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  1. SmartNote tesseract Edition: SmartNote is a screen snip tool to snip screen area with OCR ability from tesseract 100+ languages I tried it in Windows 10 with the version tesseract-ocr-w32-setup-v5.3.0.20221214.exe Snipe new note Double Click the tray icon to start NewCapture or While Left Windows Key IsPressed, tap 2 times the Left Shift key (is useful when Capture menu or context menu). While start NewCapture point click anywhere to escape. (Does not catch smaller than 9*9 px) While start NewCapture escape with ESC SmartNote.au3 ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/208600-smartnote/ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Title...........: SmartNote.au3 ; Description.....: SmartNote is a screen snip tool to take Screenshot with OCR ability from Tesseract (100+ languages) ; AutoIt Version..: Author: ioa747 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=mmcndmgr-106.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=SmartNote is a screen snip tool to take Screenshot with OCR ability from Tesseract (100+ languages) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=SmartNote.au3 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName=ioa747 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=ioa747 #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #NoTrayIcon If WinExists(StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & "_STUB") Then Exit 5 AutoItWinSetTitle(StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & "_STUB") If @AutoItX64 Then Exit MsgBox(262144 + 64, StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), "Please run as 32bit", 60) #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <TrayConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <Clipboard.au3> #include <String.au3> ; Initialization DllCall("user32.dll", "bool", "SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext", "int", -4) ; -4=PerMonitorAwareV2 Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1) ; 1=absolute, 0=relative, 2=client Opt("TrayMenuMode", 3) ; 0=append, 1=no default menu, 2=no automatic check, 4=menuitemID not return Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ; Enable TrayOnEventMode. Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; 0=disabled, 1=OnEvent mode enabled ; tray entry to exit script Global $TRAY_ExitScript = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TRAY_EVENT") ; separator TrayCreateItem("") ; tray entry to capture Global $TRAY_NewCapture = TrayCreateItem("Capture") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TRAY_EVENT") TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOUBLE, "TRAY_EVENT") TraySetIcon("mmcndmgr.dll", -106) TraySetClick(16) ; $TRAY_CLICK_SECONDARYUP = 16 TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_SHOW) TraySetToolTip("SmartNote" & @CRLF & "Double Click to take new note") Global $mPos, $aRecPos[4], $hGUICapture, $block_gui Global $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") ; array to hold the Contextmenu data Global $NoteGui[1][14] $NoteGui[0][0] = 0 ; cnt, Note_Handle $NoteGui[0][1] = "jpgPath" $NoteGui[0][2] = "Gui_Size" $NoteGui[0][3] = "ID_PicCtrl" $NoteGui[0][4] = "ID_ContextMenu" $NoteGui[0][5] = "ID_cMenuCopy" $NoteGui[0][6] = "ID_cMenuShareX" $NoteGui[0][7] = "ID_cMenuSave" $NoteGui[0][8] = "ID_cMenuOpen" $NoteGui[0][9] = "ID_cMenuOCR-eng" $NoteGui[0][10] = "ID_cMenuOCR-eng+ell" $NoteGui[0][11] = "ID_cMenuClose" $NoteGui[0][12] = "ID_Dummy_DeleteKey" $NoteGui[0][13] = "ID_Dummy_EnterKey" ; Check for leftover files Global $iFileExists = FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\tmp") If $iFileExists Then FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\tmp\*.*") Else DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\tmp") EndIf ;~ HotKeySet("{PGUP}", "_Array_Gui_display") ; *** Debug _ArrayDisplay($NoteGui, "$NoteGui") <<- HotKey ; ℹ️ While Left Windows Key IsPressed, tap 2 times the Left SHIFT key to start NewCapture, ; is useful when Capture menu or contex menu. ; While start NewCapture point click anywhere to escape. (does not catch smaller than 9*9 px) ; While start NewCapture escape with ESC Global $iShift ; loop until program exit ;************************************************ While Sleep(100) $iShift = 0 While _IsPressed("5B", $hDLL) ; 5B Left Windows key Sleep(100) If _IsPressed("A0", $hDLL) Then ; A0 Left SHIFT key While _IsPressed("A1", $hDLL) Sleep(100) WEnd $iShift += 1 EndIf If $iShift = 2 Then NewCapture() ExitLoop EndIf WEnd WEnd ;************************************************ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func NewCapture() ; NewCapture Local $aRecPos[4], $aMPos[2], $tPos ;, $aTipPos[4], $iX, $iY Local $iDeskWidth, $iDeskHeight, $iDeskLeft, $iDeskTop Local $sDevice, $hMonitor, $sCurDevice, $aData, $Status = 0 ; make Capture gui $hGUICapture = GUICreate("Capture_gui", 1, 1, 1, 1, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) GUISetBkColor("0xFFFF00", $hGUICapture) ; $COLOR_YELLOW WinSetTrans($hGUICapture, "", 50) ; make mouse block gui $block_gui = GUICreate("block_gui", 1, 1, 1, 1, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) WinSetTrans($block_gui, "", 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $block_gui) GUISetCursor($MCID_CROSS, 1, $block_gui) Sleep(200) Local $iMaxLoop = 1200, $iCntLoop = 0 While Sleep(10) $iCntLoop += 1 If $iCntLoop = $iMaxLoop Then ExitLoop ; get mouse coordinates $tPos = _WinAPI_GetMousePos() $aMPos[0] = DllStructGetData($tPos, 1) $aMPos[1] = DllStructGetData($tPos, 2) ; get $hMonitor from previously defined Mouse coordinates $hMonitor = _WinAPI_MonitorFromPoint($tPos) ; get monitor $aData appropriate for previously defined coordinates $aData = _WinAPI_GetMonitorInfo($hMonitor) If Not @error Then $sDevice = $aData[3] $iDeskLeft = DllStructGetData($aData[0], 1) $iDeskTop = DllStructGetData($aData[0], 2) $iDeskWidth = DllStructGetData($aData[0], 3) $iDeskHeight = DllStructGetData($aData[0], 4) EndIf ;move the $block_gui to active monitor If $sCurDevice <> $sDevice Then $sCurDevice = $sDevice ;ConsoleWrite("- $sCurDevice=" & $sCurDevice & @CRLF) WinMove($block_gui, "", $iDeskLeft, $iDeskTop, $iDeskWidth, $iDeskHeight) EndIf ; whait Left_mouse_button _IsPressed If _IsPressed("01", $hDLL) Then $Status = 1 $aMPos = MouseGetPos() $aRecPos[0] = $aMPos[0] $aRecPos[1] = $aMPos[1] ; Wait until key is released. While _IsPressed("01", $hDLL) Sleep(50) $aMPos = MouseGetPos() $aRecPos[2] = $aMPos[0] $aRecPos[3] = $aMPos[1] ; show Capture gui GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUICapture) WinMove($hGUICapture, "", $aRecPos[0], $aRecPos[1], $aRecPos[2] - $aRecPos[0], $aRecPos[3] - $aRecPos[1]) WEnd ElseIf _IsPressed("1B", $hDLL) Then ;1B=ESC key - emergency exit GUIDelete($hGUICapture) GUIDelete($block_gui) Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndIf If $Status = 1 Then ExitLoop WEnd GUIDelete($hGUICapture) GUIDelete($block_gui) ;ConsoleWrite($aRecPos[0] & ";" & $aRecPos[1] & ";" & $aRecPos[2] - $aRecPos[0] & ";" & $aRecPos[3] - $aRecPos[1] & @CRLF) ; if bigger from 9*9 px then create note If ($aRecPos[2] - $aRecPos[0]) > 9 And ($aRecPos[3] - $aRecPos[1]) > 9 Then CreateNew_NoteGui($aRecPos) ; create new note ;Return $FilePath EndFunc ;==>NewCapture ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func CreateNew_NoteGui($aRecPos) ; create new note gui Local $n, $aSize[2] ReDim $NoteGui[UBound($NoteGui) + 1][14] $NoteGui[0][0] += 1 $n = $NoteGui[0][0] $aSize[0] = $aRecPos[2] - $aRecPos[0] ; width $aSize[1] = $aRecPos[3] - $aRecPos[1] ; height ; create note GUI $NoteGui[$n][0] = GUICreate($NoteGui[$n][1], $aSize[0], $aSize[1], $aRecPos[0], $aRecPos[1], $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_RESIZED, "GUI_EVENT", $NoteGui[$n][0]) ; jpg Path for _ScreenCapture_Capture $NoteGui[$n][1] = @ScriptDir & "\tmp\image_" & $NoteGui[$n][0] & ".jpg" _ScreenCapture_Capture($NoteGui[$n][1], $aRecPos[0], $aRecPos[1], $aRecPos[2], $aRecPos[3]) ; save the Gui_Size $NoteGui[$n][2] = $aSize ; set jpg Path as GUI title WinSetTitle($NoteGui[$n][0], "", $NoteGui[$n][1]) ; Creates a Picture control $NoteGui[$n][3] = GUICtrlCreatePic($NoteGui[$n][1], 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) ; Creates a Label control just for $SS_GRAYFRAME GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $aSize[0], $aSize[1], $SS_GRAYFRAME) ; Creates a context menu $NoteGui[$n][4] = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($NoteGui[$n][3]) ; MenuItem for the context menu "Copy to Clipboard" $NoteGui[$n][5] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Copy to Clipboard" & @TAB & "ENTER", $NoteGui[$n][4]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cm_CopyToClipboard") ; MenuItem for the context menu "ID_cMenuShareX" $NoteGui[$n][6] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Send to ShareX", $NoteGui[$n][4]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cm_ShareX") ; MenuItem for the context menu "Save as..." $NoteGui[$n][7] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save as...", $NoteGui[$n][4]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cm_SaveAs") ; MenuItem for the context menu "Open" $NoteGui[$n][8] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open", $NoteGui[$n][4]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cm_Open") ; separator GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $NoteGui[$n][4]) ; MenuItem for the context menu "OCR - eng" $NoteGui[$n][9] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("OCR - eng", $NoteGui[$n][4]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cm_OCR_Eng") ; MenuItem for the context menu "OCR - eng+ell" $NoteGui[$n][10] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("OCR - eng+ell", $NoteGui[$n][4]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cm_OCR_EngEll") ; separator GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $NoteGui[$n][4]) ; MenuItem for the context menu "Close" $NoteGui[$n][11] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Close" & @TAB & "DELETE" , $NoteGui[$n][4]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "cm_Close") ; Display the GUI. GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $NoteGui[$n][0]) $NoteGui[$n][12] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() $NoteGui[$n][13] = GUICtrlCreateDummy() Local $aAccelKeys[2][2] = [ ["{DELETE}", $NoteGui[$n][12] ], ["{ENTER}", $NoteGui[$n][13] ] ] GUISetAccelerators($aAccelKeys) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($NoteGui[$n][12], "cm_Close") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($NoteGui[$n][13], "cm_CopyToClipboard") Return $NoteGui[$n][0] EndFunc ;==>CreateNew_NoteGui ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func SaveFileDlg($Active_title) ; Save file Dialog ; Create a constant variable in Local scope of the message to display in FileSaveDialog. Local Const $sMessage = "Choose a filename." ; Display a save dialog to select a file. Local $sFileSaveDialog = FileSaveDialog($sMessage, @ScriptDir & "\SET\", "image (*.jpg)", $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST) If @error Then ; Display the error message. MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "No file was saved.") Else ; Retrieve the filename from the filepath e.g. Example.jpg Local $sFileName = StringTrimLeft($sFileSaveDialog, StringInStr($sFileSaveDialog, "\", $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC, -1)) ; Check if the extension .jpg is appended to the end of the filename. Local $iExtension = StringInStr($sFileName, ".", $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC) ; If a period (dot) is found then check whether or not the extension is equal to .jpg If $iExtension Then ; If the extension isn't equal to .jpg then append to the end of the filepath. If Not (StringTrimLeft($sFileName, $iExtension - 1) = ".jpg") Then $sFileSaveDialog &= ".jpg" Else ; If no period (dot) was found then append to the end of the file. $sFileSaveDialog &= ".jpg" EndIf ; Display the saved file. ;ConsoleWrite("You saved the following file:" & @CRLF & $sFileSaveDialog & @CRLF) FileCopy($Active_title, $sFileSaveDialog, $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH) EndIf EndFunc ;==>SaveFileDlg ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func NoteGui_Delete($hWnd) ; NoteGui_Delete For $i = 1 To $NoteGui[0][0] If $NoteGui[$i][0] = $hWnd Then _ArrayDelete($NoteGui, $i) $NoteGui[0][0] -= 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>NoteGui_Delete ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func PicToClip($Path) ; put image to clipboard (Thanks to @Nine) _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($Path) Local $hBitmap1 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hImage) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) Local $hBitmap2 = _WinAPI_CopyImage($hBitmap1, $IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, $LR_COPYDELETEORG + $LR_COPYRETURNORG) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBitmap1) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() _ClipBoard_Open(0) _ClipBoard_Empty() _ClipBoard_SetDataEx($hBitmap2, $CF_BITMAP) _ClipBoard_Close() _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBitmap2) EndFunc ;==>PicToClip ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func TesseracOCR($ImagePath, $lang) ; perform ocr (Thanks to @JohnOne) ;~ ; $lang = more LangCode -> https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Data-Files-in-different-versions.html ;~ ; more info at -> https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Command-Line-Usage.html#simplest-invocation-to-ocr-an-image ;~ ; Of course you will have to install it first. -> https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/tesseract/wiki ;~ ; I tried it in Windows 10 with the version -> https://digi.bib.uni-mannheim.de/tesseract/tesseract-ocr-w32-setup-v5.3.0.20221214.exe Local $ResultTextPath, $OutPutPath, $Result ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe Local Const $TesseractExePath = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe" ; ℹ️ Give your path * <- $ResultTextPath = @ScriptDir & "\tmp\Result" $OutPutPath = $ResultTextPath & ".txt" ShellExecuteWait($TesseractExePath, '"' & $ImagePath & '" "' & $ResultTextPath & '" -l ' & $lang & ' --psm 6', "", "", @SW_HIDE) ;ConsoleWrite($TesseractExePath & ' "' & $ImagePath & '" "' & $ResultTextPath & '" -l ' & $lang & ' --psm 6' & @CRLF) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_TOPMOST + $MB_ICONERROR, "Error", @error) EndIf $Result = FileRead($OutPutPath) ;Remove last @LF Local $LastG = StringRight($Result, 1) If $LastG = @LF Then $Result = StringTrimRight($Result, 1) Local $Msg = @CRLF & @CRLF & _StringRepeat(@TAB, 4) & "Copy to ClipBoard ?" Local $iMsgBoxAnswer = MsgBox(4, "OCR Result", $Result & $Msg) If $iMsgBoxAnswer = 6 Then ;Yes ClipPut($Result) ToolTip("The text was copied to the clipboard") Sleep(1000) ToolTip("") EndIf FileDelete($OutPutPath) EndFunc ;==>TesseracOCR ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func TRAY_EVENT() ; TRAY_Event Switch @TRAY_ID ; Check the last tray item identifier. Case $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOUBLE, $TRAY_NewCapture NewCapture() Case $TRAY_ExitScript DllClose($hDLL) Exit EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>TRAY_EVENT ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func GUI_EVENT() ; GUI_EVENT Select Case @GUI_CtrlId = $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED Local $aSize For $i = 1 To $NoteGui[0][0] If $NoteGui[$i][0] = @GUI_WinHandle Then $aSize = $NoteGui[$i][2] WinMove(@GUI_WinHandle, "", Default, Default, $aSize[0], $aSize[1]) ControlMove(@GUI_WinHandle, "", "Static1", 0, 0, $aSize[0], $aSize[1]) ControlMove(@GUI_WinHandle, "", "Static2", 0, 0, $aSize[0], $aSize[1]) ExitLoop EndIf Next EndSelect EndFunc ;==>GUI_EVENT ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func cm_CopyToClipboard() ; ContextMenu "Copy to Clipboard" Local $Active_title = WinGetTitle(@GUI_WinHandle) ToolTip("Copied to clipboard") PicToClip($Active_title) Sleep(500) ToolTip("") EndFunc ;==>cm_CopyToClipboard ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func cm_ShareX() ; ContextMenu "Send to ShareX"" Local $Active_title = WinGetTitle(@GUI_WinHandle) PicToClip($Active_title) Sleep(100) Local $strLen = StringLen(@ScriptDir & "\tmp\image_") If StringLeft($Active_title, $strLen) = @ScriptDir & "\tmp\image_" Then GUIDelete(@GUI_WinHandle) FileDelete($Active_title) NoteGui_Delete(@GUI_WinHandle) EndIf ShellExecute("C:\Program Files\ShareX\ShareX.exe", "-imageeditor ") ; ℹ️ Give your path * <- Local $hShareXImageEd = WinWait("[TITLE:ShareX - Image editor; REGEXPCLASS:WindowsForms10\.Window\..\.app\.0\..+_r\d+_ad1]", "", 2) While WinExists($hShareXImageEd) ControlClick($hShareXImageEd, "", "[NAME:btnLoadImageFromClipboard]") Sleep(300) WEnd $hShareXImageEd = WinWait("[TITLE:ShareX - Image editor; REGEXPCLASS:WindowsForms10\.Window\..\.app\.0\..+_r\d+_ad1]", "", 2) WinActivate($hShareXImageEd) WinSetState($hShareXImageEd, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) EndFunc ;==>cm_ShareX ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func cm_SaveAs() ; ContextMenu "Save as..." Local $Active_title = WinGetTitle(@GUI_WinHandle) SaveFileDlg($Active_title) EndFunc ;==>cm_SaveAs ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func cm_Open() ; ContextMenu "Open" Local $Active_title = WinGetTitle(@GUI_WinHandle) ShellExecute($Active_title) EndFunc ;==>cm_Open ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func cm_OCR_Eng() ; ContextMenu "OCR - eng" Local $Active_title = WinGetTitle(@GUI_WinHandle) TesseracOCR($Active_title, "eng") EndFunc ;==>cm_OCR_Eng ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func cm_OCR_EngEll() ; ContextMenu "OCR - eng+ell" Local $Active_title = WinGetTitle(@GUI_WinHandle) TesseracOCR($Active_title, "eng+ell") EndFunc ;==>cm_OCR_EngEll ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func cm_Close() ; ContextMenu "Close" Local $Active_title = WinGetTitle(@GUI_WinHandle) Local $strLen = StringLen(@ScriptDir & "\tmp\image_") If StringLeft($Active_title, $strLen) = @ScriptDir & "\tmp\image_" Then GUIDelete(@GUI_WinHandle) FileDelete($Active_title) NoteGui_Delete(@GUI_WinHandle) ;ConsoleWrite("- WinClose " & @GUI_WinHandle & " & FileDelete " & $Active_title & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc ;==>cm_Close ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _Array_Gui_display() ; *** Debug _ArrayDisplay($NoteGui) _ArrayDisplay($NoteGui, "$NoteGui") EndFunc ;==>NoteGui_display ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, every comment is appreciated! leave your comments and experiences here! Thank you very much
  2. Hello I wondering how to read more complicated text from image with Tesseract or other method. I used this script and it works with simple text on white background I need to read text which looks like this What I need to do? Download fonts or something from there https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract gimme some info please
  3. There has been many questions about using tesseract of late. Here is a very basic example which works for me, along with the exact version of standalone tesseract executable and English language data used I found it some time ago at a time I thought I needed it, I do not recall from where. $ImageToReadPath = @ScriptDir & "\image.bmp" $ResultTextPath = @ScriptDir & "\Result" $OutPutPath = $ResultTextPath & ".txt" $TesseractExePath = @ScriptDir & "\Tesseract.exe" ShellExecuteWait($TesseractExePath, '"' & $ImageToReadPath & '" "' & $ResultTextPath & '"', "", "", @SW_HIDE) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf MsgBox(0, "Result", FileRead($OutPutPath)) FileDelete($OutPutPath)Some Answers: The files contained in the download, only support English language. From the only documentation I got with this version... Original Binaries and Source can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/I do not know where to get other languages support. I do not know if there is a later standalone version. I do not know why it does not read your image accurately. It does not have a virus in it. You can search the forums or internet to learn how to create / cut / copy / paste, or otherwise manipulate your own images. TesseractExample.zip
  4. #include <IE.au3> #include <Tesseract.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Math.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include <sound.au3> #Include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Date.au3> $OCR_Result = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,2,220,660,500,730,1) $OCR_Result1 = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,2,220,660,500,730,1) $OCR_Result2 = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,2,220,660,500,730,1) $OCR_Result3 = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,2,220,660,500,730,1) $sound = _SoundStatus("C:\ExpertAdvisorBuyAlert.wav") while _nowtime < 3.30 pm If $sound = True Then if $OCR_Result1 > $OCR_Result2 EndIf EndIf Wend Trying to ocr some values on chart in real time(once per minute) and buy/sell securities on basis of alert generated in my software. I am struck onto few steps. 1. On Tesseract Screen Capture indentation parameters. How can we determine the exact parameters if I just want numeric values only. 2. The Tesseract Screen Capture generates and error Obj1 on line 185 which needs to be resolved. 3. Sometimes lines get overlapped with values. What to do in that case. 3. Detecting the sound as and when it approaches and then comparing the ocr values to decide on either buy or sell. The values that needs to be fetched are encircled.
  5. HI All! Im new here and interested in tesseract ocr. There are many examples in the forum but too difficult to me . I just want to see how its working in few line cod . I have installed tesseract and microsoft office 2003 . My cod: $ImageToReadPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image10.jpg" $ResultTextPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\Result" $OutPutPath = $ResultTextPath & "auto.txt" ;$TesseractExePath = @ProgramsDir & "\Tesseract.exe" $TesseractExePath =@ProgramFilesDir & "\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe" ShellExecuteWait($TesseractExePath, '"' & $ImageToReadPath & '" "' & $ResultTextPath & '"', "", "", @SW_HIDE) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf MsgBox(0, "Result", FileRead($OutPutPath)) FileDelete($OutPutPath) Please help me. my picture:
  6. Hello everybody.. i have this picture here *attached* and this script here: $ImageToReadPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image2.jpg" $ResultTextPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\Result" $OutPutPath = $ResultTextPath & ".txt" $TesseractExePath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\Tesseract.exe" ShellExecuteWait($TesseractExePath, '"' & $ImageToReadPath & '" "' & $ResultTextPath & '"', "", "", @SW_HIDE) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", @error) EndIf MsgBox(0, "Result", FileRead($OutPutPath)) FileDelete($OutPutPath) but tesseract doesnt recognized the correct word... and gives me trash back... this is the image >> and the result was >> "samm" the image was an normal jpg and generated with this code here: _ScreenCapture_Capture(@MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image2.jpg", 712,268,853,284) Could anybody give me a hint what i can do better to get this easy image to text? thank u very much!!! Edit: i also tried to capture the screen as bmp with a higher resolution... nothing changed... _ScreenCapture_SetBMPFormat(4) _ScreenCapture_Capture(@MyDocumentsDir & "\GDIPlus_Image.bmp", 712,279,853,295)
  7. I'm trying to get Tesseract to work using the example script here: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/174483-tesseract-simple-example/ Downloading the script and running it with the example image just gives me a blank readout. Someone else had the same problem here: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/174476-single-dll-file-for-ocr/#comment-1263034 but doesn't provide an explanation of how they fixed it. Has anyone else experienced this problem and know of a fix?
  8. Hi, I've been trying this UDF from I'm trying to get the text from a combobox in notepad font property but it only save a tiff file and does not return the array of texts. Thanks ahead. ShellExecute("notepad.exe") WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") $hWnd = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]" Send("!O") Send("F") WinWaitActive("Font") _TesseractControlFind("Font", "", "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:5]", "Western", 1, 0, "", 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
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