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Found 3 results

  1. I need help since my script broke and it may be that they changed the web site but: This used to work: $oIE1 = _IEAttach ("http://paragonmls.sandicor.com/ParagonLS/Default.mvc", "URL") Local $oFrame = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE1, "tab1_1_1") Local $oQuery = _IEGetObjById($oFrame, "f_177_Low__1") ;Est SQ FT Low $oQuery.value = Round($dataArray[6] * .8) Local $oQuery = _IEGetObjById($oFrame, "f_177_High__1") ;Est SQ FT High $oQuery.value = Round($dataArray[6] * .2 + $dataArray[6]) Local $oQuery = _IEGetObjById($oFrame, "f_4__1") ; Zip Code $oQuery.value = $dataArray[18] _IEAction($oQuery, "click") Now the error I get is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\IE.au3" (1799) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".: Return SetError($_IESTATUS_Success, $oTemp.GetElementsByTagName($sTagName).length, $oTemp.GetElementsByTagName($sTagName)) Return SetError($_IESTATUS_Success, $oTemp^ ERROR I can attach to the frame by using Local $oFrame = _IEGetObjById($oIE1, "tab1_1_1") but I can't get to the variables to input the value. Can someone please help how to fix since I can not seem to get to the variables? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello, can anyone give a help with getting this "special" ID below and click it: data-siteid=".2.1:5:1:$post653711358129481_653714114795872:0.0.$up.0.$down.0.3.$voteToggle:0" I have tried to get it with $a.innerHtml and click it with _IEAction. the script i wrote has no errors but seems it doesn't click my button either !
  3. I'm struggling to get my code working in the latest IE.au3 (3.3.9++) that came with the newest stable version of AutoIt (v3.3.10.2). There's an old, but perfect example DaleHohm >posted that illustrates the problem: From the debug console: IE.au3 T3.0-1 Warning from function _IEFrameGetObjByName, $_IEStatus_NoMatch (No frames matching name) When I reverted to an older IE.au3 (, everything worked as expected. Searched the forums, looked at the update history in the IE.au3 header, nothing's jumping out at me that I need to do differently to get this to work with the latest Include. Any ideas? Edit: I tried to use the latest beta version's IE.au3 ( and noticed that debugging was turned on, this is the result: @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 266 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3054 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3024 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 441 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3039 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3054 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3024 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 459 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 1935 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3054 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3024 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 1607 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3039 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3054 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3024 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 441 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3039 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3054 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3024 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3041 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 459 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 490 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLDocument >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 521 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 693 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3039 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3054 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3024 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = IWebBrowser2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 698 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLWindow2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 1793 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLWindow2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3039 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLWindow2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3054 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLWindow2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 1799 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLWindow2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 3054 @@ Debug(3026) : $Name_IEIsObjType = HTMLWindow2 >Error code: 0 $ScriptLineNumber = 1777 --> IE.au3 T3.0-1 Warning from function _IEFrameGetObjByName, $_IEStatus_NoMatch (No frames matching name) --> IE.au3 T3.0-1 Error from function _IEBodyWriteHTML, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType I turned on debugging ($__IEAU3Debug = True) with the older version ( that still works... but it gives some interesting errors: --> COM Error Encountered in ie_scratch_test.au3 ----> $IEComErrorScriptline = 3690 ----> $IEComErrorNumberHex = 80020006 ----> $IEComErrorNumber = -2147352570 ----> $IEComErrorWinDescription = Unknown name. ----> $IEComErrorDescription = ----> $IEComErrorSource = ----> $IEComErrorHelpFile = ----> $IEComErrorHelpContext = ----> $IEComErrorLastDllError = 0 --> COM Error Encountered in ie_scratch_test.au3 ----> $IEComErrorScriptline = 3690 ----> $IEComErrorNumberHex = 80020006 ----> $IEComErrorNumber = -2147352570 ----> $IEComErrorWinDescription = Unknown name. ----> $IEComErrorDescription = ----> $IEComErrorSource = ----> $IEComErrorHelpFile = ----> $IEComErrorHelpContext = ----> $IEComErrorLastDllError = 0 I was hoping someone could confirm with the replicator whether or not it works for them in the latest stable AutoIt. If the script works, the text box below "Test" should say "hi" instead of being blank. I'm using Windows 8.1 that comes with IE11. Running it as admin did not change the result. Thanks!
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