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  1. So I'm coding in win 10, ..every thing looks nice but then I think, what about XP, ...ugly, but I make it pretty again, no problem. Lets check in Win 7 and here is my conundrum. Win 10, DRM is on, XP is off ( well, non-existant ), so far so good. I decide to make it the "switch" to enable or disable the checkbox in the context menu. Win 7 ... I try to apply the same logic and: DRM on: DRM off: now, "Windows 7 Basic": DRM is off Question: how should I determine if to hide the check-mark or not?, Is there a way to know that this theme is ? or better yet, how can I know that the theme is classic ? Thanks PS: I know that the code is not here but I think that my trend of thought would make it irrelevant anyway.
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