I'd like to determine, "from what shortcut" a compiled autoit script was run.
The background is, that several script versions shall be consolidated, an I have no clue, where the users might have placed fileshortcuts to oboslete old script verion names.
eg. MyScript.exe, MyScript-1.exe MyScript-2.5.exe
And shortcuts might be placed on the userdesktop, alluserdesktop, startup folder or somewhere else in the Start Menu.
What I've found so far is the function _WinAPI_GetStartupInfo(). The helpfile is just pointing to MSDN without giving any examples... it's returning a "DLLstruct" -- howto retrieve further info from that type of variable?
#include <WinAPISys.au3>
#include <Debug.au3>
if IsArray($StartupInfo) Then
MsgBox(0,$VarType,"""" & $StartupInfo & """")
Or maybe there is a better, different approach to get what shortcut from a compiled autoit script was started from?
Regards, Rudi.