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  1. I recently had issues with the >_FFTableWriteToArray which turned out to be a bug with the function. I am having troubles again, but with a different FF function for the _FFTabSetSelected. The documentation for this function is contained in the attached picture (and below). Again, this is probably on me but I appreciate the help as I can't tell what I am doing wrong. It seems like the first parameter for this function can be a name or index of the tab and the second can be the parameter type. I also assume that if there is only one instance of FF open you can leave _FFWindowSelect() void of parameters and still select a tab. I also expect that if you if the function works it will select the tab and make it the active tab. My problem: the code only works if I manually select that tab. If another tab is selected it will crash. I can't get this function to work. documentation: $vTab (Optional) Label, index (0-n) or keyword: 0 = (default) index (0-n) of the tab. prev = next tab. next = previous tab. first = first tab. last = last tab. $sMode (Optional) Selection mode: index = (default) index (0-n) of the tab. label = Label (RegExp) of the tab. I am trying to use the label as the first parameter. I have tried this approach with the second parameter $name="3Dcart v6.4.1 Store Manager" _FFConnect() _FFWindowSelect() $setTab=_FFTabSetSelected($name,"label") and without $name="3Dcart v6.4.1 Store Manager" _FFConnect() _FFWindowSelect() $setTab=_FFTabSetSelected($name) No joy. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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