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Found 2 results

  1. I was looking for a way to embed Windows Media Player into Autoit. I found 2 Windows Media Player UDF's but both of them seem to have used the OCX directly. The problem with using the OCX directly is that the video display size cannot be changed, and it takes the size of the video inherently. @seangriffin created the VLC GUI based on embedding the IE object into the GUI and that seems to work perfectly with Windows Media Player as well and it does not give the resize problem. I built the WMP.au3 around this concept and would like to share it with everybody. Attached is the WMP.au3 and the WMP_Example.au3 where it is used. Feedback is appreciated. This is my first UDF, so please be kind. SudeepJD WMP_Example.au3 WMP.au3
  2. I am trying to get the current song information in Windows Media Player via an AutoIt script. I found a ">Window's Media Player UDF", but it works by creating a separate GUI for Windows Media Player. I don't wish to create a separate GUI; instead I would like to have a script be able to tell me which song is currently being played. Essentially I'd like to make a hotkey so that when pressed the currently played song is recorded as a favourite in a separate file. I've tried a few different things, but to no avail. There is really no code I have worth sharing here.
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