoop WEnd ;work with contents of $aReturn array that contains the new message(s) found Func _CallCheckMail $aReturn = CheckMail("username", "password") $iEmails = @extended Return EndFunc
  7. Hi guys, I'dl like to use the same AdlibRegister for to different function. That's an example: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Global $hButton3 = 9999, $Increase = 0, $hGUI1 gui1() Func gui1() $hGUI1 = GUICreate("Gui 1", 200, 200, 100, 100) $hButton1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Adlib1", 10, 10, 80, 30) $hButton2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show Gui 2", 10, 60, 80, 30) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hButton1 AdlibRegister("Test", 400) Sleep(2000) AdlibUnRegister("Test") WinSetTitle($hGUI1, "", "Gui 1") Case $hButton2 GUICtrlSetState($hButton2, $GUI_DISABLE) gui2() Case $hButton3 AdlibRegister("Test", 400) Sleep(2000) AdlibUnRegister("Test") WinSetTitle($hGUI1, "", "Gui 1") EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>gui1 Func gui2() $hGUI2 = GUICreate("Gui 2", 200, 200, 350, 350) $hButton3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Adlib2", 10, 10, 80, 30) GUISetState() EndFunc ;==>gui2 Func Test() Switch Mod($Increase, 4) Case 0 WinSetTitle($hGUI1, "", "... A") Case 1 WinSetTitle($hGUI1, "", "... B") Case 2 WinSetTitle($hGUI1, "", "... C") Case 3 WinSetTitle($hGUI1, "", "... D") EndSwitch $Increase += 1 EndFunc ;==>Test I have try to make an handle like: Func Test($handle) Switch Mod($Increase, 4) Case 0 WinSetTitle($handle, "", "... A") Case 1 WinSetTitle($handle, "", "... B") Case 2 WinSetTitle($handle, "", "... C") Case 3 WinSetTitle($handle, "", "... D") EndSwitch $Increase += 1 EndFunc ;==>Test [autoit] and make: [autoit] AdlibRegister("Test(" & $hGUI1 & ")",400) But not work, some advice? Thanks
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