OK, I have to access an API. The Instructions are for PHP... Don't know PHP...
This poses a problem.
Here's the part I need a wee bit of help with: This gives me 2 functions to find/craft
1. Base64_Encode
2. Hash_Hmac
For the Base64Encode part, I found this: ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>
looks like it was circa 2008 an , judging by the comments in the thread, may not be stable on Win8.x
Is there a more stable way to do a Base64 Encode?
And, I think I am totally stumped on the second.
(There IS a Crypt UDF, but I have no idea if
$bHash = _Crypt_HashData("target=ipam&action=get&type=IP&mask=24&apiKey=32-5DAYTJQY2TZHOFOB", "48b278ec873bda4738923dbc467f8669", $CALG_SHA1)
will do what I want)
(edit to comment : nope, I think crypt hash data is a no go... No way to add the secret key...)