I have a question about the @error logging features in _AD_CreateUser. Hopefully I am just missing something obvious.
In my app I am creating a user if it does not exist then manipulating some attributes.
If the user does exist I would then call another function to remove groups from the user and modify some attributes.
My question is...
If the user already Exists, the _AD_CreateUser option gives $iValue = 0 and @error = 0.
How can @error = 1 for the condition that the user already exists?
I copied a small ship of the code in question along with my full .au3.
I am using AD UDF (Water, thanks for the awesome work on this!!!).
$iValue = _AD_CreateUser ($sOU, $sUser, $sCN)
If $iValue = 1 Then
_FileWriteLog ($Log, "Func UserCheck() - User '" & $sUser & "' successfully created ==> Calling UserAttribsNewUser Function.")
Call ("NewUser")
ElseIf @error = 1 Then
_FileWriteLog ($Log, $sUser & " already exists ==> Calling UserAttribsExistingUser Function.")
Call ("ExistingUser")