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  1. I have a rather involved AutoIT script that is used to update/patch XP computers in an off network situation. We have been rolling out Windows 7 for a while and I need to start patching these guys too; however XP and 7 are quite different in relation to security updates. In XP I was able to read HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Uninstall to determine the existence of a security update or hotfix (hereafter referred to as patch). If the script found the KB number in the registry then the patch is already installed and it skipped to the next patch. This is not an option in Windows 7 and WMI seems to be the best place to get what I am looking for. I know in Win32_QuickFixEngineering there is a property called HotFixID. I think I need to read this and dump it into an array, search the array and if the search is positive skip installing the particular patch (searching for KB255987 for example). I am having major trouble getting WMI data into an array. I have read the array wiki and searched through the forums. I am also pretty sure that I am making it much more confusing than it should be but I just can't seem to wrap my head around this one. A nudge in the right direction would be most appreciated.
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