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  1. Hi! I have another problem with AutoIT. You see, I'm still the one who's just starting out with this great programming language. I have a problem with AutoIT, it seems not to recognize the "StringReplace" function even when it is by default. The code was made half in KODA and half of my own. It is a software programmed for the Italian language (I am Italian) and translate the SMS language into Italian correct. Would you help me? Thanks in advance. #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $hull = "hello" StringReplace($hull, "hello", "hellx") $Form1 = GUICreate("Linguaggio SMS A Italiano", 507, 498, 192, 124) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 24, 40, 465, 177) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Inserisci qui il testo che non riesci a capire:", 24, 8, 205, 17) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ecco il testo tradotto(non toccare questo campo):", 27, 237, 237, 17) $Edit2 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 24, 264, 465, 137) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "") $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Traduci", 104, 424, 249, 49) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button1 StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "qlc", "qualcuno") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "qls", "qualcosa") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "ke", "che") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "x", "per") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "pls", "per favore") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "tu6", "tu sei") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "zzz", "mi fai dormire") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "hagn", "Buonanotte") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "tvtb", "Ti voglio tanto bene") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "tat", "Ti amo tanto") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "lafs", "Amore a prima vista") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "fli?", "Flirtiamo?") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "msidt", "Mi sono innamorato di te") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "ba", "Bacio") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "midi", "Mi dispiace.") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "ntm", "Non ti merito") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "tdp", "Togliti dai piedi.") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "amò", "Amore") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "ap", "A presto!") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "cmq", "comunque") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "cvd", "Ci vediamo dopo") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "Tvb", "Ti voglio bene") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "nn", "non") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "risp", "rispondimi") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "cel", "cellulare") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "dom", "qualcosa") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "nm", "numero") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "fv", "favore") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "-male", "meno male") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "disc", "discoteca") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "se#", "settimana") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "+ o -", "più o meno") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "ts", "torno subito") StringReplace(GUICtrlGetData($Label1), "tvtbcoa", "Ti voglio tanto bene come amica") EndSwitch WEnd
  2. Okay, I'm guessing after a while my posts are becoming annoying so I'll try to make this my last question. I've been trying to guess how to make a sequence of actions in a timed difference for example "(action of num key 1) 0.5 second delay from (action of num key 2)" again to try to simplify 1, (0.5 secs) 2 (1.0 secs) 3 (1.5 secs) [1,2,3 being the keys on the keyboard]. so basically i have no idea how to do this but it'd be interesting to mess about with and fiddle with so, anyone know?
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