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Found 19 results

  1. Hi, I'm failing to send Curl post command using AutoIT, basically I believe that the reason is having '!' special character in URL I would be glad for help ; Construct JSON data Local $jsonData = '{"exit_status": ' & $exitStatus & ', "plugin_output": "' & $pluginOutput & '"}' ; Send...
  2. Hi mates, well this is my first contribution. a simple UDF to use Virustotal API v2.0 The response return is not parsed|splitted. requires >WinHttp UDF Functions List: Update: Now a Only Function using a flags for respective mode. VT() Use respective flag($Type) VT(ByRef $aAPI, $Type, $sR...
  3. Ciao, This example reproduces the problem I encounter when sending a post request to an echo server. Instead of being sent as text utf8, the data is transmitted base64 encoded. Example: - json String: '{"firstName":"Jonathan","lastName":"Freeman","loginCount":4,"active": "yes","text":"...
  4. A little help here please !? I'm trying to parse a file but the function is not working well! i think there is some thind doing wrong at FileRead() Obs: username,password and API link below is fictitious ConsoleWrite(">POST METHOD UPLOADING LOCAL IMAGE<" & @CRLF) _PostMethodTest() Fu...
  5. I'm trying to get data from http://poe.trade/ - disclaimer, although this site is about a game, my script will not in any way interact directly with the game in any way. The script is just to get data from the site. To explain how it works - you submit a POST request and a custom URL is returne...
  6. Hi All i am currently trying to add a function to my project that can send SMS, i have gone with Twilio for the sms service that use a REST API. I have never worked with an API before, and could use some help. I can get my function working with using cURL.exe and copy past command fro...
  7. Hello there, could anyone advanced in WinHTTP tell me what am I missing please? #include "WinHttp.au3" #include <Array.au3> $sPic = "C:\Users\Source\Pictures\Capturex1.PNG" $sPic2 = "C:\Users\Source\Pictures\Capturex2.PNG" $hOpen = _WinHttpOpen() $hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, "https://m.fa...
  8. Hi everyone, I have a script that call this function again & again normaly Func CallAPI($amount, $target, $condition, $API_key) $oHTTP.Open("POST","https://HOST?api_key="&$API_key) $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader('content-type','application/json') $oHTTP.Send('{"amount":'&$amount&',"target":'&...
  9. Have this following input parameter(Complex list of inputs) that need to be SEND as part of HTTP POST Request. Have been searching forums to find an AutoIT equivalent to enapsulate the following data, but unsuccessful. Below given Working Code is failing with 400-Bad Request for obvious r...
  10. Create Postage Stamp from any images. Transparency is preserved around serrated edges for permit to paste stamp. Downloads are available in the download section Hope you like it ! Edit : The glue is not supplied with the stamp!
  11. Version 1.0.4


    Postage Stamp Builder
  12. Hello, I'm in the making of a script that needs to post XML data through HTTPS to our ServiceDesk Plus MSP service. I'm running into trouble because I have never made any scripts using HTTP with POST and I cannot see what I'm doing wrong here. Can someone help me or should I find help somewhere else...
  13. Dear AutoIt Community, I have checked some HTTP examples in the forums. So, I created a basic script as the following: $login = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") $sUsername = "ty" $sPassword = "AAbb11!!" Local $url = "" $login_packet = "username...
  14. So I have a bit of code where I'm sending a (very large) xml string via a POST command to a site. Except, I think it's timing out. Not quite sure, perhaps it's not, and I just have it written wrong? All I get in SCITE is Error in this kind of orange text (not the usual black). My responsetext an...
  15. I'm having a hard time trying to set a value in a specific JavaScript textarea... And I think, this is the right time.. Is it possible to set a value in the "Join the discussion…" textarea and simulate the mouse click of the "Post as {USERNAME}" button of the web page that have added a Disqus foru...
  16. I'm in the middle of converting somthing into autoit and I hit a snag.. dojo.rawXhrPost({ url: webServiceURL, handle: handler, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8", "cache-control": "no-cache" }, postData: this.BuildXMLString(), timeout: 0, sync: bSync }); Ahh, POST, my old...
  17. Hi All, Long time no post - the forum has changed a lot since I was last here! Hope you are all ok. Anyway, the reason I'm here is because I'm writing a program that needs to post a Tweet to a Twitter account. I am using the >Twitter UDF, which I have already adapted slightly so that once a user...
  18. Hi Guys, I'm trying to do a HTTP POST which would change a setting on my server. (details here, enable recordings etc.) When I use the full URL via a browser it works fine, when I use the script below, it fails. #include <http.au3> $Host = "" $Port = "5000" $File = "/ivr/PbxAPI.as...
  19. I was working on a solution for adamchapman on his topic here. I was able to make the option change quite easily, but downloading the file is a different story. AutoIt Code to change select option I reviewed the function tied to the change event. This same function is called when you click t...
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