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Found 4 results

  1. AutoIt3 Lua Wrapper This is an AutoIt3 wrapper for the Lua scripting language. Consider it beta software, but since I will be using it in commercial product, expect it to evolve. It has been developped with Lua 5.3.5. Updates will come for new Lua version. Everything works just fine, except one (big) limitation: Anything that throws a Lua error (using C setjmp/longjmp functionality) will crash your AutoIt program. That means that it is impossible to use throw errors from an AutoIt function called by Lua (luaL_check*, lua_error...). It is hosted in Github: https://github.com/matwachich/au3lua Simple example #include <lua.au3> #include <lua_dlls.au3> ; Initialize library _lua_Startup(_lua_ExtractDll()) OnAutoItExitRegister(_lua_Shutdown) ; create new execution state $pState = _luaL_newState() _luaopen_base($pState) ; needed for the lua's print function $iRet = _luaL_doString($pState, 'print("Hello, world!")') If $iRet <> $LUA_OK Then ; read the error description on top of the stack ConsoleWrite("!> Error: " & _lua_toString($pState, -1) & @CRLF) Exit EndIf ; close the state to free memory (you MUST call this function, this is not AutoIt's automatic memory management, it's a C library) _lua_close($pState)
  2. Hi, Is there a way to make within AutoIt a 3D game or at least 3D Images? I think it'll look at the end with an Array Holding masses of Pictures which are being placed at the end. If this won't be possible anywayis there a 2D UDF? -Loves to ask
  3. Hello community, the SAP GUI Scripting offers excellent possibilities to automate your activities on the SAP presentation server. It is possible to record, replay and emulate the user input on an SAP GUI for Windows. It is very interesting for tests or only for recurring activities. To simplify the creation of SAP GUI scripts, there is the Scripting Tracker. It consists of two components. On one side of an Analyzer and on the other side of a Recorder. The Analyzer replaces the SAP GUI development tools and provides additional functionalities. The Analyzer component is fully available in the Lite version, which can be downloaded here: bebo.stschnell.de. The Recorder replaces the SAP GUI Scripting recorder and offers also extended functionalities. E.g. beside VBScript, it supports AutoIt and other scripting languages. With Scripting Tracker it is very easy possible to record your SAP GUI for Windows activities as AutoIt script. So it offers new horizons of integration between an SAP system and your presentation server. To get an impression look this video: http://youtu.be/jZQP6vwedsc Cheers Stefan
  4. How do I disable/enable IE scripting with AutoIt? I am hoping there is a registry key? Internet Options > Security tab > Security level > Custom level > Disable Scripting. Thanks.
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