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  1. Greetings, here is what I am running into.. About my setup: Computer 1: is on the domain, user account logged in is in local admin group and is a member of the domain, and has elevated AD abilities Computer 2 (testing computer) logged in to by local admin account (not domain user), is on the domain. when I execute this on computer 1, it returns the proper OU, on computer 2, it throws an Error 4 during the _AD_Open portion: #include dim $sAD_UserIdParam, $sAD_PasswordParam _AD_Open( $sAD_UserIdParam = "ServiceProfile", $sAD_PasswordParam = "MyPassword") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Active Directory Example Skript", "Function _AD_Open encountered a problem. @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) $fullou = (_AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN("DomainUserAccount")) Msgbox(0, "Message", "This is Mikes OU:" & @CRLF & $fullou) _AD_Close() Keep in mind, I changed usernames and profiles to protect the innocent When I run this on computer 2, I get Error 4 which is: 4 - Creation of the RootDSE object failed. @extended returns the error code received by the COM error handler. Generated when connection to the domain isn't successful. @extended returns -2147023541 (0x8007054B) Any thoughts?
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