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  1. I'm looking for a UDF that can reverse the functionality of _ArrayToString, i don't want to start writing it if there's someone already wrote it
  2. I read various threads and theories regarding two string matching and convert matching value into Percentage. there are some algorithms to calculate similarity like Lowenstein, but sometimes you need more then that So, I written this code, and you will use it at your convenience script matches two strings with word by word OR character by character also match by case OR non case format you can also find difference with (100 – Result) If any suggestion then please write here #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Math.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> $sStr01 = "My string Software v1.0" $sStr02 = "My String Software v1.1" ConsoleWrite("Standard: " & _StringMatchPercent($sStr01, $sStr02) & @CRLF) ; Return Standard: 95.65 ConsoleWrite("Case ON (Char lvl): " & _StringMatchPercent($sStr01, $sStr02, 1, 0) & @CRLF) ; Return "Case ON (Char lvl): 91.3" ConsoleWrite("Case ON (word lvl): " & _StringMatchPercent($sStr01, $sStr02, 1, 1) & @CRLF) ; Return "Case ON (word lvl): 50" ConsoleWrite("Case Off (Char lvl): " & _StringMatchPercent($sStr01, $sStr02, 0, 0) & @CRLF) ; Return "Case Off (Char lvl): 95.65" ConsoleWrite("Case Off (word lvl): " & _StringMatchPercent($sStr01, $sStr02, 0, 1) & @CRLF) ; Return "Case Off (word lvl): 75" Func _StringMatchPercent($FirstString = "", $SecondString = "", $iCaseSense = 0, $iMatchByWord = 0) ;~ ($iCaseSense : [0 = not case sensitive [, 1 = case sensitive]]) ;~ $iSplitByWord : [0 = Match Character by Character [, 1 = Match word by Word]] ;~ ### Check/Set function header parameters Local $sMatchBy = ($iMatchByWord = 0) ? "" : " " Local $inCaseSense = ($iCaseSense = 0) ? 0 : 1 If $FirstString = "" Or $SecondString = "" Then Return "0" Local $aFirstArray = StringSplit($FirstString, $sMatchBy, 2) _ArraySort($aFirstArray) ; Sort Array to Ascending Order ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aFirstArray,"Show First Array") Local $aSecondArray = StringSplit($SecondString, $sMatchBy, 2) _ArraySort($aSecondArray) ; Sort Array to Ascending Order ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aSecondArray,"Show Second Array") Local $inSL = 0 ;Second Level matching starting Point Local $iMatchCount = 0 Local $sMatchArg = 0 ; Now Matching Every First Array Element to Second Array Element For $iFL = 0 To UBound($aFirstArray) - 1 ; $iPL = Represent First Array Position For $iSL = $inSL To UBound($aSecondArray) - 1 ; $iSL = Second Array Position $inSL = Second Array Checking Start from If StringCompare($aFirstArray[$iFL], $aSecondArray[$iSL], $inCaseSense) = 0 Then ; If Both Element Matched $iMatchCount += 1 ; Match Count get +1 $inSL = $iSL + 1 ; Set New Starting Position for Second Array ExitLoop ; Exit Loop for checking next element EndIf Next Next Local $iMax = _Max(UBound($aFirstArray), UBound($aSecondArray)) ; Finding Large Array for Calculation Return Round((($iMatchCount <> 0) ? (($iMatchCount / $iMax) * 100) : 0), 2) EndFunc
  3. I've just written a small script that compares two strings and returns the similarity of those two in %. I know of StringCompare, but I want to get a percentage and I also want to get in touch with Autoit. Compiling doesn't cause any problems, but actually running it does. In line 20 it has a problem with the index and says "Subscript used on non-accessible variable". What's causing that problem, and how can I solve it? Thanks! And sorry for my ugly style Similarity.au3
  4. Version 2.86


    This is my take on string triggers, triggers on specific strings. Able to simple text pasting, opening links (as long as there's a www. http:\\ or https:\\ at the beggining) and is able to open applications, if there is a parameter in the parameter field, it uses it. Shows your lan, and gateway ip's, and opens them on a browser uppon click. Able to change system volume by a set percentage, reading from the inputbox the number the user sets, if 0 or empty uses system default. I made this because the existing string trigger applications didn't do it for me.
  5. This snippet works perfectly for nested spintax: However, I can't figure out how I can write a function that will output all the permutations of nested spintax. For example: for a string "John went to the {{grocery |}store|library}" I would get: John went to the library John went to the store John went to the grocery store ... I can't figure this out - - I can kinda figure it out if there isn't any nesting (regex out all the text between brackets)...but nesting makes it pretty complicated for me to wrap my head around :)
  6. I'd like to take a string like|this and turn it to a 1 key array such as: Array[1] ( [0] => like|this ) There seem to be 2 functions (one internal and the other is an UDF) that are meant for this, but both of which require to supply a delimiter for this to always work. Now of course I can fake a delimiter that I don't expect to exist (like @CRLF). Alternatively, I can use a middleman variable, but it seems like a waste. Is there a more normal (i.e. delimiter and middleman free) way to do it? $foobar = "like|this", $foobar2 = $foobar, $foobar3 = $foobar $foobar = StringSplit($foobar, @CRLF, 3)) ; the delimiter here is a mandatory field ; or include <Array.a3u> $foobar2 = _ArrayFromString($foobar2, @CRLF)) ; the delimiter here is optional but the default "|" will break my string ; or local $foobar_temp[1] = [$foobar3] ; making up a whole new parameter just for this $foobar3 = $foobar_temp
  7. I have this example string: 2020-06-08 09:23:33 : abcdefghifjklm How to trim just the right part? Or how to trim this text right to left? I want to trim this string right to left until ' : '. In ohter words: I need the 'abcdefghifklm' text. I have tried StringTrimRight, but that requires The number of characters to trim. Unfortunately StringSplit trims the left part of the strings.
  8. AU3Text.au3 v1.0 An extensive UDF to ease the internationalization of AutoIt scripts and programs. Add multi-lingual support to your scripts and programs in a consistent and portable manner. Main features: Store messages in a human-readable INI format.Organize messages in different categories.Handle singular and plural string variants at run time.Expands meta-characters and all AutoIt macro's.Supports UTF-16 Little-Endian encoding.GUI Menu and Combo Create/Read helper functions.Command line utility to extract messages from AutoIt scripts.Fully portable!The download contains the following files:ReadMe.txt Instructions and information on the UDF. AU3Text-HowTo.txt Step by step instructions to convert programs for internationalization with AutoIt. AU3Text-Demo.au3 AU3Text demo. AU3Text-Extractor.au3 Source file for command line utility to extract AU3Text messages from scripts. You'll need to compile this script before you can use it. This is BETA software! LibAU3Text.au3 Main AU3Text library. LibAU3TextGUI.au3 AU3Text GUI helpers. LibAU3TextDev.au3 Additional developer functions. LibLocale.au3 Locale functions. Originally based on guinness' excellent _GetOSLanguage function, but has grown into a full stand-alone UDF. LibIni.au3 UTF-16 LE INI functions. LibStringFormatEx.au3 Modified StringFormat function. See http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/139260-autoit-snippets/page__st__60#entry1010824 I18nAU3Text-Demo.en.lng English demo language file. I18nAU3Text-Demo.nl.lng Dutch demo language file. I18nAU3Text-Translation-HowTo.txt Basic translation instructions. ResAU3Text-Extractor.ico Pic unrelated :)A simple example of translating a string: #include 'LibAU3Text.au3' _AU3Text_BindTextSection('MESSAGES', 'nl') ; Set translations to dutch. ; ... Create a GUI. ; Translate a string: GUICtrlCreateLabel(_AU3Text('The flying dutchman flies again.', 'FLYING_DUTCHMAN'), -1, -1) ; De vliegende hollander vliegt alweer. ; Translate a string with plural variants: GUICtrlCreateLabel(StringFormat(_AU3Text_Plural('Deleted %i file.', 2, 'DELETED_FILES'), 2), -1, -1) ; 2 bestanden verwijdert. ; Using shorthand functions: GUICtrlCreateLabel(_('The flying dutchman flies again.', 'FLYING_DUTCHMAN'), -1, -1) GUICtrlCreateLabel(StringFormat(_P('Deleted %i file.', 2, 'DELETED_FILES'), 2), -1, -1) ; Let AU3Text generate the INI keys, keys are MD5 hashes of the messages. GUICtrlCreateLabel(_('The flying dutchman flies again.'), -1, -1) GUICtrlCreateLabel(StringFormat(_P('Deleted %i file.', 2), 2), -1, -1) ; ...The UDF: AU3Text.zip If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, requests or improvements, then please let me know. Happy coding! edit 1: zip added edit 2: If you compiled AU3Text-Extractor and want to test it, run it against AU3Text-Demo like this: AU3Text-Extractor.exe Au3Text-Demo.au3 beThis will create AU3Text-Demo.be.lng in the I18n directory.
  9. Hi, I have a string like this : Global $Msga = "urrent directory is /send. (Submission of file with log number 29381077284 is confirmed)"; I want to extract the number 29381077284 from the string. I did StringSplit to split based on "(" and then use space to reach there, But it's not a good choice. Can anyone help me with regular expression to find the number from String using AutoIT. TIA
  10. Hi guys!, i have a problem to convert Python code to AutoIt code, in fact i had not coded with Python yet!, this code is about permutation a string's case, i will be happy with your comments :)❤; Python code: # Python code to print all permutations # with respect to cases # Function to generate permutations def permute(inp): n = len(inp) # Number of permutations is 2^n mx = 1 << n # Converting string to lower case inp = inp.lower() # Using all subsequences and permuting them for i in range(mx): # If j-th bit is set, we convert it to upper case combination = [k for k in inp] for j in range(n): if (((i >> j) & 1) == 1): combination[j] = inp[j].upper() temp = "" # Printing current combination for i in combination: temp += i print(temp), # Driver code permute("Hello") # This code is contributed by Sachin Bisht My code in AutoIt: ; https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/permute-string-changing-case/ _PermuteCase("ABC") Func _PermuteCase($sText) If StringRegExp($sText, "^[A-Za-z]{1,}$") Then Local $iLength = StringLen($sText) ; Get length of the text. Local $iMaxPerm = 2 ^ $iLength ; Number of permutations is 2^n Local $sLow_Text = StringLower($sText) ; Converting string to lower case Local $asChrs = StringToASCIIArray($sLow_Text) ; Split the text into array of chars. For $i = 1 To $iMaxPerm Step 1 For $j = 0 To $asChrs[0] ;................................................... Next Next Else Return SetError(-1, 0, "Error: Input is incorrect!") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_PermuteCase ====================== SOLUTION by @TheXman ======================
  11. i am trying to get number from string using this code : #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IEAttach ("Edu.corner") Local $aName = "Student name & Code:", $iaName = "0" Local $oTds = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "td") For $oTd In $oTds If $oTd.InnerText = $aName Then $iaName = $oTd.NextElementSibling.InnerText $iGet = StringRegExpReplace($iaName, "\D", "") EndIf Next MsgBox(0, "", $iGet) it was get number like 52503058 But, I want to get only student code 5250. (Different student have different code, sometime its 3 digits, Sometime 4)
  12. Hi All, I intend on keeping custom functions/UDFs (works in progress) here; if anyone wants to use any code, feel free. String functions: #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w- 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #include-once ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _DateTimeGet ; Description ...: Returns the date and time formatted for use in sortable filenames, logs, listviews, etc. ; Syntax ........: _DateTimeGet(iType = 1[, $bHumanFormat = False]) ; Parameters ....: $iType - [optional] an integer value. Default is 1. ; 1 - Date and time in file-friendly format; 20190115_113756 ; 2 - Date in file-friendly format; 20190115 ; 3 - Time in file friendly format; 113756 ; $bHumanFormat - [optional] a boolean value. Default is False. ; True - Includes slashes in the date and colons in the time with a space inbetween ; False - No slashes or colons included with an underscore inbetween ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Sets @error to non-zero and returns an empty string ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _DateTimeGet($iType = 1, $bHumanFormat = False) If $iType < 1 Or $iType > 3 Then Return (SetError(-1, 0, "")) ;; Param1: ;; 1 = Date and time in file friendly format: 20190115_113756 ;; 2 = Date in file friendly format: 20190115 ;; 3 = Time in file friendly format: 113756 ;; Param2: ;; True = Use human-readable format: 15/01/2019 11:37:56 Local $sTime = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC Local $sDate = @MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR If $iType = 1 Then If $bHumanFormat = False Then $sTime = StringReplace($sTime, ":", "") $sDate = StringReplace($sDate, "/", "") $sDate = StringTrimLeft($sDate, 4) & StringMid($sDate, 3, 2) & StringLeft($sDate, 2) Return ($sDate & "_" & $sTime) Else Return ($sDate & " " & $sTime) EndIf ElseIf $iType = 2 Then If $bHumanFormat = False Then $sDate = StringReplace($sDate, "/", "") $sDate = StringTrimLeft($sDate, 4) & StringMid($sDate, 3, 2) & StringLeft($sDate, 2) EndIf Return ($sDate) ElseIf $iType = 3 Then If $bHumanFormat = False Then $sTime = StringReplace($sTime, "/", "") EndIf Return ($sTime) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DateTimeGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _FileToFileExtension ; Description ...: Returns a file extension from a filename/FQPN (Fully Qualified Path Name) ; Syntax ........: _FileToFileExtension($sPath) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - a string value. ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string as returned from StringTrimLeft() ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileToFileExtension($sPath) Return (StringTrimLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath, ".", 0, -1))) EndFunc ;==>_FileToFileExtension ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _FileToFileName ; Description ...: Returns a filename from a FQPN (Fully Qualified Path Name) ; Syntax ........: _FileToFileName($sPath[, $bIncludeExtension = True]) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - a string value. ; $bIncludeExtension - [optional] a boolean value. Default is True. ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string as returned from StringLeft() ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileToFileName($sPath, $bIncludeExtension = True) Local $sReturn = StringTrimLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -1)) If $bIncludeExtension = False Then $sReturn = StringLeft($sReturn, StringInStr($sReturn, ".", 0, -1) - 1) Return ($sReturn) EndFunc ;==>_FileToFileName ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _FileToFilePath ; Description ...: Returns a folder path from a FQPN (Fully Qualified Path Name) ; Syntax ........: _FileToFilePath($sPath) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - a string value. ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string as returned from StringLeft() ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _FileToFilePath($sPath) Return (StringLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -1) - 1)) EndFunc ;==>_FileToFilePath ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _StringLeft ; Description ...: Searches for a string inside a string, then removes everything on the right of that string ; Syntax ........: _StringLeft($sString, $sRemove[, $iCaseSense = 0, $iOccurrence = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $sString - a string value. The string to search inside. ; $sRemove - a string value. The string to search for. ; $iCaseSense - an integer value. Flag to indicate if the operations should be case sensitive. ; $iOccurrence - an integer value. Which occurrence of the substring to find in the string. Use a ; negative occurrence to search from the right side. ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string as returned from StringLeft() ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringLeft($sString, $sRemove, $iCaseSense = 0, $iOccurrence = 1) Return (StringLeft($sString, StringInStr($sString, $sRemove, $iCaseSense, $iOccurrence) - 1)) EndFunc ;==>_StringLeft ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _StringRandom ; Description ...: Returns a string of random characters ; Syntax ........: _StringRandom($iAmount[, $iType = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $iAmount - an integer value. Length of returned string ; $iType - [optional] an integer value. Default is 1. ; 1 - Return digits (0-9) ; 2 - Return hexadecimal (0-9, A - F) ; 3 - Return Alphanumeric upper (0-9, A - Z) ; 4 - Return Alphanumeric (0-9, A - Z, a - z) ; 5 - Return Alpha upper (A - Z) ; 6 - Return Alpha (A - Z, a - z) ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string and @error flag as follows: ; @error : 1 - $iAmount is not a positive integer ; 2 - $iType is out of bounds ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringRandom($iAmount, $iType = 1) If $iAmount < 1 Or IsInt($iAmount) = 0 Then Return (SetError(-1, 0, "")) Local $sString = "" Local $iRandomLow = 1, $iRandomHigh = 62 #Tidy_Off Local Static $aCharId[63] = [0, Chr(48), Chr(49), Chr(50), Chr(51), Chr(52), Chr(53), Chr(54), Chr(55), Chr(56), Chr(57), Chr(65), Chr(66), Chr(67), _ Chr(68), Chr(69), Chr(70), Chr(71), Chr(72), Chr(73), Chr(74), Chr(75), Chr(76), Chr(77), Chr(78), Chr(79), Chr(80), _ Chr(81), Chr(82), Chr(83), Chr(84), Chr(85), Chr(86), Chr(87), Chr(88), Chr(89), Chr(90), Chr(97), Chr(98), Chr(99), _ Chr(100), Chr(101), Chr(102), Chr(103), Chr(104), Chr(105), Chr(106), Chr(107), Chr(108), Chr(109), Chr(110), Chr(111), _ Chr(112), Chr(113), Chr(114), Chr(115), Chr(116), Chr(117), Chr(118), Chr(119), Chr(120), Chr(121), Chr(122)] #Tidy_On If $iType = 1 Then ;; digits: 1 - 10 $iRandomHigh = 10 ElseIf $iType = 2 Then ;; hexadecimal: 1 - 16 $iRandomHigh = 16 ElseIf $iType = 3 Then ;; alnumupper: 1 - 36 $iRandomHigh = 36 ElseIf $iType = 4 Then ;; alnum: 1 - 62 $iRandomHigh = 62 ElseIf $iType = 5 Then ;; alphaupper: 11 - 36 $iRandomLow = 11 $iRandomHigh = 36 ElseIf $iType = 6 Then ;; alpha: 11 = 62 $iRandomLow = 11 $iRandomHigh = 62 Else Return (SetError(-2, 0, "")) EndIf For $i = 1 To $iAmount $sString &= $aCharId[Random($iRandomLow, $iRandomHigh, 1)] ;; append string with corresponding random character from ascii array Next Return ($sString) EndFunc ;==>_StringRandom ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _StringTrimLeft ; Description ...: Searches for a string inside a string, then removes everything on the left of that string ; Syntax ........: _StringTrimLeft($sString, $sRemove[, $iCaseSense = 0, $iOccurrence = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $sString - a string value. The string to search inside. ; $sRemove - a string value. The string to search for. ; $iCaseSense - an integer value. Flag to indicate if the operations should be case sensitive. ; $iOccurrence - an integer value. Which occurrence of the substring to find in the string. Use a ; negative occurrence to search from the right side. ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string as returned from StringTrimLeft() ; Author ........: Sam Coates ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringTrimLeft($sString, $sRemove, $iCaseSense = 0, $iOccurrence = 1) Return (StringTrimLeft($sString, StringInStr($sString, $sRemove, $iCaseSense, $iOccurrence) + StringLen($sRemove) - 1)) EndFunc ;==>_StringTrimLeft Examples: ConsoleWrite(_StringRandom(100, 6) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(_StringTrimLeft("C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe", "C:\Windows\System32\") & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(_StringLeft("C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe", "cmd.exe") & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(_FileToFileName("C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe") & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(_FileToFilePath("C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe") & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(_FileToFileExtension("C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe") & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(_StringRandom(6, 4) & "-" & _StringRandom(4, 4) & "-" & _StringRandom(4, 4) & "-" & _StringRandom(4, 4) & "-" & _StringRandom(6, 4)& @CRLF)
  13. good morning sirs. please i have a request from you. i have an variable to Read a data from a file this data is Encrypted and when i read it i Decrypte it. for that i need a function to Write a ini data to string. ;#Function# ===================================================================================================================== ; Name............: _IniReadFromString ; Description.....: Returns the value of a key in a specific section of an ini-formatted string ; Syntax..........: _IniReadFromString($szInput, $szSection, $szKey, $Default) ; Parameters......: ;   $szInput - The string that contains data in ini format ;   $szSection   - The sectionname (just as in IniRead) ;   $szKey   - The keyname (just as in IniRead) ;   $Default - The default value if the key does not exist or reading failed (just as in IniRead) ; Return values ..: ;   Success  - Returns the read value ;   Failure  - Returns $Default ; Author .........: FichteFoll ; Remarks ........: Works for Unicode as well as for ANSI ; Related ........: IniRead, _IniReadSectionFromString ; Link ...........; See on top ; Example ........; $var = _IniReadFromString(StringFormat("[Sect]\r\nMyKey1=value1\r\nMyKey2=value2"), "Sect", "MyKey2", "no_value") ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniReadFromString($szInput, $szSection, $szKey, $Default) $szInput = StringStripCR($szInput) ;~  Local $aRegMl = StringRegExp($szInput, "\[" & __StringEscapeRegExp($szSection) & "\]\n+(?:[^\[].*?=.*\n)*" & __StringEscapeRegExp($szKey) & "=(.*)\n?(",3) Local $aRegMl = StringRegExp($szInput, "\[" & __StringEscapeRegExp($szSection) & "\]\n+(?:[^\[].*?=.*\n)*" & __StringEscapeRegExp($szKey) & "=(.*)\n?", 3) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, $Default) ; key not found    Return $aRegMl[0] EndFunc;==>_IniReadFromString ; ############################################################################################################################### ; =============================================== ; = Internal Use Only ; =============================================== Func __StringEscapeRegExp($szExp) Return StringRegExpReplace($szExp, "([\(\)\[\]\{\}\\\/\?\.\\|\+])", "\\$1") ; ()[]{}\/?.|+ EndFunc;==>__StringEscapeRegExp like this function Read the ini from string. please ihelp me thanks in advance
  14. hello sirs, i have searched allot about an function that can read the INI file as a string i mean function to read the ini files from string and not from the file directly. i finally found an UDF that do what i want but unfortunately all the functions work, but the function that i want it not working. this is the udf the function that i need is _IniReadFromString this is the function Func _IniReadFromString($szInput, $szSection, $szKey, $Default) $szInput = StringStripCR($szInput) Local $aRegMl = StringRegExp($szInput, "\[" & __StringEscapeRegExp($szSection) & "\]\n+(?:[^\[].*?=.*\n)*" & __StringEscapeRegExp($szKey) & "=(.*)\n?(", 3) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, $Default) ; key not found Return $aRegMl[0] EndFunc;==>_IniReadFromString i hope that any one can help me thank you in advance iniex.au3
  15. Here is an other UDF for string handling : Date handling _StringDateConvert: convert a date from one format ("YMD", "MDY" or "DMY") to another. _StringIsDate: checks if a date with a given format is valid String management _StringCount: count of occurrences that appear in a string _StringFormatBytesSize: formatting a dimension expressed in bytes (bytes) in MB, TB, ...) _StringIsEndingWith: check if a string end with some characters _StringIsStartingWith: check if a string start with some characters _StringJoinArray: concatenate elements of an array to rebuild a string _StringPadLeft: filling a string with characters on the left _StringPadRight: fill a string with characters on the right _StringRemoveFrenchAccent: remove french accent _StringRemoveChars: deleting characters from a string _StringStrip: eliminate characters at the begin and/or at the end of a string _StringTitleCaseFrench: capitalize the first letter of each word with elimination of french accents _StringWSClean: simple replacement of "White Spaces", remove beginning and trailing spaces and multiple spaces removal Any comments, suggestions for improvement or constructive criticism are welcome. Below you will find the UDF and a demo program. JPD_String.zip
  16. Hello all! I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday festivities. I'm working on a script that involves copying a string of text from an Excel workbook and searching for it in a particular website's search tool. If a result is found, it will do something. If not, it will do something else. So far, it can successfully execute the search -- and then it shows me the results in an array. Screenshot of the successful search: The search results in an array: Here's the code (sorry for all my comments): ;~ All the functions this app performs require the external files listed here. So, theyre "included". #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <DateTimeConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShellEx.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <WinAPIProc.au3> #include <WinAPISys.au3> #include <WinAPIConstants.au3> #include <Crypt.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <guimenu.au3> #include <IE.au3> ;~ Kill all functions and close the app at anytime by pressing F4. HotKeySet("{F4}", "_Exit") ;~ Keep track whether or not a file is selected. When the program first opens, a file is currently not selected. Global $FileChosen = 0 ;~ The app must remember certain strings of text: ;~ 1. Login page Global $urlBBLogin = "website.com" ;~ 2. Credentials Global $bbUsername = "USER" Global $bbPassword = "PW" ;~ 3. Search page Global $urlBBCourseSearch = "website.com/search" ;~ When you launch the app, the UI gets built and is displayed to the user in the center of the screen. the "Function" buttons are disabled until a file is chosen. $MasterUI = GUICreate("Master Re-Creator", 469, 145, -1, -1) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Choose the Excel file", 8, 8, 103, 17) $Select = GUICtrlCreateButton("Select File", 16, 32, 75, 25) $FileName = GUICtrlCreateLabel("[No File Selected]", 104, 40, 88, 17) $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Functions", 8, 72, 449, 65) $CheckCourse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Check Courses Exist", 24, 96, 123, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $DeleteCourse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete Courses", 168, 96, 123, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $CopyCourse = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy Courses", 312, 96, 123, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;~ While the UI is open, it listens for triggers (in this case, button presses). While 1 $UI = GUIGetMsg() Select ;~ If the app is closed, the _Exit() function is performed (same function the F4 hotkey calls). Case $UI = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _Exit() ;~ The user has clicked the "Select File" button, the _LocateGetFileName() function is performed. Go there. Case $UI = $Select _LocateGetFileName() ;~ The user has clicked the "Check Courses Exist" button. Case $UI = $CheckCourse _CheckCourses() ;~ Other buttons are not ready EndSelect WEnd ;~ The user clicked the "Select File" button. This function will execute now. Func _LocateGetFileName() ;~ Prepare the app to take note of the details of a file. Local $sDrive = "", $sDir = "", $sFileName = "", $sExtension = "" ;~ Open a File Explorer to allow the user to select a file. Only Excel files are allowed to be chosen. Global $ChosenFileName = FileOpenDialog("Locate File", @DesktopDir, "Excel Files (*.xlsx)|Excel Macro Files (*.xlsm)", BitOR(1, 2), "") If @error Then Return 0 EndIf ;~ When an Excel file is selected, remember of the files location (path), file name, and file extension. $aPathSplit = _PathSplit($ChosenFileName, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension) ;~ Show me what file I selected in a Message Box. MsgBox(0, "Selected File", $sFileName) ;~ Display the chosen file name in the UI label (previously [No File Selected]) and make it green. GUICtrlSetData($FileName, "") $FileName = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sFileName, 104, 40) $FileName = GUICtrlSetColor($FileName, 0x32CD32) ;~ A file is now selected. The "Function" buttons are now enabled. Global $FileChosen = 1 GUICtrlSetState($CheckCourse, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($DeleteCourse, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($CopyCourse, $GUI_ENABLE) EndFunc ;==>_LocateGetFileName ;~ The user clicked the "Check Courses" button. This function will execute now. Func _CheckCourses() ;~ Disable the "Function" buttons again to prevent multiple processes. GUICtrlSetState($CheckCourse, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($DeleteCourse, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($CopyCourse, $GUI_DISABLE) ;~ Open a IE window and navigate to the login page. Global $oIE = _IECreate($urlBBLogin) ;~ Recognize the form on this page (login input boxes). Local $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "login") Local $oTextLogin = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "user_id") Local $oTextPass = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "password") ;~ Enter the Automation user credentials into the form. _IEFormElementSetValue($oTextLogin, $bbUsername) _IEFormElementSetValue($oTextPass, $bbPassword) ;~ Click the Login button. _IEFormSubmit($oForm) ;~ Now that were logged in, navigate to the course search page. _IENavigate($oIE, $urlBBCourseSearch) ;~ Change the search criteria to "Course ID" _bbCourseSearchCategoryChange("Course ID") ;~ Open the selected Excel file Local $oAppl = _Excel_Open() Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oAppl, $ChosenFileName, Default, Default, True) ;~ Copy just whats in cell A1 (for now) _Excel_RangeCopyPaste($oWorkbook.Worksheets(1), "A1") Global $WhatsCopied = ClipGet() ;~ Paste whats copied into the search text box and click submit Local $oForm = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "courseManagerFormSearch") Local $oSearchString = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "courseInfoSearchText") _IEFormElementSetValue($oSearchString, $WhatsCopied) _IEFormSubmit($oForm) ;~ Lets see what we got from the search Local $oBBTable = _IETableGetCollection($oIE, 2) Local $aBBTableData = _IETableWriteToArray($oBBTable) _ArrayDisplay($aBBTableData) EndFunc ;==>_CheckCourses ;~ This function allows changing the search criteria. Func _bbCourseSearchCategoryChange($sCategoryToSearch) Local $aSearchCategory[6] = ["Course ID", "Course Name", "Description", "Instructor", "Data Source Key", "Term"] Local $oForm = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "courseManagerFormSearch") Local $oSearchCategory = _IEGetObjByName($oForm, "courseInfoSearchKeyString") _IEAction($oSearchCategory, "focus") _IEFormElementOptionSelect($oSearchCategory, $aSearchCategory[$sCategoryToSearch], 1, "byText") EndFunc ;==>_bbCourseSearchCategoryChange ;~ All exit commands, including F4, calls this function Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit My main question is: How do I create an If... Then based on what is found in the search results? I need additional tasks to run if Col 1, Row 2 in the array contains the exact string I searched for. (Am I going about this the right way?) My next question (I might make a new thread for): How do I make the whole thing loop, as in, copy the next cell in the Excel sheet and do the whole thing over again until there's no more? I understand that a For/Next loop thingy would be used. I just don't know how. Loops are really confusing to me. Thank you all for your guidance and have a happy new year!
  17. I need help turning this string "20180913221626" into a formatted time string. I need to go from this: 20180913221626 to this: 09/13/2018 10:16 PM I do not always know what the date will be so I can not just use a variable I need to actually convert/format. I did see an older post in the forms that was basically the same question only the other guy did not post the working code and I can not figure out how to use _AD_GetObjectProperties properly to get what I want. As always any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I use to find the date, but it always gives me the unformatted version. ;retrieve the items object $oItem = $oOutlook.Session.GetItemFromID($aItems[1][0], Default) $oItem.GetInspector $eSentOn = $oItem.SentOn ; When was the email sent? MsgBox("", "Sent On of the email", $eSentOn) ;******************************************************************************* ; Formats the date and time from the email ;******************************************************************************* ;Local $fDatenTime = _DateTimeFormat($eSentOn, 1) ;MsgBox("", "Formatted email time", $fDatenTime) $aProperties = _AD_GetObjectProperties($eSentOn) _ArrayDisplay($aProperties, "Did the conversion work?")
  18. I got that func Func makeHelpImgGUI($title,$width,$height,$img) $img = GUICtrlCreatePic("",20,40,$width,$height) _ResourceSetImageToCtrl($img, "HERE") EndFunc and I call this func like that makeHelpImgGUI("Image",1190, 800,$SETTINGS_JPG) so what is the problem in the parameter where is - "HERE" I need value of img but passed as string so $img = $SETTINGS_JPG and how make it "SETTINGS_JPG" I tried something like that but not work Func makeHelpImgGUI($title,$width,$height,$img) $name_str = String($img) $name_str = StringTrimLeft ($name_str, 1 ) $img = GUICtrlCreatePic("",20,40,$width,$height) _ResourceSetImageToCtrl($img, $name_str) EndFunc
  19. Hello everyone, How can I display in ascending sequence some numbers stored in a string variable? $str = "18,03,48,23" MsgBox(0,"test",$str) I would like it to display "03,18,23,48"
  20. Hi, I have the following line in a text file 'input.txt'. I know the line number - say '6'. I wish to replace the text 'WWW' in the below line with a random number (I can generate that with random()). WERIS WWWJP 3.83 8.330 1.000 1097.RAXX The WWW is a 3 digit integer (could be any number between 0 to 999), I can use stringtrimleft and get the numerical value of WWW in this file so, basically, I know the string to replace (ie; WWW stored in a variable), I know the line number to work on and the file location/name and the replacement variable (through random()). My requirement is to fill that 3 spaces with my random number (which Is a integer between 1 and 999) please put ur suggestions
  21. Hello Members of this best Forum i have a question please for example if i have a long string and i want to extract a text between two tag what i can do to make that? note : i know that there is a StringRegExp function it's do that work but it result is be as an array i want the result to be a string is there any function on autoit can do that? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hello! I wrote myself a script to follow Google Maps Polyline encoding steps: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm, and that works (although I think that it's a bit janky), but now I'm having issues getting the output. When I run the script, all the points come out correctly in the console, and even when they're the only things that I log, it displays them fine. However, I'm adding each point into a variable to return all of them at once at the end, fully formatted, and it's only taking the very first point. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, as it seems fine. When run with the default value, it should output this at the end: Custom Polygon: _p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@ But instead I'm just getting this: Custom Polygon: _p~iF I know that it's reaching the string combination lines because it's logging the data before it (and even if a put log AFTER the $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0], it's logged fine). Here's my full code (problem is lines ~209 - 234, search "$sPolygon &= $aPoints[1]"): #include <Array.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> _PolyGUI() Func _PolyGUI() #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $hInputGUI = GUICreate("Lat Long encoder", 403, 301, 192, 124) GUISetFont(8, 400, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Input polygon points here, format as:", 8, 8, 263, 19) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Consolas") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Lat Long - Single point", 8, 24, 142, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Lat Long, Lat Long, Lat Long - Multiple points", 8, 40, 280, 17) Local $sPoints = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 64, 385, 201, BitOR($ES_WANTRETURN, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "38.5 -120.2, 40.7 -120.95, 43.252 -126.453") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "Consolas") $bOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("bOK", 16, 272, 123, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "Consolas") $bCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("bCancel", 304, 272, 75, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "Consolas") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hInputGUI) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $bCancel Exit Case $bOK $sPoints = GUICtrlRead($sPoints) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hInputGUI) _GetPoly($sPoints, True) ExitLoop EndSwitch Sleep(10) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_PolyGUI ;https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm ;https://app.dsmobileidx.com/api/DescribeSearchForLinkId?linkId=469787 ; Note that this will only really work inside the US (this side of the World), as it's assuming any negative is the Longitude ;https://gist.github.com/ismaels/6636986 - decoder ;Using: 41.83162 -87.64696 ; Expected: sfi~F np}uO ; Actual: sfi~f np}uo ; If we remove 32 from the last ASCII code, since the last bit chunk is 0, we get the correct case/ characters ; We need to run this logic back through all the indexes though and do this to all that that <= 63 ;LinkId=469787 ; Expected: q{`aHpa_iVi[kp@}`Aa{@e[eCoqBbAyc@iRy{@g_@mz@|gA{eAh~@Vf~Etv@gB~p@gQ`^yg@~p@ekAldA{KfFxIrJ^pO~Mtl@dPrJnUz[nSpo@wf@fc@yw@n@ob@ ; Actual: s{`aHpa_iVg[kp@}`Aa{@g[gCmqBbA{c@iRy{@e_@kz@|gA{eAh~@Td~Evv@gB|p@gQb^wg@|p@ekAndA{KfFvIpJ`@rO~Mrl@dPrJnU|[lSpo@wf@dc@yw@n@mb@ ; I assume that this is because of bad data, the points have repeating 9's and 0's, which looks fishy. The polygon is (very) close, but not quite the same. Func _GetPoly($sPoints, $bLog = False) Local $timer = TimerInit(), $sConsole[11] Local $sPolygon = "" ; Step 1, take the initial signed value: Local $aCoords = StringRegExp($sPoints, "(-*?\d*\.\d*) (-*?\d*\.\d*)", 3), $aPoints[2] ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aCoords) If $bLog Then _Log(_ArrayToString($aCoords)) For $c = 0 To (UBound($aCoords) - 1) Step 2 ;~ If $bLog Then _Log($c) If $c = 0 Then $aPoints[0] = $aCoords[$c] $aPoints[1] = $aCoords[$c + 1] Else $aPoints[0] = $aCoords[$c] - $aCoords[$c - 2] $aPoints[1] = $aCoords[$c + 1] - $aCoords[$c - 1] EndIf If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 1, take the initial signed value:") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf ; Step 2, multiply each by 1e5, and round $aPoints[0] = Round($aPoints[0] * 1e5, 0) $aPoints[1] = Round($aPoints[1] * 1e5, 0) If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 2, multiply each by 1e5, and round") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf ; Step 3, convert Decimal to Binary, using two's complement for negatives. Padded to 32 bits $aPoints[0] = _NumberToBinary($aPoints[0]) $aPoints[1] = _NumberToBinary($aPoints[1]) If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 3, convert Decimal to Binary, using two's complement for negatives. Padded to 32 bits") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf ; Step 4, left-shifted 1 bit $aPoints[0] = StringTrimLeft($aPoints[0], 1) & "0" $aPoints[1] = StringTrimLeft($aPoints[1], 1) & "0" If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 4, left-shifted 1 bit") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf ; Step 5, if negative, invert binary If $c = 0 Then If $aCoords[$c] < 0 Then $aPoints[0] = _InvertBinary($aPoints[0]) If $aCoords[$c + 1] < 0 Then $aPoints[1] = _InvertBinary($aPoints[1]) Else If $aCoords[$c] - $aCoords[$c - 2] < 0 Then $aPoints[0] = _InvertBinary($aPoints[0]) If $aCoords[$c + 1] - $aCoords[$c - 1] < 0 Then $aPoints[1] = _InvertBinary($aPoints[1]) EndIf If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 5, if negative, invert binary") _Log(" " & $aPoints[0]) _Log(" " & $aPoints[1]) EndIf Local $aChunks[2][6], $0x20 For $i = 0 To 1 $0x20 = "1" ; This is out BitOR flag, 0x20 BitOR'd onto our 5-bit chunks is always 1*****, except the last chunk $sConsole[5] = "" ; Clearing console variables $sConsole[6] = "" $sConsole[7] = "" $sConsole[8] = "" $sConsole[9] = "" For $j = 0 To 5 ;There will always be 6 chunks ; Step 6 & 7, break into 5-bit chunks, and reverse order $aChunks[$i][$j] = StringTrimLeft($aPoints[$i], StringLen($aPoints[$i]) - 5) ; This splits into 5-bit chunks in reverse order, doing 6 & 7 in one operation ;~ If $bLog Then _Log(" " & $aPoints[$i]) ;~ If $bLog Then _Log(" " & StringLen($aPoints[$i])) ;~ If $bLog Then _Log(" " & StringTrimLeft($aPoints[$i], StringLen($aPoints[$i]) - 5)) ;~ If $bLog Then _Log(" " & $aChunks[$i][$j]) ; Here we consume the original binary string, so the next loop gets the correct next 5-bit chunk $aPoints[$i] = StringTrimRight($aPoints[$i], 5) $sConsole[5] &= $aChunks[$i][$j] & " " ; Once consumed, if the remaining length isn't enough for another bit chunk, switch 0x20 to 0 (no following chunks) If StringLen($aPoints[$i]) <= 5 Then $0x20 = "0" ; Step 8, BitOR 100000 (0x20) to our 5-bit chunks (effectively) $aChunks[$i][$j] = $0x20 & $aChunks[$i][$j] $sConsole[7] &= $aChunks[$i][$j] & " " ; Step 9, converting the chunk from Binary back to Decimal $aChunks[$i][$j] = _BinaryToDec($aChunks[$i][$j]) $sConsole[8] &= $aChunks[$i][$j] & " " ; Step 10, adding 63 to decimal values $aChunks[$i][$j] += 63 $sConsole[9] &= $aChunks[$i][$j] & " " If StringLen($aPoints[$i]) < 5 Then ExitLoop Next If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 6 & 7 (part " & $i & "), break into 5-bit chunks, and reverse order") _Log(" " & $sConsole[5]) _Log("- Step 8 (part " & $i & "), BitOR 100000 (0x20) to our 5-bit chunks (effectively)") _Log(" " & $sConsole[7]) _Log("- Step 9 (part " & $i & "), converting the chunk from Binary back to Decimal") _Log(" " & $sConsole[8]) _Log("- Step 10 (part " & $i & "), adding 63 to decimal values") _Log(" " & $sConsole[9]) EndIf Next Local $aASCII[0] For $i = 0 To 1 Dim $aASCII[0] ; Reset ASCII array For $j = 0 To (UBound($aChunks, 2) - 1) ; For both chunk sets ReDim $aASCII[UBound($aASCII) + 1] ; Add an index for the ASCII array If $aChunks[$i][$j] = "" Or $aChunks[$i][$j] <= 63 Then ; If the chunk is not useful $l = $j For $k = $l To 1 Step -1 If $aChunks[$i][$k] = "" Or $aChunks[$i][$k] <= 63 Or $aASCII[$k] <= 63 Then $aASCII[$k - 1] -= 32 If $aASCII[$k - 1] <= 63 Then _ArrayDelete($aASCII, $k - 1) Else ExitLoop EndIf Next ExitLoop EndIf $aASCII[$j] = Int($aChunks[$i][$j]) Next ;Step 11, convert each value to ASCII equivalent For $k = UBound($aASCII) - 1 To 0 If $aASCII[$k] <= 63 Or $aASCII[$k] = "" Then ReDim $aASCII[UBound($aASCII) - 1] Else ExitLoop EndIf Next $aPoints[$i] = StringFromASCIIArray($aASCII, 0, -1, 0) Next If $bLog Then _Log("- Step 11, convert each value to ASCII equivalent, finished") If $aCoords[$c] <= 0 Then ;@CRLF & " " & If $bLog Then _Log($aPoints[1]) _Log($aPoints[0]) _Log("Next set") EndIf $sPolygon &= $aPoints[1] $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0] Else If $bLog Then _Log($aPoints[0]) _Log($aPoints[1]) _Log("Next set") EndIf $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0] $sPolygon &= $aPoints[1] EndIf Next If $bLog Then _Log("Custom Polygon: " & $sPolygon) _Log(TimerDiff($timer) & @CRLF) EndIf Return $sPolygon EndFunc ;==>_GetPoly Func _NumberToBinary($iNumber) Local $sBinString = "" ; Maximum 32-bit # range is -2147483648 to 2147483647 If $iNumber < -2147483648 Or $iNumber > 2147483647 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Convert to a 32-bit unsigned integer. We can't work on signed #'s $iUnsignedNumber = BitAND($iNumber, 0x7FFFFFFF) ; Cycle through each bit, shifting to the right until 0 Do $sBinString = BitAND($iUnsignedNumber, 1) & $sBinString $iUnsignedNumber = BitShift($iUnsignedNumber, 1) Until Not $iUnsignedNumber ; Was it a negative #? Put the sign bit on top, and pad the bits that aren't set If $iNumber < 0 Then Return '1' & StringRight("000000000000000000000000000000" & $sBinString, 31) ; Always return 32 bit binaries If StringLen($sBinString) < 32 Then Return StringRight("0000000000000000000000000000000" & $sBinString, 32) Return $sBinString EndFunc ;==>_NumberToBinary Func _BinaryToDec($sBinary) Local Const $aPower[8] = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1] Local $iDec If StringRegExp($sBinary, "[0-1]") Then If StringLen($sBinary) < 8 Then Do $sBinary = "0" & $sBinary Until StringLen($sBinary) = 8 EndIf $aBinary = StringSplit($sBinary, "", 2) For $i = 0 To UBound($aBinary) - 1 ;~ $aBinary[$i] = $aBinary[$i] * $aPower[$i] $iDec += $aBinary[$i] * $aPower[$i] Next Return $iDec Else Return SetError(0, 0, "Not a binary string") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BinaryToDec Func _InvertBinary($iNumber) ;~ ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & $iNumber) Local $sNumber $aNumber = StringSplit($iNumber, "") For $i = 1 To $aNumber[0] If $aNumber[$i] = 0 Then $aNumber[$i] = 1 ElseIf $aNumber[$i] = 1 Then $aNumber[$i] = 0 Else Return SetError(0, 0, "Not a binary number") EndIf $sNumber &= String($aNumber[$i]) Next Return $sNumber EndFunc ;==>_InvertBinary Func _Log($data) ;~ Local Static $LogEnable = True ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & "." & @SEC & " " & $data) LogData(@HOUR & ":" & @MIN & "." & @SEC & " " & $data, "logs/LOGFILE.txt") EndFunc ;==>_Log Func LogData($text, $File = "logs/LOGFILE.txt") Global $LogFile = "" If $LogFile = "" Then $LogFile = FileOpen($File, 9) OnAutoItExitRegister(CloseLog) EndIf FileWriteLine($LogFile, $text) EndFunc ;==>LogData Func CloseLog() If $LogFile <> "" Then _Log("Closing LoD script" & @CRLF) FileClose($LogFile) EndIf EndFunc ;==>CloseLog I've tried: $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0] & $aPoints[1] ;---- $sPolygon = $sPolygon & $aPoints[0] & $aPoints[1] ;---- $sPolygon = $sPolygon & String($aPoints[0] & $aPoints[1]) ;---- $sPolygon = String($sPolygon) & String($aPoints[0]) & String($aPoints[1]) ;---- $sPolygon &= $aPoints[1] $sPolygon &= $aPoints[0] ;---- I'm sure it's something basic that I'm overlooking, but I don't understand why it's not combining the strings. Also, unrelated, why doesn't $LogFile = FileOpen($File, 9) create the directory/ file if they don't exist? 9 should be $FO_CREATEPATH (8) + $FO_APPEND (1)? Thanks!
  23. Hi All, I'd like to replace 'COMMA' with ',' for example: $myString = "COMMA" StringRegExpReplace($myString, 'COMMA', ',') Now I've tried escaping the ',' in various ways unsuccessfully, such as: '[,]' "[,]" '\,' [,] seems to work in the pattern, I just can't figure out how to use it in the replace, and it seems everyone online is only interested in removing/replacing commas lol. I also tried creating and using a variable as the replacement but also didn't work: $myComma = "," $myString = "COMMA" StringRegExpReplace($myString, 'COMMA', $myComma) I'm sure it's super simple if someone could point me in the right direction - thanks.
  24. Hello, I am getting this error message when running my script: Case $aButiD[0] To $aButiD[$iTotButtons - 1] Case ^ ERROR Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded. The script's purpose is to read my ini file and create buttons for the sections and section contents. The first part of the script creates buttons for the sections of the ini, once you click on the section button it should open another set of buttons of all the contents under the section In this case, the section in the .ini file is called "TPA" on the Func flavorco() It opens the contents of "TPA" into buttons. Right now, the section it is reading is determined by $sSection. It is only when I try to change $sSection = "TPA" to $sSection = $flavorco that the error starts to appear Here is the script #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> $optbar = IniReadSectionNames("test.ini") If Not IsArray($optbar) Then Exit Local $Button[UBound($optbar) - 1] $mGUI = GUICreate('Restock Flavor Ingredients', 10 + (130 * UBound($optbar)), 100) For $x = 1 To UBound($optbar) - 1 $var = IniReadSection("test.ini", $optbar[$x]) If @error Then ContinueLoop $X_Coord = 10 + (($x - 1) * 100) $Button[$x - 1] = GUICtrlCreateButton($optbar[$x], $X_Coord, 30, 70, 30) Next GUISetState() While 1 $mMsg = GUIGetMsg() If $mMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then GUIDelete($mGUI) ExitLoop EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($Button) - 1 If $mMsg = $Button[$i] Then MsgBox(0, '$Msg = ' & $mMsg, GuiCtrlRead($Button[$i]) & ' Pressed', 2) Global $flavorco = $Button ; sets the flavor company's variable Call('flavorco') EndIf Next WEnd Func flavorco() ;opened flavor company's flavors MsgBox(0, '$Msg = ' & $mMsg, GuiCtrlRead($Button[$i]) & $flavorco, 0) Local $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\Test.ini" Local $sSection = $Button Local $aArray = IniReadSection($sFilePath, $sSection) _ArrayDelete($aArray, 0) ;_ArrayDisplay($aArray) Local $iIndex Local $iTotButtons = UBound($aArray) Local $iNumPerRow = 5 Local $iButWidth = 100 Local $iButDepth = 30 Local $aButiD[$iTotButtons] Local $hGUI = GUICreate('Ingredients Stock "' & $sFilePath & '"', 10 + ($iButWidth + 10) * $iNumPerRow, _ 10 + Ceiling($iTotButtons / $iNumPerRow) * ($iButDepth + 10), -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) For $i = 0 To $iTotButtons - 1 ; $x = $iXBorder + (($iRectWidth + $iSpacing) * Mod($i, $iNumCols)) $x = 10 + (($iButWidth + 10) * Mod($i, $iNumPerRow)) ; $y = $iYBorder + (($iRectDepth + $iSpacing) * Int($i / $iNumCols)) $y = 10 + (($iButDepth + 10) * Int($i / $iNumPerRow)) $aButiD[$i] = GUICtrlCreateButton($aArray[$i][0], $x, $y, $iButWidth, $iButDepth) ;, $BS_NOTIFY) Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hGUI) ExitLoop Case $aButiD[0] To $aButiD[$iTotButtons - 1] ;clicking on a flavor name $iIndex = ($msg - $aButiD[0]) $RSINGRflavor = $aArray[$iIndex][0] ;flavor name $RSINGRml = $aArray[$iIndex][1] ; ml $RSINGRgal = $aArray[$iIndex][1]*0.000264172 ;converts ml to gal Call('openflavor') EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Func openflavor() #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=F:\Karl\AutoIt\FJ-Stock JP\GUI Forms\RSINGRSUBFORM.kxf ;opens flavor to view stock and restock submit $RSINGRSUBFORM = GUICreate($sSection & " " & $RSINGRflavor, 242, 213, 530, 269) $RSINGRFlavorTitle = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sSection & " " & $RSINGRflavor, 32, 8, 200, 28) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $RSINGRstockcaption = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Stock in ml:", 16, 48, 96, 17) $RSINGRstockml = GUICtrlCreateLabel($RSINGRml, 120, 48, 114, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $RSINGRInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("ml", 40, 112, 153, 21) $RSINGRSUBMIT = GUICtrlCreateButton("SUBMIT", 16, 152, 81, 33) $RSINGRCLOSE = GUICtrlCreateButton("CLOSE", 145, 151, 81, 33) $RSINGRgalcaption = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Stock in gal:", 16, 80, 97, 17) $RSINGRstockgal = GUICtrlCreateLabel($RSINGRGAL, 120, 80, 114, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### ; $msg = "" While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($RSINGRSUBFORM) ExitLoop Case $RSINGRCLOSE GUIDelete($RSINGRSUBFORM) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc Any help is much appreciated! Thanks. My guess is that $Button isn't an actual string?? Whenever I use msgbox it shows up the string exactly, no numbers attached. So i'm not sure whats going on here.
  25. Hi, i want to read a particular string from a text file using autoit. i wish to read it without explicitly opening the text file. the copied string should be then transferred to an excelbook (again, no need to explicitly open the excel book)... with reference to my screenshot attached, my input to the 'script'' is going to be 0017-0008, and the script should copy the highlighted two lines from the input file to excel thanks
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