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Found 6 results

  1. I can't show SVG content using _IEWriteDocHTML! If i save the same SVG code into a file and navigate to the file, it works. Global $oIE = _IECreateEmbedded() GUICreate('TEXT?',180,99,5,5, BitOR(0x00C00000, 0x00080000)) GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE,4,4,172,64) _IENavigate($oIE, "about:blank") _I...
  2. I have a rather large script that uses many embedded IE's within several Tabs to display html encoded text. The _IECreateEmbedded() function says to use the style $WS_CLIPCHILDREN on the GuiCreate to prevent display issues. but when I do that, all my guictrlcreateinput() boxes start out looking fl...
  3. I have one script that creates _IECreateEmbedded and another script that does _IEAttach. I do this because when autoit is doing something, the Embedded IE starts stalling (eg jquery progress animation) But there is a new problem. When IE is having its own process (like in the example...
  4. 1. The script in ie works without errors, why in Autoit does not work? 2. My goal: I would like to read the contents of the " map.panTo(posizione); " variable from the map and save it to a variable in autoit to use it. THX. PS: you need gmaps API key to execute it locally....
  5. Yet another IE UDF, but this time I "covered all angels" to make it as close to "embedded" as possible, the biggest inspiration came from Dale Anyway, one of the issues with the other "snipplets\UDF's" is that $WS_POPUP style will cause other Windows to overlap, even though you clicked on the G...
  6. I cannot get any of my localhost pages that use Angular, jQuery, ExtJS etc to load into the embedded. All work perfectly with _IECreate of course. I started with $oNav = _IENavigate($oIE, @ScriptDir & '/angularjs-hello-world.html', 0)but that gave me nothing but _IE error messages with long integers...
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