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Found 7 results

  1. (Google translator) This is the game selection menu, basically it accepts any file from any folder. Please like on github! Thank you! -snip-
  2. Welcome to Ailave, future programming project -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's Ailave? Ailave is a suggestions-powered project that focuses in simplifying AutoIt / Au3 codes, Ailave is a code-shortener that will be equipped with lots of functions and constants that will make ur code shorter and more effective, you don't need to type thousands of lines of code to make a GUI or a function, Ailave does the hard work, you only tell him what to do. Ailave will include: *Lots of Functions that will make ur coding a more comfortable and faster experience *GUI'S! > Yes, it will include GUI's templates, creating a script with GUI was never easier! *Suggestions-Powered > Suggest me what you want Ailave to have! (Click here for more information) *Colors! > It will include a large library of color codes that will be helpful. You are your own limit to imagination, suggest me an idea! What benefits Ailave offers? Easy to understand codes, easier debugging, faster coding, more complete functions, more effective and shorter scripts, no need to create lots of functions, no need to code thousands of lines, and an infinite list of benefits you will experiment yourself soon How Ailave works? It gives u tons of functions that you can use as individual commands, that way you dont need to create thousands of lines to code more effective scripts. Where i can download Ailave? Ailave is still an under-development project and an official version of Ailave won't be released until June, 2018, But you can suggest me ideas. Click here to see Ailave's project website Want to contribute to Ailave's Development? We are currently crafting new functions and we would love to hear from you. SUGGEST ME!
  3. Hello AutoIT masters I am gonna start writing a fun little script to resize X amount of images with the Horizontal/Vertical aspects to 15/15 instead of the standard 100/100 I need to be able to do this with X amount of images and after changing the dimensions I need to save all the images in a path. so to keep things simple. 1: File open prompt 2: Choose X amount of images 3: Automatically choose 15/15 for all images 4: Save in path chosen by user 5: Might be more to come. 6: the faster the better! I am gonna start this project tomorrow, any help/references is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance and Wish me luck #### I Hit a bump on the road ### I successfully manage to do what I want to do and I successfully manage to rewrite names but 3 of the image names won't rename? So lets say I have 10 images that all get resized, then 7 of them gets renamed but not the last three, confuses me quite a bit? Thanks in advance! Rename script: Func renameall() local $path = @ScriptDir & "\" & $nymappe & "\" local $ret Local $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($path & "*.jpg") $i = 1 While 1 $sFileName = FileFindNextFile($hSearch) If @error Then ExitLoop if FileMove($path & $sFileName, $path & String("NewName" & +$i) & ".jpg", 0) = 1 then ConsoleWrite($path & $sFileName & ' renamed to ' & $path & String("NewName" & +$i) & ".jpg" & @LF) Else ConsoleWrite('File rename failed for file = ' & $path & $sFileName & @LF) endif $i += 1 WEnd FileClose($hSearch) EndFunc Full script: #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=car.ico #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ProgressConstants.au3> ; Declare array Dim $Images[1] ; Gets all JPG files in the current directory (@ScriptDir). Local $search = FileFindFirstFile("*.jpg") ; Check if the search was successful If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No JPG files could be found.") Exit EndIf ; Resize array While 1 If IsArray($Images) Then Local $Bound = UBound($Images) ReDim $Images[$Bound+1] EndIf $Images[$Bound] = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop WEnd ; Close the search handle FileClose($search) ; Create directory "resized" if not there yet $nymappe = InputBox("Mappe / Bil Navn", "Mappe / Bil Navn") If NOT FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\" & $nymappe & "\") Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\" & $nymappe & "\") EndIf ; Loop for JPGs - gets dimension of JPG and calls resize function to resize to 50% width and 50% height For $i = 1 to Ubound($Images)-1 If $Images[$i] <> "" AND FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\" & $Images[$i]) Then Local $ImagePath = @ScriptDir & "\" & $Images[$i] _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($ImagePath) Local $ImageWidth = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage) Local $ImageHeight = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ;MsgBox(0,"DEBUG", $ImageWidth & " x " & $ImageHeight) Local $NewImageWidth = ($ImageWidth / 100) * 15 Local $NewImageHeight = ($ImageHeight / 100) * 15 ;MsgBox(0,"DEBUG: " & $i,$Images[$i]) _ImageResize(@ScriptDir & "\" & $Images[$i], @ScriptDir & "\" & $nymappe & "\" & $Images[$i], $NewImageWidth, $NewImageHeight) EndIf Next ; Resize function Func _ImageResize($sInImage, $sOutImage, $iW, $iH) Local $hWnd, $hDC, $hBMP, $hImage1, $hImage2, $hGraphic, $CLSID, $i = 0 ;OutFile path, to use later on. Local $sOP = StringLeft($sOutImage, StringInStr($sOutImage, "\", 0, -1)) ;OutFile name, to use later on. Local $sOF = StringMid($sOutImage, StringInStr($sOutImage, "\", 0, -1) + 1) ;OutFile extension , to use for the encoder later on. Local $Ext = StringUpper(StringMid($sOutImage, StringInStr($sOutImage, ".", 0, -1) + 1)) ; Win api to create blank bitmap at the width and height to put your resized image on. $hWnd = _WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow() $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) $hBMP = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($hDC, $iW, $iH) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) ;Start GDIPlus _GDIPlus_Startup() ;Get the handle of blank bitmap you created above as an image $hImage1 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP ($hBMP) ;Load the image you want to resize. $hImage2 = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($sInImage) ;Get the graphic context of the blank bitmap $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext ($hImage1) ;Draw the loaded image onto the blank bitmap at the size you want _GDIPLus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $hImage2, 0, 0, $iW, $iH) ;Get the encoder of to save the resized image in the format you want. $CLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID($Ext) ;Generate a number for out file that doesn't already exist, so you don't overwrite an existing image. Do $i += 1 Until (Not FileExists($sOP & $i & "_" & $sOF)) ;Prefix the number to the begining of the output filename $sOutImage = $sOP & $i & "_" & $sOF ;Save the new resized image. _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hImage1, $sOutImage, $CLSID) ;Clean up and shutdown GDIPlus. _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage1) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage2) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose ($hGraphic) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBMP) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Call("renameall") EndFunc Func renameall() local $path = @ScriptDir & "\" & $nymappe & "\" local $ret Local $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($path & "*.jpg") $i = 1 While 1 $sFileName = FileFindNextFile($hSearch) If @error Then ExitLoop if FileMove($path & $sFileName, $path & String("NewName" & +$i) & ".jpg", 0) = 1 then ConsoleWrite($path & $sFileName & ' renamed to ' & $path & String("NewName" & +$i) & ".jpg" & @LF) Else ConsoleWrite('File rename failed for file = ' & $path & $sFileName & @LF) endif $i += 1 WEnd FileClose($hSearch) EndFunc
  4. Project to search for binary data in three different ways using assembly language Three ways - Search for a binary - Search for a binary using the callback function - Search for a binary using the data structure Find very fast .. Greetings Project Files ASM_BinarySearch.zip ASM_BinarySearch.au3 #include <WinAPI.au3> Global $MsvcrtDll = _WinAPI_LoadLibrary( "msvcrt.dll" ) Global $Mmove = _WinAPI_GetProcAddress($MsvcrtDll,"memmove") Global $Malloc = _WinAPI_GetProcAddress($MsvcrtDll,"malloc") Global $FreeMemy = _WinAPI_GetProcAddress($MsvcrtDll,"free") Global $DwordSize=DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate("DWORD")) Global $PointerSize=DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate("PTR")) Global $AddressBinarySearch = LoadBinarySearch() Global $AddressBinarySearchPtr = DllStructGetPtr($AddressBinarySearch) Global $AddressCallbackBinarySearch = LoadCallbackBinarySearch() Global $AddressCallbackBinarySearchPtr = DllStructGetPtr($AddressCallbackBinarySearch) Global $AddressXBinarySearch = LoadXBinarySearch() Global $AddressXBinarySearchPtr = DllStructGetPtr($AddressXBinarySearch) Func BinarySearch($DataPtr,$SubDataPtr,$DataPtrSize,$SubDataPtrSize,$Step = 1) ; $Step Loop Step if ($SubDataPtrSize < 1) Or ($DataPtrSize < 1) Or ($SubDataPtrSize > $DataPtrSize) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $MaxPosition = ($DataPtrSize - $SubDataPtrSize) $Return = DllCallAddress("DWORD",$AddressBinarySearchPtr,"DWORD",$MaxPosition, _ "DWORD",$DataPtrSize,"DWORD",$SubDataPtrSize,"PTR",$DataPtr,"PTR",$SubDataPtr,"DWORD",$Step) if @error Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Return $Return[0] ; Return FindPosition // OffSetPosition = FindPosition - 1 EndFunc Func CallbackBinarySearch($DataPtr,$SubDataPtr,$CbFuncName,$DataPtrSize,$SubDataPtrSize,$Step = 1) ; $Step Loop Step ;$CbFuncName ;Func CallbackFunc($FindPosition,$OffSetPosition,$DataPtr,$SubDataPtr,$DataPtrSize,$SubDataPtrSize) ;MsgBox(0,"OffSetPosition = " & $OffSetPosition ,"FindPosition = " & $FindPosition) ;Return 1 ;return ;0 ; Stop ;Other Ways : Continue ;EndFunc if ($SubDataPtrSize < 1) Or ($DataPtrSize < 1) Or ($SubDataPtrSize > $DataPtrSize) Then Return SetError(1,0,False) Local $RegCallbackFunc = DllCallbackRegister($CbFuncName,"DWORD","DWORD;DWORD;PTR;PTR;DWORD;DWORD") if @error Then Return SetError(2,0,False) Local $CkFuncPtr = DllCallbackGetPtr($RegCallbackFunc) Local $MaxPosition = ($DataPtrSize - $SubDataPtrSize) Local $StepTest = $Step >= $SubDataPtrSize $Return = DllCallAddress("DWORD",$AddressCallbackBinarySearchPtr,"DWORD",$MaxPosition,"DWORD", _ $DataPtrSize,"DWORD",$SubDataPtrSize,"PTR",$DataPtr,"PTR",$SubDataPtr,"PTR",$CkFuncPtr,"DWORD",$Step,"DWORD",$StepTest) if @error Then DllCallbackFree($RegCallbackFunc) Return SetError(3,0,False) EndIf DllCallbackFree($RegCallbackFunc) Return True ; Return BOOL EndFunc Func XBinarySearch($DataPtr,$SubDataPtr,$DataPtrSize,$SubDataPtrSize,$Step = 1) ; $Step Loop Step if ($SubDataPtrSize < 1) Or ($DataPtrSize < 1) Or ($SubDataPtrSize > $DataPtrSize) Then Return SetError(1,0,False) Local $tagReturnStruct = "DWORD ArrayCount;PTR PositionArray" Local $ReturnStruct = DllStructCreate($tagReturnStruct) Local $RtStructPtr = DllStructGetPtr($ReturnStruct) Local $MaxPosition = ($DataPtrSize - $SubDataPtrSize) Local $StepTest = $Step >= $SubDataPtrSize Local $Return = DllCallAddress("DWORD",$AddressXBinarySearchPtr,"DWORD",$MaxPosition,"DWORD",$DataPtrSize, _ "DWORD",$SubDataPtrSize,"PTR",$DataPtr,"PTR",$SubDataPtr,"PTR",$RtStructPtr,"DWORD",$Step,"DWORD",$StepTest) if @error Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Local $ArrayCount = DllStructGetData($ReturnStruct,1) Local $PosonArray = DllStructGetData($ReturnStruct,2) if ($ArrayCount = 0) Then Return SetError(3,0,0) Local $tagReturnStruct = "DWORD ArrayCount;DWORD PositionArray[" & $ArrayCount & "]" Local $ReturnStruct = DllStructCreate($tagReturnStruct) Local $NewPosonArray = DllStructGetPtr($ReturnStruct,2) DllStructSetData($ReturnStruct,1,$ArrayCount) DllCallAddress("ptr:cdecl",$Mmove,"ptr",$NewPosonArray,"ptr",$PosonArray,"int",($ArrayCount * $DwordSize)) DllCallAddress("none:cdecl",$FreeMemy,"ptr",$PosonArray) Return $ReturnStruct ; Return Struct of FindPosition // tagStruct = "DWORD ArrayCount;DWORD PositionArray[" & ArrayCount & "]" EndFunc Func LoadBinarySearch() Local $TA,$TB,$TC,$Start,$JGEnd,$JZTC,$TBJNZ,$JMPTA,$JMPStart,$End Local $OffSetMaxPosition = $PointerSize Local $OffSetDataPtrSize = ($OffSetMaxPosition + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetSubDataPtrSize = ($OffSetDataPtrSize + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetDataPtr = ($OffSetSubDataPtrSize + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetSubDataPtr = ($OffSetDataPtr + $PointerSize) Local $OffSetStep = ($OffSetSubDataPtr + $PointerSize) For $i = 1 To 2 $_ASMCode = "0x" $_ASMCode &= "BF" & HexBinary(0) ;mov edi,0 $_ASMCode &= "8B7424" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtrSize,2) ;mov esi,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtrSize] $_ASMCode &= "8B5C24" & Hex($OffSetDataPtr,2) ;mov ebx,[esp + $OffSetDataPtr] $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtr,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtr] ; $Start: // $Start = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "BA" & HexBinary(0) ;mov edx,0 ; TA: // $TA = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "3BF2";CMP esi,edx $_ASMCode &= "74" & Hex(($TC - $JZTC),2) ;JZ $TC; $JZTC = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "8A2C10" ;mov CH,[eax + edx]; $_ASMCode &= "3A2C13" ;CMP CH,[ebx + edx] $_ASMCode &= "75" & Hex(($TB - $TBJNZ),2) ;JNZ TB $TBJNZ = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "83C2" & Hex(1,2) ;add edx,1 $JMPTA = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPTA - $TA) + 5)) ;JMP TA ; TB: // $TB = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetStep] $_ASMCode &= "3B7C24" & Hex($OffSetMaxPosition,2) ;CMP edi,[esp + $OffSetMaxPosition] $_ASMCode &= "7F" & Hex(($End - $JGEnd),2) ;JG End $JGEnd = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "035C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add ebx,[esp + $OffSetStep] $JMPStart = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStart - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; TC: // $TC = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "83C7" & Hex(1,2) ;add edi,1 $_ASMCode &= "8BC7" ;mov eax,edi $_ASMCode &= "C2" & Hex((($PointerSize * 2) + ($DwordSize * 4)),2) & Hex(0,2) ;ret (($PointerSize * 2) + ($DwordSize * 3)) & "00" // Args Size ; End: // $End = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "B8" & HexBinary(0) ;mov eax,0 $_ASMCode &= "C2" & Hex((($PointerSize * 2) + ($DwordSize * 4)),2) & Hex(0,2) ;ret (($PointerSize * 2) + ($DwordSize * 3)) & "00" // Args Size Next $Address = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($_ASMCode) & "]") DllStructSetData($Address,1,$_ASMCode) Return $Address EndFunc Func LoadCallbackBinarySearch() Local $TA,$TB,$TC,$Start,$JGEnd,$JZTC,$TBJNZ,$JMPTA,$JMPStartA,$JMPStartB,$End,$JZEnd,$JGEnd2,$JZTD,$TD,$JGEnd3,$JMPStartC Local $OffSetMaxPosition = $PointerSize Local $OffSetDataPtrSize = ($OffSetMaxPosition + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetSubDataPtrSize = ($OffSetDataPtrSize + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetDataPtr = ($OffSetSubDataPtrSize + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetSubDataPtr = ($OffSetDataPtr + $PointerSize) Local $OffSetCkFuncPtr = ($OffSetSubDataPtr + $PointerSize) Local $OffSetStep = ($OffSetCkFuncPtr + $PointerSize) Local $OffSetStepTest = ($OffSetStep + $DwordSize) For $i = 1 To 2 $_ASMCode = "0x" $_ASMCode &= "BF" & HexBinary(0) ;mov edi,0 $_ASMCode &= "8B7424" & Hex($OffSetMaxPosition,2) ;mov esi,[esp + $OffSetMaxPosition] $_ASMCode &= "8B5C24" & Hex($OffSetDataPtr,2) ;mov ebx,[esp + $OffSetDataPtr] $_ASMCode &= "8B4C24" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtr,2) ;mov ecx,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtr] ; $Start: // $Start = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "BA" & HexBinary(0) ;mov edx,0 ; TA: // $TA = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "3B5424" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtrSize,2) ;CMP edx,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtrSize] $_ASMCode &= "74" & Hex(($TC - $JZTC),2) ;JZ $TC; $JZTC = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "8A2413" ;mov AH,[ebx + edx] $_ASMCode &= "3A2411" ;CMP AH,[ecx + edx] $_ASMCode &= "75" & Hex(($TB - $TBJNZ),2) ;JNZ TB $TBJNZ = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "83C2" & Hex(1,2) ;add edx,1 $JMPTA = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPTA - $TA) + 5)) ;JMP TA ; TB: // $TB = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetStep] $_ASMCode &= "3BFE" ;CMP edi,esi $_ASMCode &= "7F" & Hex(($End - $JGEnd),2) ;JG End $JGEnd = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "035C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add ebx,[esp + $OffSetStep] $JMPStartA = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStartA - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; TC: // $TC = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetCkFuncPtr,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetCkFuncPtr] $_ASMCode &= "FF7424" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtrSize,2) ;push [esp + $OffSetSubDataPtrSize] $_ASMCode &= "FF7424" & Hex($OffSetDataPtrSize,2) ;push [esp + $OffSetDataPtrSize] $_ASMCode &= "FF7424" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtr,2) ;push [esp + $OffSetSubDataPtr] $_ASMCode &= "FF7424" & Hex($OffSetDataPtr,2) ;push [esp + $OffSetDataPtr] $_ASMCode &= "57" ;push edi; $_ASMCode &= "83C7" & Hex(1,2) ;add edi,1 $_ASMCode &= "57" ;push edi; $_ASMCode &= "83EF" & Hex(1,2) ;sub edi,1 $_ASMCode &= "FFD0" ;call eax $_ASMCode &= "83F8" & Hex(0,2);CMP eax,0 $_ASMCode &= "74" & Hex(($End - $JZEnd),2) ;JZ $End; $JZEnd = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetStepTest,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetStepTest] $_ASMCode &= "83F8" & Hex(1,2);CMP eax,1 $_ASMCode &= "74" & Hex(($TD - $JZTD),2) ;JZ $TD; $JZTD = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtrSize,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtrSize] $_ASMCode &= "3BFE" ;CMP edi,esi $_ASMCode &= "7F" & Hex(($End - $JGEnd3),2) ;JG End $JGEnd3 = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "035C24" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtrSize,2) ;add ebx,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtrSize] $_ASMCode &= "8B4C24" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtr,2) ;mov ecx,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtr] $JMPStartC = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStartC - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; TD: // $TD = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetStep] $_ASMCode &= "3BFE" ;CMP edi,esi $_ASMCode &= "7F" & Hex(($End - $JGEnd2),2) ;JG End $JGEnd2 = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "035C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add ebx,[esp + $OffSetStep] $_ASMCode &= "8B4C24" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtr,2) ;mov ecx,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtr] $JMPStartB = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStartB - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; End: // $End = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "B8" & HexBinary(0) ;mov eax,0 $_ASMCode &= "C2" & Hex((($PointerSize * 3) + ($DwordSize * 5)),2) & Hex(0,2) ;ret (($PointerSize * 3) + ($DwordSize * 5)) & "00" // Args Size Next $Address = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($_ASMCode) & "]") DllStructSetData($Address,1,$_ASMCode) Return $Address EndFunc Func LoadXBinarySearch() Local $TA,$TB,$TC,$TD,$Start,$JGEnd,$JZTC,$TBJNZ,$JMPTA,$JMPStartA,$JMPStartB Local $JMPStartC ,$End,$JZEnd,$JZTD,$TE,$JZTE,$JMPStartD,$TF,$JZTF,$JMPStartE Local $OffSetMaxPosition = $PointerSize Local $OffSetDataPtrSize = ($OffSetMaxPosition + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetSubDataPtrSize = ($OffSetDataPtrSize + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetDataPtr = ($OffSetSubDataPtrSize + $DwordSize) Local $OffSetSubDataPtr = ($OffSetDataPtr + $PointerSize) Local $OffSetRtStPtr = ($OffSetSubDataPtr + $PointerSize) Local $OffSetStep = ($OffSetRtStPtr + $PointerSize) Local $OffSetStepTest = ($OffSetStep + $DwordSize) For $i = 1 To 2 $_ASMCode = "0x" $_ASMCode &= "BF" & HexBinary(0) ;mov edi,0 ;$Start: // $Start = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetMaxPosition,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetMaxPosition] $_ASMCode &= "3BF8" ;CMP edi,eax $_ASMCode &= "0F8F" & HexBinary(($End - $JGEnd)) ;JG End $JGEnd = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "BE" & HexBinary(0) ;mov esi,0 ; TA: // $TA = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtrSize,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtrSize] $_ASMCode &= "3BF0" ;CMP esi,eax $_ASMCode &= "74" & Hex(($TC - $JZTC),2) ;JZ $TC; $JZTC = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "8B5C24" & Hex($OffSetDataPtr,2) ;mov ebx,[esp + $OffSetDataPtr] $_ASMCode &= "03DF" ;add ebx,edi $_ASMCode &= "03DE" ;add ebx,esi $_ASMCode &= "8A0B" ;mov CL,[ebx]; $_ASMCode &= "8B5C24" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtr,2) ;mov ebx,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtr] $_ASMCode &= "03DE" ;add ebx,esi $_ASMCode &= "8A2B" ;mov CH,[ebx]; $_ASMCode &= "3ACD" ;CMP CL,CH $_ASMCode &= "75" & Hex(($TB - $TBJNZ),2) ;JNZ TE $TBJNZ = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "83C6" & Hex(1,2) ;add esi,1 $JMPTA = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPTA - $TA) + 5)) ;JMP TA ; TB: // $TB = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetStep] $JMPStartA = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStartA - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; TC: // $TC = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetRtStPtr,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetRtStPtr] $_ASMCode &= "8B00" ;mov eax,[eax] $_ASMCode &= "83F8" & Hex(0,2);CMP eax,0 $_ASMCode &= "74" & Hex(($TD - $JZTD),2) ;JZ $TD $JZTG = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "83C7" & Hex(1,2) ;add edi,1 $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetRtStPtr,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetRtStPtr] $_ASMCode &= "8B00" ;mov eax,[eax] $_ASMCode &= "83C0" & Hex(1,2) ;add eax,1 $_ASMCode &= "B9" & HexBinary($DwordSize) ;mov ecx,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "F7E1" ;MUL ecx; $_ASMCode &= "50" ;push eax $_ASMCode &= "B8" & HexBinary($Malloc) ;mov eax,$Malloc $_ASMCode &= "FFD0" ;call eax $_ASMCode &= "83C4" & Hex($DwordSize,2) ;add esp,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "8BD8" ;mov ebx,eax $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetRtStPtr,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetRtStPtr] $_ASMCode &= "8B00" ;mov eax,[eax] $_ASMCode &= "B9" & HexBinary($DwordSize) ;mov ecx,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "F7E1" ;MUL ecx; $_ASMCode &= "50" ;push eax $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex(($OffSetRtStPtr + $DwordSize),2) ;mov eax,[esp + ($OffSetRtStPtr + $DwordSize)] $_ASMCode &= "83C0" & Hex($DwordSize,2) ;add eax,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "8B00" ;mov eax,[eax] $_ASMCode &= "50" ;push eax $_ASMCode &= "53" ;push ebx $_ASMCode &= "B8" & HexBinary($Mmove) ;mov eax,$Mmove $_ASMCode &= "FFD0" ;call eax $_ASMCode &= "83C4" & Hex((($PointerSize * 2) + $DwordSize),2) ;add esp,(($PointerSize * 2) + $DwordSize) $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetRtStPtr,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetRtStPtr] $_ASMCode &= "83C0" & Hex($DwordSize,2) ;add eax,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "8B00" ;mov eax,[eax] $_ASMCode &= "50" ;push eax $_ASMCode &= "B8" & HexBinary($FreeMemy) ;mov eax,$FreeMemy $_ASMCode &= "FFD0" ;call eax $_ASMCode &= "83C4" & Hex($PointerSize,2) ;add esp,$PointerSize $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetRtStPtr,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetRtStPtr] $_ASMCode &= "8B00" ;mov eax,[eax] $_ASMCode &= "B9" & HexBinary($DwordSize) ;mov ecx,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "F7E1" ;MUL ecx; $_ASMCode &= "893C03" ;mov [ebx + eax],edi $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetRtStPtr,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetRtStPtr] $_ASMCode &= "8000" & Hex(1,2) ;add [eax],1 $_ASMCode &= "83C0" & Hex($DwordSize,2) ;add eax,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "8918" ;mov [eax],ebx $_ASMCode &= "83EF" & Hex(1,2) ;sub edi,1 $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetStepTest,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetStepTest] $_ASMCode &= "83F8" & Hex(1,2);CMP eax,1 $_ASMCode &= "74" & Hex(($TF - $JZTF),2) ;JZ $TF; $JZTF = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtrSize,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtrSize] $JMPStartE = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStartE - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; TF: // $TF = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetStep] $JMPStartB = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStartB - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; $TD: // $TD = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "83C7" & Hex(1,2) ;add edi,1 $_ASMCode &= "BB" & HexBinary($DwordSize) ;mov ebx,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "53" ;push ebx $_ASMCode &= "B8" & HexBinary($Malloc) ;mov eax,$Malloc $_ASMCode &= "FFD0" ;call eax $_ASMCode &= "83C4" & Hex($DwordSize,2) ;add esp,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "8938" ;mov [eax],edi $_ASMCode &= "8B5C24" & Hex($OffSetRtStPtr,2) ;mov ebx,[esp + $OffSetRtStPtr] $_ASMCode &= "C603" & Hex(1,2) ;mov [ebx],1 $_ASMCode &= "83C3" & Hex($DwordSize,2) ;add ebx,$DwordSize $_ASMCode &= "8903" ;mov [ebx],eax $_ASMCode &= "83EF" & Hex(1,2) ;sub edi,1 $_ASMCode &= "8B4424" & Hex($OffSetStepTest,2) ;mov eax,[esp + $OffSetStepTest] $_ASMCode &= "83F8" & Hex(1,2);CMP eax,1 $_ASMCode &= "74" & Hex(($TE - $JZTE),2) ;JZ $TE; $JZTE = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetSubDataPtrSize,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetSubDataPtrSize] $JMPStartD = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStartD - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; $TE: // $TE = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "037C24" & Hex($OffSetStep,2) ;add edi,[esp + $OffSetStep] $JMPStartC = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "E9" & HexBinary(-(($JMPStartC - $Start) + 5)) ;JMP Start ; End: // $End = BinaryLen($_ASMCode) $_ASMCode &= "B8" & HexBinary(0) ;mov eax,0 $_ASMCode &= "C2" & Hex((($PointerSize * 3) + ($DwordSize * 5)),2) & Hex(0,2) ;ret (($PointerSize * 3) + ($DwordSize * 3)) & "00" // Args Size Next $Address = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($_ASMCode) & "]") DllStructSetData($Address,1,$_ASMCode) Return $Address EndFunc Func HexBinary($Value) Return Hex(Binary($Value)) EndFunc ColorSearch.au3 #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Memory.au3> #include <Color.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include "ASM_BinarySearch.au3" Global $itagRGBQUAD = "BYTE rgbBlue;BYTE rgbGreen;BYTE rgbRed;BYTE rgbReserved" Global $RgbSize = DllStructGetSize(DllStructCreate($itagRGBQUAD)) $hGUI = GUICreate("Color Gui",20,20,@DesktopWidth - 20,@DesktopHeight - 100) GUISetBkColor(0xFF80FF, $hGUI) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) MsgBox(0,"PixelSearch","PixelSearch") $hTimer = TimerInit() $Pos1 = PixelSearch(0 , 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight,0xFF80FF) ;0xFFFFFF $iDiff1 = TimerDiff($hTimer) MsgBox(0,"nPixelSearch","nPixelSearch") $hTimer = TimerInit() $Pos2 = nPixelSearch(0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight,0xFF80FF) ;0xFFFFFF $iDiff2 = TimerDiff($hTimer) if IsArray($Pos1) And IsArray($Pos2) Then $Text1 = String($Pos1[0] & " " & $Pos1[1] & " PixelSearch Time ==> " & $iDiff1) $Text2 = String($Pos2[0] & " " & $Pos2[1] & " nPixelSearch Time ==> " & $iDiff2) MsgBox(0,"PixelSearch",$Text1 & @CRLF & $Text2) EndIf MsgBox(0,"nPixelSearch","nPixelSearch") $hTimer = TimerInit() $Pos2 = nPixelSearch(0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight,0xFF80FF) ;0xFFFFFF $iDiff2 = TimerDiff($hTimer) MsgBox(0,"PixelSearch","PixelSearch") $hTimer = TimerInit() $Pos1 = PixelSearch(0 , 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight,0xFF80FF) ;0xFFFFFF $iDiff1 = TimerDiff($hTimer) if IsArray($Pos1) And IsArray($Pos2) Then $Text1 = String($Pos1[0] & " " & $Pos1[1] & " PixelSearch Time ==> " & $iDiff1) $Text2 = String($Pos2[0] & " " & $Pos2[1] & " nPixelSearch Time ==> " & $iDiff2) MsgBox(0,"PixelSearch",$Text1 & @CRLF & $Text2) EndIf Func nPixelSearch($left = 0,$top = 0,$right = -1,$bottom = -1,$Color = 0,$bCursor = False) Local $hBmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture("",$left,$top,$right,$bottom,$bCursor) if Not($hBmp) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $aCoord = BmpSearchColor($hBmp,$Color) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBmp) if Not IsArray($aCoord) Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Return $aCoord EndFunc Func BmpSearchColor($hBmp,$Color) Local $BitsStruct = GetBitsStruct($hBmp) if @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $BitsStringPtr = DllStructGetPtr($BitsStruct,"RGBQUAD") Local $BitsSize = DllStructGetData($BitsStruct,"SIZE") Local $biWidth = DllStructGetData($BitsStruct,"WIDTH") Local $biHeight = DllStructGetData($BitsStruct,"HEIGHT") Local $iColor = DllStructCreate("BYTE RGB[3]") DllStructSetData($iColor,1,$Color) $iColorPtr = DllStructGetPtr($iColor) $FindPosition = BinarySearch($BitsStringPtr,$iColorPtr,$BitsSize,3,4) ;$SubDataPtrSize = 3 // $Step = $RgbSize = 4 // ; $Step Is Loop Step if @error Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Local $OffSetPosition = $FindPosition - 1 $OffSetPosition /= $RgbSize ; $RgbSize = 4 /// 4byte = 1pixel $X = Mod($OffSetPosition,$biWidth) ; Get left $Y = (($OffSetPosition - $X) / $biWidth) ; Get top Local $aCoord[2] $aCoord[0] = $X $aCoord[1] = $Y Return $aCoord EndFunc Func GetBitsStruct( $hBmp , $L = -1 , $T = -1 , $W = -1 , $H = -1 ) Local $SizeArray = GetImageSize($hBmp) if @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $biWidth = $SizeArray[0] Local $biHeight = $SizeArray[1] if ($L < 0) Then $L = 0 if ($T < 0) Then $T = 0 if ($W < 0) Then $W = ($biWidth - $L) if ($H < 0) Then $H = ($biHeight - $T) if ($L >= $biWidth Or (($L + $W) > $biWidth)) Then $L = 0 if ($T >= $biHeight Or (($T + $H) > $biHeight)) Then $T = 0 Local $vRgbSize = ($RgbSize * ($biWidth * $biHeight)) Local $vStBits = DllStructCreate("INT WIDTH;INT HEIGHT;INT SIZE;BYTE RGBQUAD[" & ($vRgbSize) & "]") DllStructSetData($vStBits ,"WIDTH",$biWidth) DllStructSetData($vStBits,"HEIGHT",$biHeight) DllStructSetData($vStBits,"SIZE",$vRgbSize) GetBitmapBits($hBmp,DllStructGetPtr($vStBits,"RGBQUAD"),$vRgbSize) if @error Then Return SetError(2,0,0) if ($L = 0 And $T = 0 And $W = $biWidth And $H = $biHeight) Then Return $vStBits Local $nRgbSize = ($RgbSize * ($W * $H)) , $ColusCount = $W Local $nStBits = DllStructCreate("INT WIDTH;INT HEIGHT;INT SIZE;BYTE RGBQUAD[" & ($nRgbSize) & "]") DllStructSetData($nStBits ,"WIDTH",$W) DllStructSetData($nStBits,"HEIGHT",$H) DllStructSetData($nStBits,"SIZE",$nRgbSize) For $RowIndex = 0 To ($H - 1) Local $nStBPtr = GetPointerAtRowPos($nStBits,$RowIndex) ; Move Ptr To First BYTE Of Row => $RowIndex Local $vStBPtr = GetPointerAtRowPos($vStBits,($RowIndex + $T)) + ($L * $RgbSize) ; Move Ptr To First BYTE Of Row => ($RowIndex + $T) ; + ($L * $RgbSize) Move PointerAtRowPos From left to right + ($L * $RgbSize) _MemMoveMemory($vStBPtr,$nStBPtr,($RgbSize * ($ColusCount - 1))) ;Size Of One Row In $nStBPtr Next Return $nStBits EndFunc Func GetBitmapBits($hbmp,$lpvBits,$cbBuffer) $BytesNu = DllCall("Gdi32.dll","LONG","GetBitmapBits","ptr" _ ,$hbmp,"LONG",$cbBuffer,"ptr",$lpvBits) if @error Or Not($BytesNu[0]) Then SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError(0,0,$BytesNu[0]) EndFunc Func GetPointerAtRowPos($StBits,$RowIndex) if Not IsDllStruct($StBits) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Local $ColusCount = DllStructGetData($StBits,"WIDTH") Local $RowsCount = DllStructGetData($StBits,"HEIGHT") If ($RowIndex < 0 Or $RowIndex > ($RowsCount -1)) Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Local $StBitsPtr = DllStructGetPtr($StBits,"RGBQUAD") Local $PointerAtRowPos = ($StBitsPtr + (($RowIndex * $ColusCount) * $RgbSize)) Return $PointerAtRowPos EndFunc Func GetImageSize($hBmp) Local $ntagBITMAPINFO = "DWORD biSize;LONG biWidth;LONG biHeight;USHORT biPlanes;" & _ "USHORT biBitCount;DWORD biCompression;DWORD biSizeImage;LONG biXPelsPerMeter;" & _ "LONG biYPelsPerMeter;DWORD biClrUsed;DWORD biClrImportant;BYTE RGBQUAD[4]" Local $vBITMAPINFO = DllStructCreate($ntagBITMAPINFO) DllStructSetData($vBITMAPINFO,"biSize",(DllStructGetSize($vBITMAPINFO) - $RgbSize)) Local $hDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC(0) if Not($hDC) Then _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hDC) Return SetError(1,0,0) EndIf $Return = _WinAPI_GetDIBits($hDC,$hBmp,0,0,0,DllStructGetPtr($vBITMAPINFO),0) if Not($Return) Then _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hDC) Return SetError(2,0,0) EndIf _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hDC) Local $biWidth = DllStructGetData($vBITMAPINFO,"biWidth") Local $biHeight = DllStructGetData($vBITMAPINFO,"biHeight") Local $SizeArray[2] $SizeArray[0] = $biWidth $SizeArray[1] = $biHeight Return $SizeArray EndFunc CallbackBinarySearch.au3 #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Memory.au3> #include <Color.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include "ASM_BinarySearch.au3" $Text = "" $SubText = "Autoit" For $i = 1 To 10000 $Text &= "1" Next $Text &= "Autoit" & "Autoit" & "Autoit" $Len1 = StringLen($Text) $Len2 = StringLen($SubText) $St1 = DllStructCreate("CHAR[" & $Len1 & "]") DllStructSetData($St1,1,$Text) $Ptr1 = DllStructGetPtr($St1) $St2 = DllStructCreate("CHAR[" & $Len2 & "]") DllStructSetData($St2,1,$SubText) $Ptr2 = DllStructGetPtr($St2) $Return = CallbackBinarySearch($Ptr1,$Ptr2,"CallbackFunc",$Len1,$Len2) MsgBox(0,"Return",$Return) Func CallbackFunc($FindPosition,$OffSetPosition,$DataPtr,$SubDataPtr,$DataPtrSize,$SubDataPtrSize) MsgBox(0,"OffSetPosition = " & $OffSetPosition ,"FindPosition = " & $FindPosition) Return 1 ;return ;0 ; Stop ;Other Ways : Continue EndFunc XBinarySearch.au3 #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Memory.au3> #include <Color.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include "ASM_BinarySearch.au3" $Text = "" $SubText = "Autoit" For $i = 1 To 10000 $Text &= "1" Next $Text &= "Autoit" & "Autoit" & "Autoit" $Len1 = StringLen($Text) $Len2 = StringLen($SubText) $St1 = DllStructCreate("CHAR[" & $Len1 & "]") DllStructSetData($St1,1,$Text) $Ptr1 = DllStructGetPtr($St1) $St2 = DllStructCreate("CHAR[" & $Len2 & "]") DllStructSetData($St2,1,$SubText) $Ptr2 = DllStructGetPtr($St2) $ReturnStruct = XBinarySearch($Ptr1,$Ptr2,$Len1,$Len2) For $i = 1 To DllStructGetData($ReturnStruct,"ArrayCount") $FindPosition = DllStructGetData($ReturnStruct,"PositionArray",$i) MsgBox(0,"Msg","FindPosition = " & $FindPosition) Next
  5. Hello, I decided to start a new project of a web browser. I saw someone already did a good job but I figured out a TAB MANAGEMENT System The latest AutoIt Web Browser, ARMAND ICYBLUE The search section in autoit forums offered me the answer from my question: CAN YOU MAKE A WEB BROWSER IN AUTOIT? So, I started up a new source, trying to improve from the old but the good, Gecko Web Browser. But, here's my question: Can someone who knows that can improve the current version of my web browser, enter my team and work together at the project? Here's the website of the project: Armand IcyBlue Official Website Here are some screenshots: Screenshots of Armand IcyBlue's development going along Here's of course, the download page: Download Page of Armand IcyBlue This web browser contains: Any help would be gratefully accepted. P.S.: Can't offer the web browser autoit code source for preventing stealing. Icons and images have been took from GECKO WEB BROWSER SOURCE. Thank you, -ProgrammerKid
  6. New Release: (beta 2) 17/02/2012 Minor bug fix, see change log +: Add/Ajout, -: Remove/Retrait, *:Modified/Modifié, !: Corrected/Corrigé === Version: == First public version === Version: == +: First launch configuration - Search for AutoIt path - Set file associations - Select language according to the system - Ask for SciTE window adaptation +: It is now possible to deactivate the SciTE window adaptation +: Search functionality +: When a file is not found in the Projects/Workspaces history, it is deleted from the list *: File are now opened using SciTE Director Extension (smoother and faster) *: When minimizing SPM while SciTE is minimized, SciTE is not maximized *: File extension .lng is no longer displayed in language selection *: When opening files from Explorer, the are all opened in the current runing SPM instance *: Current working directory is now always set as the last activated project !: When item is renamed, if the name is the same as the old one, so the project is not set as Modified !: A file is now correctly renamed (change icon, correctly sorted) === Version: === !: ShellNew file Template.auproj !: New files where created in bad folder New Release: 1.2 (beta 2) Here is the new version! lot of enhancements and bug corrections. As always, all suggestions and comments are very welcome! (See the link below for download) PS: 1.2 because iv got a testing version (1.1) that i compiled just for me. ---- Hi everybody! As a user of Programmer's Notepad, that i adapted to AutoIt, i really like it's Project Manager But, SciTE has got really usefull thing/tools related to AutoIt that i couldn't adapt to Programmer's Notepad. I suggested the devs to make a project manager to SciTE but no... So i made it my self, and here it is! Scite Project Manager is intended for who (like me!) like to divide his scripts into many script, each one related to a particulare aspect of the program you are making (Ex: a program can be splited into files like: gui.au3, database.au3, display.au3, events.au3 .....) A program can also have other files, like documentation, to do list, bugs list, change log.... With SPM (Scite Project Manager) all the paths to all those files is stored in a single file .auproj (AutoIt Project), and you have to do, is open this file, and you have all your project's in a simple TreeView, and you can rearange them in folders if you want!!! For example, SPM is made like this (many files, each one for a particular aspect of the program) It's simple and beautiful, fully functionnal and well integrated with SciTE. It's in beta test, and i'm searching for bugs and suggestions. Hope you like it, and why not, if it become enought stable, it will be added to the official SciTE4AutoIt!!! Project Page Bug Report Download
  7. Hello, iam interested in buying a autoit script. Please pm me your references. Iam a serious buyer, so i need a serious programmer. Dracil
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