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Found 10 results

  1. I saw this code here: http://zoomquilt.org/ and here: http://arkadia.xyz and thought how this can be implemented in AutoIt. Here the results. The Zoomquilt: ;coded by UEZ build 2018-01-10, idea and images taken from http://zoomquilt.org/ ;thanks to spudw2k for the MouseZoom function...
  2. If you look at the help file for the above command, you'll see that it states that it only works for certain zoom values (100 and 200 to 6400). I assume that this is due to an issue in an MSDN library that the command relies on. After doing some investigating, I noticed that the GUIRichEdit.a...
  3. Magnifier Functions UDF That magnify tool in Windows since Vista? Yeah, pretty nice feature eh? Well, turns out there's an API that is going unused around here! We've got to change that! MSDN Links: Magnification API Magnifier Functions Magnifier API Overview (includes examples) This UDF ex...
  4. wakillon




    Easily Create a picture as a Polaroid and be able after, to create Custom Photos Polaroid Collage. Photo can be positioned by drag and zoomed/unzoomed with mouse wheel ( sorry for Touchpad user ) Polaroid can be inclined 10 or 20 degrees, on left or right, and with simple or multi...
  5. I know the rules, don't ask for people to write your script for you.. i just need a nudge in the right direction or just tell me if it's not possible. Here's the skinny, I have an application that shows maps of different areas. I need to have four areas displayed on the screen, the problem I have...
  6. I'm again on a script that simulates a lens on the screen, >here my previous effort that works quite well but only in one mode, that is: it magnifies the area around the mouse while you move it and it shows the zoomed area into the "lens" window that stays somewhere on the screen. In the new mode...
  7. Polaroider Easily Create a picture as a Polaroid and be able after, to create Custom Photos Polaroid Collage. May be you know Pola a soft for create easily Polaroid-like photos from your digital images, but after some tries, i didn't find it very handy ! So i made mine....
  8. TinyColorCatcher v1.0.4.4 Yet another small tool to know the value of color codes. A magnifier x4 to x32 will help you to see precise pixel color. A history of colors store your copied colors and you can delete them with a left click.Icon. Added the possibility to adapt mouse speed to Zoom Lev...
  9. Eukalyptus the GDI+ guru ported the Warp Text to Splines to GDI+ (thread on German forum with examples). I had the idea to mix his example 7 with some GDI+ elements to create an old school Amiga style intro. Here how it looks: It is very CPU intensive and running with acceptable speed only on...
  10. Hi im stuck on trying to zoom inside this gui, any experts on this area? #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <IE.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> Opt("GUIResizeMode", $GUI_DOCKAUTO) _IEErrorHandlerRegister() Local $oIE = _IECreateEmbedded() GUICreate("Embedded We...
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