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  1. Hello, I'm looking for some direction with how to automate the exporting of an excel report through a javascript driven menu; unfortunately it does not support IE, so Firefox is what i've been trying, and I can navigate all the way through the dashboard and generate the report, but to export it I need to go through the menu. The menu has onmousedown and onmouseover events that I'm not sure how to send. It looks like I can do this with _FFCmd, but it may take several statements.. can someone help me get started? This is the path to export: <div id="mstr395" tstid="" class="mstrmojo-ListBase mstrmojo-ui-Menu unselectable mojo-theme-dark visible" style="top: 0px; right: 100%; bottom: auto; left: auto;" onclick="mstrmojo.dom.captureDomEvent('mstr395','click', self, event)" ondblclick="mstrmojo.dom.captureDomEvent('mstr395','dblclick', self, event)" onmousedown="mstrmojo.dom.captureDomEvent('mstr395','mousedown', self, event)" onmouseover="mstrmojo.dom.captureDomEvent('mstr395','mouseover', self, event)" onmouseout="mstrmojo.dom.captureDomEvent('mstr395','mouseout', self, event)" oncontextmenu="mstrmojo.dom.captureDomEvent('mstr395','contextmenu', self, event)"> <div class="mstrmojo-ui-Menu-item-container" style=""> <a class="item exportToExcel mstrmojo-ui-Menu-item" idx="0" style="" title=""> <div class="micn"></div>Excel</a><a class="item exportToPDF mstrmojo-ui-Menu-item" idx="1" style="" title=""> Sorry I cannot provide access to the dashboard as it has sensitive information. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
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