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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I'm weak at mathematic, how to calculate blue point position? I only know red points positions, and arc degree: Can anybody write an example, function? Thanks!
  2. Hello, I need help, I have created couple small pictures(about 200) in one GUI, I need to move them fast about 1-5 pixels every picture somehow. There are only pictures in GUI, no other controls. I tried this, but it's too slow: Global Const $AC_SRC_ALPHA = 1 For $ii = 0 To $size For $iii = 0 To $size GUICtrlSetPos(_ArrayGet($data, $ii, $iii, 1), ControlGetPos($GUI, "", _ArrayGet($data, $ii, $iii, 1))[0] + 2, ControlGetPos($GUI, "", _ArrayGet($data, $ii, $iii, 1))[1] + 2) Next Next Func _ArrayGet(ByRef $aArray, $i1, $i2 = 0, $i3 = 0, $i4 = 0, $i5 = 0, $i6 = 0, $i7 = 0, $i8 = 0, $i9 = 0, $i10 = 0, $i11 = 0, $i12 = 0, $i13 = 0, $i14 = 0, $i15 = 0, $i16 = 0, $i17 = 0, $i18 = 0, $i19 = 0, $i20 = 0) ;Function made by ProgAndy Local $iDims = UBound($aArray, 0) #forceref $i1, $i2, $i3, $i4, $i5, $i6, $i7, $i8, $i9, $i10, $i11, $i12, $i13, $i14, $i15, $i16, $i17, $i18, $i19, $i20 Local $NULL If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1, 1, $NULL) Local $sAccess = "$aArray" For $i = 1 To $iDims Local $iIndex = Int(Eval("i" & $i)) If $iIndex >= UBound($aArray, $i) Then Return SetError(3, $i, $NULL) $sAccess &= '[' & $iIndex & ']' Next If @NumParams - 1 > $iDims Then For $i = $iDims - 1 To @NumParams $sAccess &= ", $i" & $i Next Local $vResult = Execute("_ArrayGet(" & $sAccess & ")") If @error Then SetError(@error, @extended + $iDims) Return $vResult Else Return Execute($sAccess) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ArrayGetI didn't wrote all script, becouse it's huge. It took about 1200 - 1600 milisecounds, I need that pictures would move much faster. It's possible to make it much faster, that it would took about 2-10 milisecounds? Thanks.
  3. Hi I have done quite an exstensive search on the forums and have not found what I need. I need to send POS patches to our stores. Each store does not have the same amount of tills. As a non programmer I have written a really newbie (which I am) ping program using the windows name of each POS.TillCount.au3. This gives me what POS's are online. I cannot get this script to write all but the first line to my text file. My MSGBOX works (and is there for testing only) and will pop up 2 MSGBOX , 1 for each till. (2 in this sample). I do not want anyone to write this for me I just need a push in the right direction. Please note in this example I have set the Result to 0 as I am testing on my laptop and is mot connected to any tills. Thanks Alistair
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